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Legacy Christian Academy Parents Invest Early in Academic Success
No shortage of scientific evidence supports the argument that children develop lifelong behaviors, attitudes and habits well before they graduate from grammar school. That's why more and more parents are investing early in their child's academic development.
"This school year broke enrollment records," says Tim Borruel, superintendent and founder of Legacy Christian Academy, "and we expect demand to continue to rise as Santa Clarita families commit themselves to helping their children thrive academically, emotionally and spiritually." The Valencia campus, which houses high-tech classrooms for their Kinder-through-eighth-grade student population, saw numbers swell to 425 for academic year 2015-16.
"We have moms and dads coming in for tours who say, 'I've been researching, and what I'm noticing is that the kids who are getting the scholarships and the acceptance letters to the best universities... they started rigorous academics at a young age. We want the same for our child.' And what we're able to do at Legacy is offer that, alongside a truly-fun community culture and one that also exalts Christ," says Legacy Co-founder Donna Borruel.
"With differentiated curriculum, a vast array of enrichment opportunities - Drama, Mandarin Chinese, Robotics, Art, Music, competitive sports - test scores that put the campus in the top 8 percent nationally, a recent Blue Ribbon Award from the Department of Education for excellence and so much more, we're seen as the Academy for accelerated academics," says Dr. Matthew Northrop, Legacy principal. "We're proud that so many of our graduates are going onto Ivy League and other top-tier universities and we're confident that this level of success has much to do with the strong character and academic foundation instilled in every Legacy student beginning in Kindergarten."
SCVi's Summer Learning Advice: Follow your Passion
Santa Clarita Valley International charter school offers simple summer advice for learners and their parents: Take advantage of the opportunity to engage with your world and pursue things that interest you. "You don't have to hit the books to avoid the 'summer slide,'" said Sara Brown, outreach coordinator for SCVi, founding campus of iLEAD Schools. "Our philosophy at SCVi and iLEAD Schools is to enable learners to follow their own individual passions as a gateway to lifelong learning."
SCVi's learners are encouraged to pursue summer programs and activities that are at once engaging and thought-provoking. "It could be a matter of pursuing something new. If you've always wanted to try playing the guitar, but haven't, then the summer is a great chance to take lessons," Brown said. "And you can turn a trip to the beach into an enriching experience, whether you are in a surfing lesson learning how to assess the patterns of the ocean or exploring tide pools and observing ocean life firsthand."
Whatever the endeavor, Brown said, SCVi encourages learners and their parents to work together to find summer activities and projects that are interesting and fun, and will keep the body and mind active. "Learning is fun," she said, "and there's no better time to prove that fact than summer time!"
www. ileadschools.org