Summer CAMPS for kids
June, 2012 - Issue #92
What are your plans for keeping your children occupied and mentally engaged over summer break? (Not to mention out of your hair or safely learning/playing while you are at work!) Santa Clarita is chock full of fantastic - and fun! - opportunities that can fill up a day, a week or all season. Grab your favorite pen and start making notes. Your summer plan is in your hands!

Sunshine and Legacy are offering an exceptional selection of fun, enriching opportunities for your child. Summer Adventures camp for children entering grades kindergarten through sixth include trips to Magic Mountain, Scooters Jungle, Aquarium of the Pacific and Disneyland, plus on-site fun like a summer luau, pajama party, "color wars," invention making, cooking and more. Travel Camp (grades four through 10) includes a trip to Campland on the Bay in San Diego and the Lodge in Idyllwild Pines. Kids will also experience indoor skydiving, trips to the beach and much more. Discovery Camp (grades range depending on topic) options include Reading Enrichment, Math Enrichment, Vacation Bible School, Writing Skills, Chess Camp, Glee Camp, Computer Camp, Science Camp and more.
Legacy Christian Academy 257-7377

Pinecrest Schools Valencia offers safe, affordable summer fun for children in grades first through eighth. Select from awesome options like cooking, science experiments, theatre arts, fashion, art and much more. Camp sessions run from June 18 to August 24 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. though child care is included in summer rates and is available from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Receive five full days of kid-approved camp for only $150 per week (field trips not included in cost). Campers are grouped according to age and session, which is led by an experienced and trained camp counselor. At the end of each session day the campers are invited to spend a few hours swimming with their friends under the watchful eye of two Red Cross Certified lifeguards/swim instructors.
Pinecrest Schools Valencia 255-8080

Studies have shown that, on average, students lose nearly 2.6 months of grade-level equivalency in mathematical computation skills over the summer months. Reading and writing skills can also atrophy quickly during summer vacations. Don't let your child "lose" nearly one third of their school year. Even a few hours of tutoring each week can keep their skills sharp and their interest in learning alive. Send your child back to school in September with increased confidence and a greater opportunity to succeed. The Tutoring Club provides not only the setting and expertise to develop and retain reading, writing and math skills over the summer months; it also makes an unprecedented guarantee. Your child will improve one grade level within 32 hours or they will continue to tutor them free of charge until the goal is reached.
Tutoring Club of Valencia 702-9956

Math Support Services specializes in tutoring math and science. As a WASC-accredited school, students can also take a transferable course in mathematics and science, prepare for the SAT/ACT with a comprehensive workshop, learn how to study smarter with a Study Skills workshop, and get ahead with family academic college planning workshops.

Prep your child for next year's courses in math and science, take a one-year Algebra or Geometry course for credit, replace a low grade and earn transfer credit for all sections of math or science, or get the help you need to prepare for AP Biology. Fun summer enrichment courses are also available including Skill Builder workshops (fifth through eighth) Architectural Design and Art, Study Skills and Moneysmart Kids. Math Support Services is accepted by the William S. Hart School District and is owned and operated by a credentialed and degreed math professional.
Math Support Services 255-1730

Wallers' GymJam Academy offers all levels of girls' and boys' gymnastics, plus Open Gym, special events like sleepovers and parents' night out and birthday parties year round. This season, GymJam Summer Camp is offering a seven-week day camp offered Monday through Friday beginning June 18. Campers enjoy summer fun with flips and friends! During camp your kids will have the time of their lives learning gymnastics, fun activities and arts and crafts. Summer Camp features differently-themed weeks to keep it exciting, like Fourth of July, Olympic week and Sports week. Day campers will also get to walk in the SCV Fourth of July Parade and experience the many fun activities planned to tie in with the upcoming London Olympics. If the kids fall in love with GymJam during camp, you should know that yearly on-going classes include unlimited free make up classes when your child is currently enrolled. Don't worry about "losing out" because of family vacation time!
Wallers' GymJam Academy 251-3390

