SCV Education News
January, 2020 - Issue #184
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"Legacy has been a family for us for the past 16 years. Legacy's program prepared my kids for accelerated academics - and for life, but Legacy isn't just about academics. It also has taught my children many life skills that are not taught in public school today. They learned patience, kindness, love, respect, discipline, character, how to publicly speak, how to stand up for your beliefs, how to be a good friend, how to persevere through life's challenges... My list could go on! Legacy is an institution that cares about each person that walks through their doors - from teachers to administrators, parents and family. It is a home. There is love and kindness found in Legacy, something that is hard to find in today's world. Legacy is a Christian-based school; my husband and I were not Christians when we started, but over time we were able to experience Jesus's love through people at Legacy. Legacy gave my kids an understanding of Christianity and taught them apologetics and how to defend their faith in the real world. I could not speak more highly of the education and experience my children and family have received at Legacy. We are a lifelong Legacy alumni family and will miss Legacy tremendously!"
Tom, Shelley, Rachel, Sarah & Nathan Melvin

When Choosing a School, Consider
Every Sort of Safety

With so much talk nationally about school safety, it can seem like the only sort of "safe" that matters is of the physical variety. But for children to truly thrive, they need to feel safe academically and socially, too.

Socio-emotionally Safe
"There's a bully in every classroom," is a common refrain - but it doesn't have to be that way. Bullying and exclusion is consistently correlated with low self esteem, poor grades and even suicidal thoughts in children. Choose a campus that creates a culture of inclusion, empathy and peer-to-peer encouragement where bullies can't thrive. "Legacy's Christian culture encourages a deep love for each other - we are our brother's keeper," says Associate Head of School Garrick Moss. "And programs like 'CEO' - where children are recognized for being Chief Encouragement Officers - place a vital emphasis on positive socio-emotional relationships, as does our problem-solving education, which prevents conflict escalation."

Physically Safe
The world can be a dangerous place - but children shouldn't live in fear. Recent studies show that today's regular safety drills can actually cause, instead of alleviate, anxiety in children. So, how to keep kids safe at school while also letting them enjoy a childhood unmarred by constant worry? "Legacy is a closed campus, protected by a passcoded door, bullet-resistant surfaces, an armed guard and much more. Children and parents are confident in our elevated security measures, so they drift into the background, allowing the learner's focus to remain on school - not safety concerns," says Head of School Matt Millett.

Academically Safe
Children need to feel supported and safe when taking risks - and engaging in accelerated academics requires creative, outside-the-box thinking... risk taking! "Legacy's STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) education is heavily rooted in trial and error. Our learners understand that every 'wrong' answer gets them closer to the right one - and that carries over to every subject. This is a place where it's safe to make mistakes," explains Ryan Anthony, Legacy's middle school dean of students.
Legacy Christian Academy, a K-through-eighth private school, is now enrolling for the 2020-21 school year. Custom tours are now available. 257-7377

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courtesy of shutterstock
Invisalign's Clear Alternative to Braces
Builds Confidence at School

No more embarrassing braces! Over 2 million patients are smiling with confidence thanks to Invisalign. Without brackets or wires, Invisalign takes a modern approach to teeth straightening and is virtually invisible. Developed with orthodontists, Invisalign is a virtually-invisible solution, so your teen can smile confidently both during treatment and after. Using a series of clear, removable aligners, Invisalign gradually moves teeth toward a smile they've always wanted. And, almost no one will know they're wearing them unless they tell them.

Invisalign treatment is comfortable to wear and easy to live with. Users visit their orthodontist every month or two to check progression and get new aligners. Average treatment time is about 18 months. Because the aligners are removable, your teen can continue to eat favorite foods with their friends - and they can brush and floss normally to keep teeth and gums healthy. Many people incorrectly believe that Invisalign is only effective in treating minor teeth straightening issues. But the fact is, Invisalign successfully treats patients with moderate and severe conditions, including: crowding, spacing, overbite, under bite, deep bite, open bite and more.
Dr. Gilbert Snow and Dr. Daniel Azani are Diamond+ Providers of Invisalign, which means they're in the top 1 percent in the world providing Invisalign treatment. Snow Orthodontics 799-0775

STEM-friendly Code-a-Bot
After-school Enrichment Now Available at GlowHouse
New after-school enrichment classes begin in January at GlowHouse Gaming - and your kids are going to want in! For younger children and teens, beginner to advanced, Code-a-Bot using AI and robotics with Sphero BOLT will help your student grow comfortable with today's advanced technology. Sphero BOLT is more than a computer - it's a hip, cool, code-driven robot that rocks, rolls and lights its way through mazes and over obstacles. Want your child to have a leg up on STEM education - and have fun, too? Check this out!
Learn more and register at GlowHouse Gaming in Valencia.

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courtesy of shutterstock

Don't Miss FUDGE Day at CBS Preschool
At CBS Preschool, "FUDGE" stands for "Fathers, Uncles, Dads, Grandpas, Everyone." Their FUDGE Day is when all of the important men in their children's lives come and spend the morning at school with their children. Their fun includes circle time, arts and crafts, building with blocks, story time and making new friends.

After classroom time, the men and children reconnect up with moms, siblings, grandparents and friends outside for the Trike-a-thon in the parking lot. Pedaling scooters and bikes can wear you out! The children are then treated to a piece of homemade fudge. Every Trike-a-Thon participant earns a medal and photo to take home, too.

Preschool shouldn't be all about formal academics - young children learn about the world around them, and their place in it, via fun relationship-building activities like FUDGE Day.
Contact Director Carol at CBS Preschool for more information. 254-2411
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