SCV Education News
February, 2021 - Issue #196
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Legacy Christian Academy Announces New STEAM Wing to be Completed in 2021
Legacy's accelerated academics, coupled with Christ-like character education, has put the Kinder-through-eighth academy on the radar of parents and educators for years. Often affectionately referred to as "Legacy Tech," a major draw is the private school's commitment to giving learners full access to today's best classroom and educational technology.
The Discovery Wing, which already houses Legacy's dedicated Innovation and Science Labs, as well as Discovery Hall, has been a jewel in the Valencia campus's STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) crown. "We've hosted state- and nationally-elected officials, regional education experts and prestigious international accreditation committees. They all have told us that having this level of technology and resources available to students in elementary and middle school is nearly unheard of," shares Legacy's Head of School Matt Millett.
But state-of-the-art lab materials and high-tech classrooms alone don't create a globally-competitive educational experience. "Tools are only as good as the person using them. That's why Legacy performs extensive searches for teachers who have invested in continuing education and have displayed innovative classroom practices that excite young minds," explains Millett. "Our STEAM team of educators have years of experience teaching AP and even college courses - and a passion for teaching STEAM to younger learners."
Legacy's STEAM team will soon have one more resource at their disposal: two new learning environments that will include an expanded area for a longtime key Legacy enrichment - art. One lab space will be reserved for the Traditional Arts, like painting, drawing and sculpture. The second space will be outfitted for the Digital Arts, including architecture, sketching, digital photography, LCA, video production, sound recording and audio tech.
Some might wonder why Art is such an integral part of STEM education; the "A" is a more-recent addition to the pedagogical conversation. "We have embraced the STEAM philosophy because we see the results of meaningful art enrichment every day," says Millett. "Art not only promotes discovery and creative thinking, but allows our learners to develop greater conceptual thinking skills and gives them a chance to practice analyzing and evaluating information in new ways. Refined art skills help learners better communicate their ideas, too."
Legacy Christian Academy 257-7377
Flexible Educational Opportunities are a Cornerstone of iLEAD Exploration
iLEAD Exploration is an independent-study, tuition-free WASC-accredited public charter school serving grades TK to 12 in the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Kern, Ventura and San Bernardino.
The school provides educational services through credentialed-teacher oversight that is personalized for each student. Learners and their families often choose iLEAD Exploration because they offer the flexibility for learners to dedicate time to their unique passions, explore personalized learning opportunities and focus on their emotional and physical health.
Their caring, fully-credentialed teaching staff continuously develops programs to support the whole learner. Through a variety of course delivery methods, students can match their educational goals to their learning style using online, classroom, self-study, small group and one-on-one options.
iLEAD Exploration also values community, providing opportunities to foster friendships through a variety of field studies, service projects, webinars, park days and parent gatherings. Explore this program more by logging on.
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"As A FAMILY PRACTICE, our office is always excited to celebrate National Children's Dental Health Month. This year's theme - 'Water, Nature's Drink!' - reminds us to avoid sugary, artificial beverages as adults so that we can model better choices to our kids. It's also a good opportunity to encourage our children to choose water not just for their ORAL HEALTH, but to reduce risk of obesity and other health conditions."
Dr. Marvin Tong, DDS 268-6284
February is National Children's Dental Health Month
"Water, Nature's Drink!" Campaign Highlights Benefits of H2O
The American Dental Association's month-long national health observance each February brings together thousands of dedicated dental professionals, healthcare providers and others to promote the benefits of good oral health to children and adults, caregivers, teachers and many others.
This year's NCDHM campaign slogan, "Water, Nature's Drink!" might be the 2021 theme, but this tradition goes back 80 years. National Children's Dental Health observances began with a one-day event in Cleveland, Ohio and a one-week event in Akron, Ohio during February 1941.
NCDHM messages reach millions of people in communities across the country and at numerous armed-service bases. It's all with children's health in mind! Attitudes and habits established at an early age are critical in maintaining good oral health throughout life. By participating in the annual celebration of National Children's Dental Health Month, members of the dental team, parents, teachers and others can help keep children's smiles beautiful now and for years to come.
Want to join in the healthy fun? Log onto for coloring sheets, mazes, crossword puzzles and more.
How to Encourage your Children to Drink More Water
Teach kids to identify thirst, which is often mistaken for hunger. "Are you hungry, thirsty or both?" is a question to ask younger children.
Model good water consumption as you enjoy the "most important meal of the day." First thing in the morning is a great time to hydrate up, since your body's probably gone six or more hours without water.
Let them pick out water bottles with their favorite characters - they'll want to keep their new "Mickey" or "Marvel" bottle close at hand! Teens may benefit from the purchase of on-trend water bottle brands like S'Well or Hydro Flask.
Set timed reminders on their devices - and yours! A glug every hour should help you reach your water goals.
The Great Books & a Classical Education
At a Classical school, students actively engage with the ideas of the past and present - not just reading about them, but evaluating them, tracing their development and comparing them to other philosophies and opinions.
There's a very practical way to engage in this conversation of ideas: Read, talk about and write about the Great Books.
This Classical goal provides a greater understanding of our own civilization, country and place in time, stemming from an understanding of what has come before us.
The student who has read Aristotle and Plato on human freedom, Thomas Jefferson on liberty, Frederick Douglass on slavery and Martin Luther King on civil rights will read Toni Morrison's "Beloved" with an understanding denied to the student who comes to the book without any knowledge of its roots.
We must seek what is most worthy in the works of both the past and the present. Henry David Thoreau might have said it best, when he remarked, "Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read them at all."
Trinity Classical Academy 296-2601