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The Intangibles Magical Elements that make a School "Home"
Do the math.
Once your child is old enough to be in school, they'll spend about 1,000 hours a year at their "home away from home." "Parents realize that they're not just choosing a school exclusively on curriculum or enrichment; a big part of the decision-making process is evaluating the campus community and deciding if the culture is a plus for their family - if their child will feel supported, cared for and happy there," says Matt Millett, a local education expert and head of school at Legacy Christian Academy. Here are three questions to consider when determining how comfortable your child may feel on their new campus.
Is there intentional, consistent practice in character education - and consequences for poor behavior?
The best campuses will show off distinctive curriculum and specialized learning spaces, but not every preferred program has character education to match - and that can make a big difference in how your child perceives their learning environment. "Character education has to be a planned part of the curriculum," says Millett. "At Legacy, we also share a Biblical perspective with students, using God's teachings about how to be a good person to guide students towards more ethical behaviors on campus and off." And, because no child will feel at home on campus if they are being bullied, make sure your potential program has a clear plan with how to deal with conflicts."Conflict management is a big part of our character education at Legacy," shares Millett. "Our intention is to prevent problems before they start."
Does the school provide opportunities for community building?
You might not want to attend every event, says Millett, but having social and enrichment opportunities the whole family can participate in can help children better manage the transition between school and home life. "Parents want their kids to feel like school is a home away from home. The more they are on campus during off hours at STEAM fairs, food-truck nights, plays and performances - and sharing that experience with their family, the more they feel safe and at home at their school," explains Millett.
What kind of alumni support does the campus provide?
Do former students still feel welcome on campus for continued mentorship? Are their events for alumni that encourage reconnection and collaboration? Are alumni and their families happily and actively engaged in the school post graduation? Do alumni serve as resources and inspiration for current students? A thriving alumni community benefits your learner both when they are enrolled and after, ensuring that the "home" paradigm doesn't disappear after diploma is in hand. "Our alumni return to campus all the time for a variety of reasons - to volunteer, get advice, walk down memory lane. We love seeing them and they always leave feeling good about themselves and their time here," says Millett.
Legacy Christian Academy offers an accelerated-curriculum education for grades Kindergarten through eighth. Personalized tours can be scheduled by calling. 257-7377
Special Needs Dental Care Q & A
What types of special needs might be addressed by specialized dental care?
Some dentists are specially trained to treat any child with a special need, including those with developmental and cognitive delays, anxiety, physical impairments, sensory disorders and emotional trauma.
Will my special needs child feel comfortable in the dentist's chair?
To ease any concerns you may have when bringing your child to the dentist, you can set up a pre-appointment to see the office and meet the dentists and staff to discuss your child's specific health and dental needs.
Are there specific dental-health concerns for special needs children?
Good health includes not only the body but the teeth, too. And as a parent with a special-needs child, you have a lot on your plate when it comes to managing health. Specially-trained dentists can help you understand your child's individual oral health needs. Specific oral health concerns for special needs children include delayed tooth eruption; overcrowding; misalignment; and cavities. Specific health issues, including immune and connective tissue disorders and medicines may interfere with the health of your child's teeth. As such, it's crucial that you tell your child's dentist whether your child has any of those conditions.
Santa Clarita Children's Dental 735-1500