SCV Education News
December, 2019 - Issue #183
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iLead Meets Learners & Families Where they're At
iLEAD Schools maintain a unique emphasis on using methods that foster learners' social-emotional development. A cornerstone of SCVi's educational philosophy involves project-based learning, an innovative, research-based method of instruction that requires students to tackle deeply-engaging projects about real-world issues.
Want to know more about SCVi? Here are a few more reasons to check out the school.
Individualized Learning Plans Whether your child needs extra help or is advanced, they will engage your student where they are and guide their academic achievement even further than you might imagine.
Entrepreneur & Internship Opportunities Our young people are creating and developing new businesses and strategies, using their 21st-century skills today - not waiting until they have graduated to start changing the world.
Options Not all families are the same, and not all learners are the same. SCVi offers a variety of individualized learning options, from home study to hybrid learning programs, online classes and concurrent enrollment at College of the Canyons. Whatever your Learner's needs are, they can be met at SCVi!
Sign up for a tour today.

When Choosing a School for your Child, Character Counts
Most parents know how to measure the quality of a school by test scores, national awards, WASC accreditations and the like - fewer pay close attention to the harder-to-measure elements that can make a school shine.
But close followers of educational conversations recognize character building as an essential element in a quality education. Author William J. Bennett, in his book, "The Educated Child," writes: "Good character education means cultivating virtues through the formation of good habits." Bennett knew a thing or two about education - he was the Secretary of Education from 1985 to 1988 under President Ronald Reagan.
So what does the "cultivation of virtues" through "good habits" look like - and why does it matter? Donna Borruel, Legacy Christian Academy co-founder and director of education emeritus, has spent over 36 years innovating character education in Santa Clarita schools. "Children inherently want to do good and be good," says Borruel. "But like any other skill, they need to be taught. We don't presume a small child can learn to tie their shoes without guidance and practice. Why would we assume that they don't need engaged character education to become kind, positive contributors to society?"
"At Legacy, character education is part of our curriculum," says Head of School Matt Millett. "And it's spread throughout our differentiated instruction. A Legacy student learns about honesty when they're discovering how to accurately record data in Science Lab. They learn persistence with their Math teacher, as they're guided to stick with a problem until they find the correct answer. Our Men of Character programming introduces them to heroes of history, many whom had to make tough decisions to do the right thing. We build character education into every subject with great intention."
At Legacy, students are recognized for good character with the new Chief Encouragement Officer (CEO) program. "Legacy students learn how to encourage others with words and actions," says Associate Head of School - Activities and Spiritual Life Garrick Moss. "Our Bible-based character education is reinforced during weekly Chapel - but also every day on the playground and in every classroom. We teach conflict management, communication skills and bullying avoidance so that every Legacy child feels welcome, happy and safe - and they bring those skills home. It changes the way kids interact with siblings and parents, too."
Quality character education goes beyond interpersonal relationships, though. Says Stacie Zorichak, associate head of school - academics: "Legacy students are great givers, not only to each other but to their global community. They support our sister school, Legacy Uganda, with donations, letters and service. Locally, they work with animal shelters, homeless organizations and more to improve the lives of their neighbors. Through character education, they understand and act on their obligation to do good in the world."
Learn more about character education during a private tour. Legacy Christian Academy 257-7377
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