Chef Louis Eguaras founded Little Chefs & Teen Chefs Cooking Camp, a division of Presidential Culinary Services, Inc., to share his passion of cooking with young kids and teens who are inspired to cook. Every week session is different. Start off the summer with Culinary Foundations and end the summer with International Cuisine II. Your child will go on culinary adventures with highly-skilled professional chefs who are truly passionate about cooking. They will bring out your child's inner chef! Chef Louis Eguaras has worked at the Camp David Presidential Retreat and the White House and brings over 25 years experience to the cooking camp. His team of professional chefs and assistant chefs are all graduates or students of prestigious culinary schools. They will teach your child everything from safety and sanitation to creating meals while having fun in the kitchen. Little Chefs & Teen Chefs Cooking Camp 381-1540

You've thought about it - now do it! Take the first step towards confidence and ability by attending one of two weekly open house events at Santa Clarita School of Performing Arts. Held on Wednesday and Sunday afternoons (except holidays, of course), you'll get a first-hand peek at what the fuss is all about. SCSOPA offers ongoing classes for all ages. If you're interested in an acting or modeling career, you'll love that quality agents are on site weekly. But SCSOPA is the place to be even if you "only" want to develop exceptional public speaking skills (We're looking at you, real estate agents, lawyers...). See for yourself why, in 2012 and for the fourth year in a row, they were voted as the best acting, modeling, vocal and dance school! And don't forget to e-mail them, too, for a chance to win a three-month scholarship (!
Santa Clarita School of Performing Arts 222-7910

Less than one mile north of Copper Hill Drive on San Francisquito Canyon lies the flashpoint of childhood dreams come true. Don-e-Brook Farms offers the most memorable of camp opportunities - on the back of a horse. No matter what their level, your child can learn to ride English or Western style, discover the fun of playing games on horseback and expand their minds during fascinating trail rides. They'll also learn essential safety skills, grooming, tacking and horse foot care. Kids wear safety helmets, long pants and closed-toed shoes when on site for added protection. Founded in 1960, Don-e-brook Farms is backed with over 50 years of equestrian experience. They guarantee great customer support and prices that can't be beat! Their eight summer sessions begin on June 11 and run through August 3.
Don-e-Brook Farms 297-7669

Creative Years Preschool offers a different theme each week from June 18 to August 10 including Amazing Animals, Space Camp, Mini Chef, Pirates & Princesses, Spectacular Sports & Games, Winter in July, Dinosaur Romp and Wet & Wild. Camp curriculum is designed to integrate social and academic skills with an opportunity to explore in an exciting, hands-on and safe environment. They bring "field trips" into the school to make everything comfortable for little ones. The teachers are experts in the field of early childhood; the foundation for a lifelong love of learning starts here! Also consider "Kinder Camp" for children entering kindergarten in the fall. You'll find an emphasis on social and academic readiness for the fast-paced learning in elementary school. Transitional kindergarten is available for children who missed the new cut-off date of November 1 and for children who are not starting kindergarten but instead will experience another year of enrichment. Connect on Facebook at
Creative Years Preschool 254-0718

Living in Southern California means that water play is a way of life. Give your child the essential skills that will keep them safe and having fun near water for the rest of their lives. Don't reply with "regrets" to one more pool-party invitation. The time to learn to swim is now! Academy Swim Club offers numerous swim and water-safety lessons in private, semi-private, group and parent-and-me settings. Your child will grow their skills and confidence while working with the most talented, friendly instructors in the SCV. Every lesson at Academy Swim Club is guaranteed. Treat your future swimmers to a happy, air-conditioned, warm-water indoor pool environment where they can thrive.
Academy Swim Club 702-8585

The 2012 COC Summer Institute is now open to high school students. The camp will run Monday, July 30 through Friday, August 3 for high school students entering ninth and 10th grades. The COC Summer Institute provides hands-on career exploration in a variety of areas including: NASA aeronautics, NASA rocketry, robotics, motion picture special effects, video game design, culinary arts, healthcare, sports medicine, welding and alternative energy fabrication. Don't let your teenager miss out on this fun and one-of-a-kind summer experience. Enrollment fees range in price from $160 to $180 per child per week, depending on each track's associated materials fee. Junior high tracks are also available the weeks of July 16 to July 20 and July 23 to July 27.
College of the Canyons Summer Institute 362-3653
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