SCV Education News
December, 2018 - Issue #171

"We have been a Legacy Christian Academy family for 10 years now and cannot be happier with our experience. Our children have the advantage of a strong academic foundation with Legacy's well-rounded curriculum, in a setting with highly-qualified and motivated teachers. The teachers provide an atmosphere conducive to learning at the highest level in a safe, nurturing and caring environment. Both the teachers and administrators demonstrate their love and care for our children on a daily basis and work to incorporate Christian beliefs, moral development, character building and self confidence into the overall learning experience at Legacy Christian Academy. We feel blessed to be a part of the Legacy family."
Daniel and Renee Leem
5 Must-sees During your
Legacy Christian Academy Tour

1. Check Out Discovery Hall
The all-new Discovery Hall is home to the Academy's Innovation and Science Labs. Both spaces have been recently created from the ground up to fuse today's top technology with proven systems that provide children with hands-on opportunities to not just "learn" but "do." Check out the professional-grade lab accessories, terrariums and aquariums, write-on walls and collection of robotics equipment.

2. Get a Sense for Safety
When you arrive to the closed Valencia campus, you'll notice the pass-coded entry, complete with mirrored film that prevents you from seeing inside. Walk in and you'll be greeted by front-office staff who will warmly assist you in scanning your driver's license, a mini background check that is performed each time an adult is granted access to the school. You'll meet the armed guard who walks the halls when children are present and notice the high-tech security cams that cover every corner. This is a place where parents, and their kids, feel extra safe.

3. Go to the Head of the Class
If your tour is during school hours, you'll want to pop into a class to witness how Legacy's small-group instruction methods provide kids with a more individualized learning experience. Children rotate from station to station in intimate groups of kids at similar levels, working with their teacher, assistant teacher and individually to master material.

4. Look at the Library
The massive collection of reading material is instantly obvious, but what's truly distinctive about Legacy's library is what happens inside of it. Legacy's librarian connects kids to books they'll love, plays games to build library skills and celebrates students who've made outstanding progress toward their Accelerated Reader goals. Book fairs, VIP Day book adoptions, Read Across America week, Family Reading Night and so much more also are rooted in this special space.

5. The Artificial Turf Athletic Field
Legacy is a founding member of the Santa Clarita Athletic Independent League and participates in nearly two dozen different competitive league divisions. The Academy's winning record can be attributed to dedicated coaches - and quality play and practice space. Legacy's gorgeous artificial-turf field is where student athletes learn teamwork, sportsmanship, integrity... and real athletic skills that will improve their chances of competitive success in high school and beyond.
Legacy Christian Academy 257-7377

Begin your Promise for a Better Future Today
The most valuable gift you can give your child is the promise of the best possible future. How do you do that? By giving them all the tools they need to grow in mind, body and spirit. Send them to a preschool that will not only get them ready for the world of academics, but instill a love of learning that will last a lifetime, all while surrounding them with the warmth and comfort of safety, love and encouragement. Here, they'll discover their first friendships that can last a lifetime, too.

Taking the time to find the perfect preschool is a gift you shouldn't put off until later. It's time to tour! See classrooms filled with colorful toys that engage the senses and teachers with years of experience and a genuine warmth and love for kids. At CBS Preschool, you'll observe the Two-year-old Class led by Teacher Robin, who brings out not only smiles, but cooperative behaviors you won't believe your little one is already capable of. Witness the remarkable Pre-K program led by Teacher Jillian, who continually updates her education on the latest pedagogical research in order to create a uniquely-diverse environment, drawing on the best parts of each type of learning model. If you are lucky and the timing is right, you may just catch a glimpse of some happy, flushed faces on the yard, calling to friends, laughing or singing. That's the clearest proof of all that CBS Preschool is the ideal place to gift your child with the best educational start.
Congregation Beth Shalom Preschool 254-2411

Chaminade College Preparatory School Offers a
Distinct Educational Experience

Chaminade, a coeducational Catholic school, serving more than 2,000 students in grades sixth through 12, inspires young people to love, learn and lead through the Catholic and Marianist traditions of a living faith, academic excellence, and moral responsibility. Chaminade's graduates are prepared, inspired and equipped to share God's love by caring for others and seeking justice and peace; learning, adapting and growing with the world around them; and becoming servant leaders and positive contributors to society.

Chaminade's unique seven-year learning experience offers a rigorous academic curriculum and diverse extracurricular activities. Students are actively engaged in their learning through a curriculum that emphasizes student-centered learning. Chaminade issues tablet PCs to all students, and course content is delivered relevantly and interactively, enabling students to take an active role in their learning. Project-based learning and the use of their one-to-one tablet-based technology facilitates collaboration among students, too. Chaminade offers the AP Capstone Program, an innovative and engaging college-level two-year program for high school students that complements and enhances discipline-specific AP courses.

Sunday | December 2
Chaminade Open House

Discover more about the middle school (818-363-8127) from 10am to 12:30pm and high school (818-347-8300) from 1pm to 3:30pm.

Don't Miss School for the Dentist
"I'm a mom, so I know what a pain it is to check your child in and out of class for a routine dental appointment, find out what they missed while they were gone and then catch up on the work," says Becky Short, manager of Dr. Marvin Tong, DDS's dental practice in Valencia. "When we opened our new office, I had one demand on behalf of every SCV parent: convenient Saturday appointments!" Dental benefits usually expire on December 31, so now's the time to book those last-minute cleanings and check ups. If you don't use it, you lose it!
Dr. Marvin Tong, DDS 268-6284
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