SCV Education News
February, 2022 - Issue #207
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The Final Authority
by Dr. John MacArthur

Anyone who faithfully and correctly proclaims the Word of God will speak with authority.
It is not our own authority. It is not even the ecclesiastical authority attached to the office of a pastor or teacher in the church. Instead, insofar as our teaching accurately reflects the truth of Scripture, it has the full weight of God's own authority behind it. That is precisely how 1 Peter 4:11 instructs us to handle biblical truth: "If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God."
To speak boldly and declare that God has spoken with finality is neither stylish nor politically correct. But if we truly believe the Bible is the Word of God, how can we handle it any other way?
Many people today claim they believe Scripture, but then treat it as just another opinion in the great mix of post-modern ideas. Neither Scripture nor common sense will allow for such a view. If the Bible is true, then it is also authoritative.
At The Master's University, we teach that Scripture carries the full weight of God's own authority and that it is the final arbiter of truth.
The Bible is not just another idea to be accepted or rejected as the individual sees fit. It is the Word of God, and it demands to be received as such.
Adapted from "The Final Authority, Period," originally published on Thinking Biblically.
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The Three Stages of Classical Education
What makes classical education so effective? It is largely because of its approach to how and when students are taught. Regardless of their learning style, children learn in three phases or stages - grammar, logic or dialectic and rhetoric - known as the trivium. In the grammar stage (Kindergarten through sixth.), students are naturally adept at memorizing through songs, chants and rhymes. If you can get children in this stage to sing or chant something, they will remember it for a lifetime.
In the dialectic or logic stage (Grades seventh and eighth.), teenage students are naturally more argumentative and begin to question authority and facts. They want to know the "why" of something - the logic behind it. During this stage, students learn reasoning, informal and formal logic and how to argue with wisdom and eloquence.
The rhetoric stage (Grades ninth through 12th.) is naturally when students become independent thinkers and communicators. They study and practice rhetoric, which is the art of persuasive speaking and effective writing that pleases and delights the listener. It is this approach to teaching students based on their developmental stage that makes classical education so effective.
Are you considering enrollment at Trinity Classical Academy? Attend an upcoming information meeting on Thursday, January 20 at 8:30am or Monday, February 7 at 6:30pm to learn more about their classical, Christian education for grades TK-12, including athletics, arts and enrichment as well as special education and independent study options.
Trinity Classical Academy 296-2601

"Pandemic Teeth" are Now a Thing
According to recent research, during the peak of the pandemic, parents delayed routine childhood vaccinations, well-child physicals and... dental care. Family practitioners like Dr. Marvin Tong, DDS are working with moms and dads to get their kids - and themselves - back into the dental chair safely.
"We have been seeing kids and adults who now need more aggressive treatment - root canals, extractions and cavity care - because they didn't feel comfortable scheduling routine check ups in 2021," says the Valencia dentist. "I encourage parents to reach out to their provider and share any concerns - and ask questions - so that they feel better about seeking essential dental treatment for their family."
"In our office, everyone wears an N-95 respirator and we have air filtration systems with HEPA filters," explains Office Manager Becky Short. "We also are very restrictive as to whom can be in the office and the waiting room, scheduling appointments where there's little overlap. There is nothing more important to us than the health and safety of our patients."
Dr. Marvin Tong, DDS 268-6284
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Legacy Christian High School Prepares Learners for a
Rapidly-changing World

The roots of Legacy Christian High School run deep, nourished by a tradition of academic excellence and a Christ-exalting community of learners, educators, parents and supporters. Legacy Christian High School isn't just an extension of the celebrated award-winning Kinder-eighth Academy, though their culture of accelerated academics and Christian worldview expands to the Upper School, too. Legacy Christian High stands on its own with distinctives that are positioned to prepare learners for the demands of the 21st Century. Over the next four years, the campus will add a grade each year - but more importantly, they'll grow as a high-school family that is deeply committed to the development of the whole person and service to others.
Legacy's trusted, academically-accelerated curriculum thoughtfully embeds advanced life-skill concepts and competencies to enhance individual achievement. This educational experience provides every graduate a unique advantage to confidently and effectively navigate a rapidly-changing global landscape.
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Classwork that Relates to Life Outside the Classroom
iLEAD Agua Dulce's beautiful campus is on the eastside of Santa Clarita and offers a project-based learning tuition free public school to learners in grades TK through ninth, expanding to 10th grade in the fall of 2022.
At iLEAD Agua Dulce, you'll find a school that prioritizes a positive, supportive, and inviting environment where learners can focus on their development. In addition to academic excellence, they are committed to supporting learners' development of emotional intelligence, life skills and community engagement.
The campus features beautiful indoor and outdoor spaces. Facilitators and success coaches are devoted to providing learners with the best academic and emotional support by way of small class sizes and individualized attention.
Utilizing Project-Based Learning (PBL), iLEAD focuses on deeper learning practices that motivate and challenge learners, allowing them to apply what they learn in one subject area to situations in another. This is just one more way classwork relates to life beyond the classroom.
Log on to learn more or enroll.
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