SCV Education News
August, 2021 - Issue #202
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The Great Books & a Classical Education
At a Classical school, students actively engage with the ideas of the past and present - not just reading about them, but evaluating them, tracing their development and comparing them to other philosophies and opinions. There's a very practical way to engage in this conversation of ideas: Read, talk about and write about the Great Books.
This Classical goal is a greater understanding of our own civilization, country and place in time, stemming from an understanding of what has come before us. The student who has read Aristotle and Plato on human freedom, Thomas Jefferson on liberty, Frederick Douglass on slavery and Martin Luther King on civil rights will read Toni Morrison's "Beloved" with an understanding denied to the student who comes to the book without any knowledge of its roots.
We must seek what is most worthy in the works of both the past and the present.
Trinity Classical Academy 296-2601

Whatcha Reading?
The Inside SCV kids are spending their summer beaching, playing and... reading! Here's what's getting pages turned in our homes. What are your kids reading? Tell us on social!
Will "'A Series of Unfortunate Events' by
Lemony Snicket. I watched the series on Netflix when I was younger and really liked it.
This is one of those book series that really keeps your attention - it's exciting! They're quick reads, too. You can finish a book in a day."
Olive "Manga comics and graphic novels -
I love anime!"
Violette "The Magic Treehouse books! I like going on adventures with them when the treehouse teleports into a book so they can learn about the places and stories inside."
Caynen "I love the Harry Potter books -
I'm reading them with my mom!"
Cassel "Comic books! I can take them on
the boat when we're at the beach with my grandparents and they inspire me."
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courtesy of Shutterstock

Students Stand Out with iLEAD's High School Program
To stand out is to attract attention, either for the way you look or behave, or because you perform better at something than other people do. When standing out to a college, this used to involve having the highest test scores and an unimaginable GPA. iLEAD Exploration's high school team is dedicated to serving its diverse student population in creative ways that makes its learners stand out. Through research-based practices, the iLEAD Exploration team knows that standing out to colleges now involves a carefully-crafted, well-rounded portfolio of passion-based interests and activities accompanied by a rigorous academic load.The team achieves this by co-creating each learner's educational plan to develop a customized path that leads them to the college or university that is the right fit for their career goals and aspirations. Welcome to Exploration, an independent study, tuition-free, WASC-accredited public charter school servicing grades TK-12, where each learner is challenged to stand out in their own unique way and are successfully gaining admission to top universities.

"I really don't know what we'd do without Sunshine [Learning Centers]. Our kids have been coming here for over four years now and they love it as much as we do. Not only do they provide before-school care, but transportation to and from campus, as well. All those random days schools are closed... Sunshine is open on every single one. Even through the pandemic, they've managed to keep kids safe and having fun even with all the changing regulations that were being thrown at them on a daily basis. I've never felt uninformed - communication is always very strong... Their Summer Camps are always the best. You won't find a camp with more field trips and fun events than at Sunshine. Even when my kids are grown, I'll always be thankful for this place!"
five-star Google review from Megan Marlatt
Sunshine Learning Centers 294-1970

Legacy Christian Announces Doron Gladden, MA/MS as Academy's Third-Ninth Bible Teacher
Legacy Christian, a kinder-through-high-school academy, has announced Doron Gladden, MA,MS, as the third-through-ninth Bible teacher. He's certainly well prepared. Beyond his degrees, which include a bachelor's degree in Christian ministries, a master's of divinity and a master's of science in sports management/athletic administration and coaching, Gladden also has extensive experience. "I am proud to serve a small church, where I preach and teach every Sunday, and I was recently the assistant athletic director and assistant boys' basketball coach at Santa Clarita Christian," says the educator. "Legacy encourages and demonstrates excellence - and I demand the same of myself as a learner and a teacher. I've gained a lot of valuable experience and I'm looking forward to the next level with Legacy!"
Legacy Christian Academy 257-7377
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