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What You Need to Know About Applying to Canyons Promise
The College of the Canyons Canyons Promise' program is now accepting applications for the 2021-22 year. Launched during the fall 2017 semester, the program provides increased opportunities for first-time college students with plans to attend college full-time. The program helps students to achieve their educational goals by paying tuition and fees during their first year of study. Students who maintain the program's requirements may have their Promise benefits extended to their second year.
"At its core, Canyons Promise is dedicated to the academic, career and personal success of its students," said Jasmine Ruys, assistant superintendent/vice president, student services at the college. "Our team has created a community in which our Canyons Promise students can feel at home, have easy access to resources and are never too far from help when they need it."
To be eligible, a student must be a California resident or AB 540-eligible student and a first-time college student. As a first step, students must submit summer and fall 2021 college enrollment applications. Upon completion, applicants will receive a sign-up link via e-mail. After signing up for Canyons Promise, students must complete all items found on the new student checklist, including the completion of a FAFSA or California Dream Act application, by May 1, 2021. Aside from offering waived tuition, the program provides students with high-touch student support and ongoing academic and career counseling to ensure they remain on their academic path. It also leverages the many resources available to students across the college to promote student success.To that end, students accepted into the program must fulfill the program's summer commitments, which include the completion of two Summer College Skills courses, a Promise Orientation and a College Welcome Day. This series of summer requirements will provide students with timely information and the relevant skills needed to transition successfully into college. The Canyons Promise team urges interested students to sign up and complete all necessary steps early to ensure deadlines are met.
Why we Need the "A" in STEAM
The acronyms STEM and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) are elevated terms in the world of education - but what's the difference? It's all in the "A" - STEAM, in contrast with STEM, places measurable emphasis on Art.
Explains Legacy Christian Academy's art instructor Christine Harris: "True success and innovation in STEAM-related fields requires the time and space to go through the Idea Generating Process - a standard practice in quality Art education."
And there's nowhere like Legacy's two dedicated art spaces to begin cultivating a child's critical and creative thinking skills.
"In my art studio," explains Harris, "we begin with divergent thinking, where students generate as many solutions as possible. Learners explore, play, ask questions, ruminate on their ideas and collaborate to see what more they can discover. Only after that process has been exhausted do they then begin to refine and 'sculpt' the fine details and begin the process of convergent thinking."
It's a process that blends seamlessly with STEAM curriculum in other courses. "Encouraging our children to work within the realm of the arts gives rise to more innovative thinking in all of the other disciplines," shares Harris. "Providing the tools, space and direction to inspire a STEAM way of thinking allows learners to creatively envision solutions across the board."
While STEAM is a hot topic of conversation in nearly every school, not all STEAM programs are created equal. "A good STEAM program is one that is not rushed or demanding of immediate results, but allows for the joy of exploration and investigation," opines Harris.
But there are other reasons that Art proponents are lobbying diligently for inclusion in STEM programming - especially through the lens of effective communication. "It's important for students to learn drawing skills just as one would work hard at the discipline of learning another language," says Harris. "Words do not suffice when it comes to blueprints, isometric renderings and the built world. Spatial thinking and being able to envision something in your mind and then being able to communicate on paper - or screens - to others is an essential communication skill."
Legacy Christian Academy 257-7377
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How to Tell What is True
In an era of disinformation and censorship in our public discourse, how are students to discern what is true?
In order to prepare children to confront this world today, one of the most important things we can do is give them a firm grasp of logical thinking skills. It is the ability to reason correctly that anchors a person's thinking and gives them the ability to determine what is legitimate and what is untrue. Logic has its grounding in language and is the skill of critical and correct thinking and conceptual development. It is the art and science of reasoning well.
At Trinity Classical Academy, logic is taught throughout all grade levels and formal logic is taught in eighth grade. Proper use of reason allows us not only to form rational statements but to also understand the statements of others.
Logical fallacies are everywhere in our world. We study logical fallacies - bad arguments resulting from common mistakes in logic - in order to critically reason through the arguments of others and discern what is true and right. Logic equips us to understand our beliefs and give a proper defense of what we believe.
Students who are trained to think critically and logically will recognize the fallacies of others as well as their own. Logic saves us from merely regurgitating information and gives one the freedom to think for ourselves.
