Summer Camp Kickoff
June, 2018 - Issue #165
Buy yourself some free time - and gift your kids with enrichment opportunities that they'll remember for a lifetime.
courtesy of Shutterstock
courtesy of Shutterstock

Kids will Love Tennis Camp
Tennis is the game of a lifetime - and it's never too early to start! The Paseo Club's nationally-certified tennis pros keep campers entertained with age-appropriate drills, games, prizes and lots of fun. There are three different levels; each level is catered to the specific needs of campers, imparting valuable tennis skills. Not only will your children learn this great lifetime sport, they will enjoy other activities, too, like swimming and indoor games. Lunch is included to save parents time. Learn tennis from Paseo's staff of professionals and highly-skilled assistants for a reasonable price for both members and nonmembers. 257-0044
courtesy of Shutterstock
courtesy of Shutterstock

Horsing Around with English or Western Riding
Your child will learn to ride English or Western style during formal lessons and trail rides at Don-E-Brook Farms, conveniently located just a minute from the city limit.
Don-E-Brook offers daily sessions from 9am to 12pm with professional trainers and fun counselors. Snacks and crafts are included in each session, which cost only $280. The first of eight sessions begins June 11. Individual or group trail rides and lessons are also available without a reservation. 296-9995

Splash Canyon Teaches God's Promises
Kids 4 years old to incoming 7th graders will experience God's promises for them on life's wild ride during three action-packed hours a day, moving to a new activity every 30 minutes, at Splash Canyon! Highlights include: BethlehemSCV's Sonlight Band leading jumpin' kid-style worship, creative crafts, wacky games, interactive Bible plays with a costumed youth cast on the Kids' World stage, a Bible challenge through science experiments, a VBS mission-minded goal that fosters concern for others, yummy snacks and a Friday-night barbecue with live Sonlight Band concert. Join the fun from June 18 to June 22, from 9am to 12pm.

Playing their Way to a Brighter Brain
Gymboree offers an innovative summer program for children ages 3 to 5 years, featuring a developmentally-appropriate curriculum and low student-to-teacher ratios. Kids have fun practicing social skills, cognitive challenges and - of course - active physical play time on their ever-changing playscapes! Their summer camp is ideal for a little one beginning preschool in the fall or continuing an enriching schedule throughout the summer months. Camp is a fantastic opportunity to broaden a little ones' experiences, making their summer educational and fun! Join Gymboree for fun, new learning experiences and creative activities this summer to help build your child into a confident learner - all through play! 287-3890

Spend Summer Sculpting
Fun Sculpting for Kids in Stevenson Ranch features a system of instruction that makes it possible for every child to develop sculpting skill and evolve towards even complex sculpture making in the future - and now your kid can sculpt at camp, held June through August. The activity is not only fun, it's a fantastic way to encourage STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) outside-the-box thinking by developing skills like innovation, problem solving, creativity, the ability to take a two-dimensional design into the world of 3D and much more. Want to give it a try for free? Check out the ad on page 77. 400-1514

Safety First for SCV Kids
Kid injuries involving falls, motor vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles, fire, poisoning, animal bites, earthquakes and drownings are preventable. Yet in four years, more than 2,500 injuries to children ages 4 to 6 years living in the SCV were reported. At Safety Town - Santa Clarita, young children learn about safety topics and related skills in a fun, interactive environment. They practice pedestrian and vehicle safety skills in a child-size town with buildings, streets, sidewalks, signal and safety signs where they drive pedal cars complete with safety belts. Each day, community safety professionals give safety and injury prevention demonstrations on emergency preparedness, fire prevention, stranger danger and personal safety, water/playground/bicycle/animal safety and more.

Career Exploration at COC's Summer Institute
Registration is now open for the popular career exploration themed College of the Canyons Summer Institute, with weekly sessions running July 9 to July 13 and July 16 to July 20. The College of the Canyons Summer Institute is open to students entering grades six through eight in the fall of 2018. The Summer Institute provides hands-on career exploration and learning opportunities to students in a variety of areas and subjects including robotics, video game design, sports medicine, health and human services, science pathway, photography, architecture, computer coding, auto technology and manufacturing/welding. All Summer Institute instructors are COC professors or industry professionals that have tailored their curriculum for junior high students. Each track allows participating students to discover a multitude of career possibilities through a unique blend of innovative lesson plans and fun hands-on activities that are scheduled each week. All 2018 COC Summer Institute sessions begin at 9am and conclude at 3pm. Enrollment fees are $275 per child, per week.
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