SCV Education News
May, 2021 - Issue #199
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Legacy Students Speak with Confidence & Skill
Public speaking is an integral skill for success in school, business - and life. Since Greco-Roman times, it's been considered an essential ability for full participation in a democracy.
At Legacy Christian Academy, this classic concept is refined - with LCA's modern tech twist. "Our students begin learning and applying our public-speaking rubric in Kindergarten," explains Legacy Head of School and local education expert Matt Millett. "As they grow in skill and age, our educators work together to create speaking and research projects that address rhetorical skills, research acumen and tech abilities. For example, our third graders learn and use Google Slides in Computer class as part of their report presentation on a historical figure."
Being able to make great eye contact, use good vocal variety, avoid distracting movements and other cornerstones of effective speech making - coupled with the utilization of high-tech digital presentation components - are only part of the educational equation. "Legacy students learn early on how to support their findings with evidence. Their confidence is boosted by having a strong knowledge base on their selected topics and they're well versed in the ethics of public speaking, which is an extension of the character traits and Christian worldview embedded in our campus culture," explains Stacie Zorichak, Legacy's associate head of school - academic.
The multi-faceted approach results in students taking on big research and speaking roles with confidence. "Every year, we have a big public speaking project, we participate in the Christmas productions - and we're always encouraged to talk in front of class and in our groups. In our US History class this month, we did a mock trial of Andrew Jackson. I was selected as a prosecutor. Two other girls and I worked together and did a ton of research and preparation. Yes, I was nervous, but I was able to speak without being awkward or stumbling over my words. All the little things we do at Legacy to prepare help. I feel confident that I can communicate well and be assertive in raising my hand in class and being successful in high school!" explains Isabelle Owston, Legacy eighth grader.
Legacy Christian Academy 257-7377

Students Stand Out with iLEAD's High School Program
To stand out is to attract attention, either for the way you look or behave, or because you perform better at something than other people do. When standing out to a college, this used to involve having the highest test scores and an unimaginable GPA. iLEAD Exploration's high school team is dedicated to serving its diverse student population in creative ways that make its learners stand out. Through research-based practices, the iLEAD Exploration team knows that standing out to colleges now involves a carefully-crafted, well-rounded portfolio of passion-based interests and activities accompanied by a rigorous academic load. The team achieves this by co-creating each learner's educational plan to develop a customized path that leads them to the college or university that is the right fit for their career goals and aspirations. Welcome to Exploration, an independent-study, tuition-free, WASC-accredited public charter school servicing grades TK through 12th, where each learner is challenged to stand out in their own unique way and are successfully gaining admission to top universities.

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courtesy of Shutterstock

Santa Clarita's "Best Summer Camp" Now Offering Early-bird Enrollment
Why did Sunshine Summer Camp earn the title of "SCV's best" numerous times over the last two decades?
Because it's recreational and fun! Plus, parents appreciate the flexibility - you only pay for the days you need.
With guest entertainers and 2021 themes like "Shark Tank," "Star Wars," "Halloween Town," "Harry Potter," "Color Wars," "Survivor" and many more, Sunshine Summer Camp's water play, dress up days, specialty hot lunches and enrichments make for memorable moments that build friendships and social skills that will last a lifetime.
Sunshine is following all COVID health and safety guidelines, you can feel confident in your camp choice. Act now, before April 30, and take advantage of early-bird discounts.

Back-to-school Smiles with Down Payment Matching & More
As kids head back to school for the first time in months, here's another reason to smile! For years, Snow Orthodontics has been offering the biggest discounts on Invisalign treatment during their Invisalign Day event, but nothing quite compares to this current offer: down payment matching up to $1,000 or $99 down, $99 a month.
Over two million patients are smiling with confidence thanks to Invisalign - and so can you. Without brackets or wires, Invisalign takes a modern approach to teeth straightening and is virtually invisible. Developed with orthodontists, Invisalign is a virtually-invisible solution, so you can smile confidently both during treatment and after. Using a series of clear, removable aligners, Invisalign gradually moves your teeth toward a smile you've always wanted. And, almost no one will know you're wearing them, unless you tell them.
Snow Orthodontics is an Elite Provider of Invisalign - they're the number-one provider of Invisalign on the West Coast. And, right now, they're scheduling free consultations during this event... but space is limited to the first 25 patients.
Snow Orthodontics 800-DR-SNOWS
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courtesy of Shutterstock

Teaching Science & Faith
The teaching of science in the modern classroom focuses on naturalistic explanations with no consideration for the elements of design of a Creator or Sustainer. Science is limited to names, dates and discoveries, with little or no discussion of the worldview origins to modern science. The idea of a Creator or Designer, for which there is ample evidence, is not even presented as a school of thought.
So much for free-thinking students being able to decide for themselves.
A classical, Christian education approach teaches science with consideration for God's mind in the sciences. It combines theology and science, recognizing that modern science emerged from a classical, Christian worldview. Science is taught with a critical, skeptical, exploratory approach for truth and explanations.
This "faith seeking understanding" approach does not mean that we ignore subjects we have trouble integrating with our faith but, rather, we must ask ourselves: "Is this because of a lack of knowledge or a wrong interpretation of the evidence?" Classical, Christian education seeks to understand science thoroughly, teach students to scrutinize it well and hold each idea to account within the context of Christianity.
It is a disservice to students to be told that some ideas aren't permitted to investigate.
It is important for students to study all the facts and theories so they can make an informed decision
for themselves. True education should not tell a student what to think but equip them how to think.
Trinity Classical Academy 296-2601
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