Trinity Classical Academy 296-2601
Tuition-free Project-based Learning for TK to 12th Grades
When you partner with SCVi Charter School for your child's education, the possibilities are endless. That is the unique philosophy behind individualized project-based learning. With a 13-year track record of giving each child boundless opportunities to think critically and imagine freely, SCVi will empower your student with the skills to pursue their dreams, starting now.
That's what makes SCVi so unique: Learners aren't just preparing to enter the real world; they are solving problems in the real world today, using project-based learning to uncover out-of-the-box solutions. Partnering with SCVi means your child will have a team of fully credentialed teachers that meet your child's endless potential and work with the learner and you, the family, to realize all they can be. They do so by offering a customized program built around your child's unique interests and strengths, empowering TK-to-12th-grade learners to make their mark on the world. To learn more about SCVi Charter School's tuition-free TK-12th grade learning environment, log on.
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How to Avoid the "Overwhelm" with (Some) Kids Back in School
by Kristen Jensen
Simple behavior modifications can make your too-busy schedule more manageable. Use them, teach them, model them - because we could all use more calm. Structure and organization within our daily routine provide consistency and reassurance in an increasingly-uncertain world. Here's how to battle back that sense of overwhelm.
Organization goes a long way.
Identify where you can spend a little time now to save even more time later. Setting out clothing with the kids the day before school, prepping meals in bulk ahead of time, making exercise an important appointment and committing to set aside time to relax are just some ways to get the most out of your calendar and phone alarms. Find a system that works and stick with it.
Wake up 30 minutes earlier.
Turn off the TV earlier at night, roll out of bed earlier in the day and stop beginning each morning with the feeling that you're already behind - it'll make a huge difference in your mindset. My advice: Exercise first! It'll wake you up and it'll boost those happy endorphins. Leaving exercise to "later" likely means you won't get to it. Review your schedule for the day.
Be smart about your time.
Set aside time on the weekend to plan your schedule for the upcoming week. I make a general monthly schedule and then fill in the details and logistics weekly, as those tend to change. Using a technique called block scheduling works well for me - there are lots of online tutorials!
Use technology to reduce emotional and invisible labor.
"Oh, I can't forget to send that birthday card!" "We're out of mustard." "When do I need to call to confirm that appointment again?" If it's on your mind, it needs to be on your tablet, in your phone or set as an alarm. Letting to-do's linger in the back of your mind feeds your sense of overwhelm, stress and worry. If it's a quick task and you're not in the middle of something else, take care of it now so that you can stop thinking about it. Otherwise, schedule a fast tech reminder and take care of it when it's appropriate to do so.
Complete what you have started.
You'll save time when you make time to do it all, all at once. Once you start a task, do not stop until it is complete. Pausing to start a second or third activity, and going back and forth between them, takes much longer than simply focusing and finishing up what you have started. If you're dreading the "do," do it first and finish it so that you can mentally move on to whatever's next.
Say no.
If your schedule does not allow for something, simply decline - no excuse necessary. Being selective with your time is good for you and teaches your children, through modeling, to prioritize their mental, physical and emotional health, too.
Multitask when it makes sense.
Listen to personal-development books and funny podcasts that raise your spirits during commutes or workouts to make the most of your time. If you have your kids with you during commutes, take the opportunity to connect or hear about their day. Ask open-ended questions and really listen.
Stay connected.
Backyard date nights, scheduled after the kids go to sleep, are one of my favorite ways to connect with my husband. My friend has "Girls Night" with her tween every Wednesday - no matter what. Prioritize your relationships and get them on the schedule in permanent ink.
Kristen Jensen, MS, BCBA, is a SCV resident, board-certified behavior analyst and wife of a local firefighter at Station 104.
Teach Kids to Reach for Teeth-friendly Treats
Everyone deserves a treat now and then - and there are ways to enjoy something sweet without risking your oral health.
Reach for chocolate especially dark chocolate - before sticky candy like gummies and carmels, which can adhere to the surface of your child's teeth.
Sip on water while you nosh on your treat to prevent acidic build up - then give your mouth a good swish with H2O when you're done nibbling.
Brush and floss at your first opportunity.
Choose naturally-sweetened options that are made with teeth-friendly sweeteners like stevia and erythritol, a sugar alcohol. Treats like Zollipops and Zaffi Taffy are tasty - and they're sugar free.
Dr. Marvin Tong, DDS 268-6284