SCV Education News
November, 2021 - Issue #205
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Is a Christian Liberal Arts Degree a Good Return on Investment?
by Dr. Abner Chou

This is a reasonable question. Society views college as the place where people go to secure jobs and these days it seems like the most immediate and lucrative opportunities are in science, technology and business - careers that can be prepared for in specialized degree programs. So, why would anyone pursue a broader, Christian liberal arts education like the one offered at The Master's University?
I'll tell you.
First, while the Bible acknowledges that work is a major component of life, it also reminds us that it is far from the only component. Our lives also deal with family, church, government and society. Most importantly, our lives will extend into eternity and we must give an account to God for all we've done, not just relative to our jobs (2 Corinthians 5:10). At TMU, education is about subjecting every category of thought - language, logic, science, math and history - to the lordship of Christ. This type of instruction equips students to make the best choices and lead a life that matters now and for eternity.
Secondly, the liberal arts give students an edge in the workplace. Certainly, a specialized education is a great fit for specialized jobs. But those jobs are also a great fit to be automated. So, what do we do? Experts from Adobe to Bloomberg say we need to be what computers are not: creative, good with people and able to bring multiple disciplines together in determining a solution.
Without question, the Christian liberal arts foster these skills.

Meet Legacy Christian Academy Alum Ryan Stevens
Ryan Stevens graduated from LCA in 2014 and currently attends John Hopkins University, where the student athlete is the prestigious campus's starting quarterback. Recently, Stevens was named Centennial Player of the week and has been back-to-back Centennial Offensive Player of the Week as well as earning a spot on the honor roll at Hopkins every semester.
Legacy Christian Academy 257-7377

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Why Invisalign?
Invisalign takes a modern approach to straightening teeth and is virtually invisible, which means you can smile confidently both during treatment and after. Using a series of clear, removable aligners, Invisalign gradually moves teeth toward the smile you've always wanted. Because the aligners are removable, you can continue to eat all of your favorite foods - and the average treatment time is only about 18 months. Plus, being able to remove the aligners will allow you to brush and floss normally to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Tuesday | October 26
Snow Orthodontics Hosts
Invisalign Day
Brace yourself! The number-one provider of Invisalign in the nation, Snow Orthodontics, is offering their biggest savings of the year. Choose from down-payment matching up to $1,000 or $99 down and $99 a month.
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Room to Grow
It has taken modern educators around 150 years to disassemble an educational system that took thousands of years to refine and establish. The classical method was born in ancient Greece and Rome and by the 16th century, it was used throughout the Western world. This system educated most of America's founding fathers as well as the world's philosophers, scientists and leaders between the 10th and 19th centuries. What other period can claim so many advances in science, philosophy, art and literature?
For education to be effective, it must go beyond conveying fact. Truly-effective education cultivates thinking and articulate students who are able to develop facts into arguments and convey those arguments clearly and persuasively. Parents across the United States are recognizing that classical education adds the dimension and breadth needed to develop students' minds. Rigorous academic standards, a dedication to order and discipline and a focus on key, lost subjects is fueling the rapid growth of the nation's classical schools.
There is no greater task for education than to teach students how to learn. The influence of progressive teaching methods and the oversimplification of textbooks make it difficult for students to acquire the mental discipline that traditional instruction methods once cultivated. The classical method develops independent learning skills on the foundation of language, logic and tangible fact. The classical difference is clear when students are taken beyond conventionally-taught subjects and asked to apply their knowledge through logic and clear expression.
In 1947, Dorothy Sayers, a pioneer in the return to classical education, observed, "although we often succeed in teaching our pupils 'subjects,' we fail lamentably on the whole in teaching them how to think." Beyond subject matter, classical education develops those skills that are essential in higher education and throughout life - independent scholarship, critical thinking, logical analysis and a love for learning.
Trinity Classical Academy 296-2601

Students Stand Out With iLEAD's High School Program
To stand out is to attract attention, either for the way you look or behave, or because you perform better at something than other people do. When standing out to a college, this used to involve having the highest test scores and an unimaginable GPA. iLEAD Exploration's high school team is dedicated to serving its diverse student population in creative ways that makes its learners stand out. Through research-based practices, the iLEAD Exploration team knows that standing out to colleges now involves a carefully crafted, well-rounded portfolio of passion-based interests and activities accompanied by a rigorous academic load. The team achieves this by
co-creating each learner's educational plan to develop a customized path that leads them to the college or university that is the right fit for their career goals and aspirations. Welcome to Exploration, an independent study, tuition-free, WASC-accredited public charter school servicing grades TK to 12th, where each learner is challenged to stand out in their own unique way and are successfully gaining admission to top universities.

SCV Students Participate in First High School Gallery Show for Santa Clarita Artists Association
Congratulations to our local featured artists: Faith Violet and Hyungjoo Lee studying through The Learning Post; Julian Alarcon from Canyon High; Gabrielle Lee from Saugus High; Stephanie Hernandez from Hart High, Isabella Staub from West Ranch High and Yeilany Sosa.
Students learned the full process of a gallery show, including helping prepare for opening night and managing hosting, hospitality and sales tasks. Each attended Zoom workshops by various SCAA artists to help them prepare for their show.

"Caved Vision" by Stephanie Hernandez
"Just Hold Me" by Gabrielle Lee
"Personality" by Hyungjoo Lee
"Black Ice" by Julian Alcon
"Tiger Lily" by Faith Violet
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