SCV Education News
May, 2019 - Issue #176

Good Dental Health is Vital to a Child's Education
Kids can't learn if they aren't in school, which is just one more reason to ensure that your child's dental health routine is well established. According to a groundbreaking study using The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), over 1.5 million school days are lost annually to dental problems in children. 5 million days of restricted activity were also logged, as well as 1.6 million days in bed. The study was limited to dental problems, like infection. Routine checkups, for example, were excluded in the findings. What does this data tell us? Too often, children are missing out on vital education hours because of dental issues - many of which are avoidable with good home and office care.
Santa Clarita Children's Dental 735-1500
Kindergarten: Securing the very Best Beginning for your Child
Kindergarten round ups are taking place all across the valley, with many parents presuming that their local public school is the only option available to their children. "In Santa Clarita, families are lucky to have options including a national-award-winning private school, charter schools and homeschool support," says local education expert Matt Millett, head of school at Legacy Christian Academy. "That's why I encourage parents to ask good questions that will help illuminate the difference between programs so they can find the best fit." These questions include:
What is the teacher-to-student ratio? In California, law dictates that Kindergarten classes can't be larger than 33 students in public schools, though numbers can vary widely across the state. "We know from extensive research that small class sizes are integral to student success at every grade, but especially with our youngest children, who need more one-on-one interactions for social, emotional and cognitive development." Legacy's Kinder classes are usually a 13 or 14:1 ratio. "With our class rotation, students work with even smaller teacher:student groups. I can't emphasize enough how big of an impact class size can have on a young child's ability to learn, feel safe and fall in love with school."
Will my child have foreign-language education? "The earlier new languages are introduced, the more likely they are to be learned," says Millett, "but even more important than foreign language mastery is the neurological pathways a second language education can open for young children. That's why Legacy students begin learning Spanish in Kindergarten. Legacy also offers Mandarin classes."
What STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) opportunities are available for my young learner? "Is a science textbook pulled out at the end of class a few times a week, or are there consistent hands-on opportunities to engage in higher-level scientific thought?" asks Millett. "Children are innately scientists - they are excellent at observation and asking questions, the backbones of scientific inquiry. When you give them the tools, like differentiated STEAM curriculum, programming and resources like our new Innovation Lab, Science Lab and Discovery Hall, you are giving them the best chance to know their world, practice critical thinking and become passionate about solving the world's most pressing concerns."
What measures are taken to ensure my child's safety while on campus? "Parents need to ask if the campus is open or closed, and what that 'looks like' in practice," explains Millett. "Are there cameras in the classrooms, hallways and exteriors? Is there a security guard? Bullet-proof surfaces? Background checks? How is the staff trained for the unexpected? It's a tough thing to talk about, but in the case of emergencies, you want to know now so you can determine your comfort level with your potential campus's protocols and resources."
Legacy Christian Academy offers personalized tours year round and is currently enrolling Kindergarten. 257-7377