School's In for Mom & Dad
Pop Quiz:
October, 2009 - Issue #60
Do you know that your child's health has a direct correlation with how well they perform in school? Read on. You just might learn something!

1. What can I do to help my child with ADHD?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a relatively common condition that tends to emerge in children during their early school years. Many parents strive to help their children overcome ADHD so that they can get the most out of their educational experience and maintain positive self esteem.

It is not entirely certain what causes ADHD, but the current thought is that it is a combination of an overactive nervous system, coupled with a decrease in the brain's ability to filter out extraneous sights, sounds, thoughts and emotions. Although chiropractors don't directly treat ADHD, there are a number of things that your chiropractor can do to help eliminate things that stress a child's nervous system, such as removing spinal subluxations that irritate the nervous system; testing for allergies that may be stressing the nervous system; and suggesting changes to the home to help reduce exposure to toxic chemicals. Free spinal screenings are available through Unruh Chiropractic, Inc. (288-0022).

2. What are the signs of autism?
Parents and families don't often know the early signs and symptoms of autism until a loved one is diagnosed. Here are some common things to look for as your child develops in their early years.

Does the child: have delayed language skills or speech; walk on
his/her toes; not respond to his/her name; cause you to suspect the child may be deaf; not know how to play with toys; make little or no eye contact; display a loss of some or all of their early words; show no interest in things around them; not point or wave bye-bye; have odd or repetitive movement patterns?

Keep in mind that autism presents in children in different ways, and a professional diagnosis by a qualified specialist is the accurate method to determine if your child is affected by autism.

If you need help finding a specialist, contact Noah's Friends (888-620-NOAH) for a referral. Early identification and intervention can make a significant difference in your child's development.

3. Should I have my child privately screened for scoliosis even if the school provides a similar service?
Scoliosis is something that should be taken very seriously. Unfortunately, our school systems don't have the resources to hire skilled individuals to perform proper scoliosis screenings. Often, the schools perform a massive quick screen where they herd our children in and out of the exam. The best way to screen for scoliosis is for a chiropractor or pediatrician to do a complete skeletal exam.

Adolescent Scoliosis is the most common form and usually appears around puberty. Young girls are most affected, with a ratio of nine to one over males. There is a critical time period for progression, which may be rapid, that occurs between the ages of 12 and 16.

Many adults have learned about their scoliosis later in life, when it has become quite painful. If your child has been diagnosed with scoliosis, there are treatment options available beyond bracing and surgery. It is important to learn the proper exercises and treatment to help slow the progression and perhaps stop it. For screenings and treatment, contact Dr. Jeff Bowne of Bowne Chiropractic (288-2321).
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