Summer Camp Options
that will make You Wish You were a Kid Again
May, 2016 - Issue #139
We often find ourselves yearning for our youth, but after checking out Santa Clarita's best summer camp options, we're all the more compelled to locate a time machine.

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Summer's more Fun with Sunshine
For incoming kinder through sixth graders, Sunshine's summer camp is the place to be! With two field trips a week that are included in the cost of tuition, this is the camp for children whom love adventures. Even non-field-trip days are a blast, thanks to daily themes with six activities to keep it interesting, like art, science, inside games, outside games and more. Theme days include Kid City, Jurassic World, Star Wars, X Games and more. Sunshine also does water play every Wednesday with a giant inflatable waterslide. Summer camp runs June 13 through August 4; sign up soon, because Early Bird rates (Save $25 a week!) for Session 1 end on May 13 (Early Bird rates conclude for Session 2 on June 24.). Help your kids make memories that will last a lifetime with caring, experienced counselors and the best programming you'll find anywhere.

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Summer Camp they'll Flip For
Wallers' GymJam Academy offers classes for boys and girls, pre-school age through high school, beginner through elite levels. They also offer trampoline and tumbling classes and their newest craze - Ninja Zone!

Their popular Summer Camp is for children ages 4 to 12, with or without gymnastics experience. Campers will have some gymnastics instruction along with other fun gym activities like obstacle courses and team games, as well as daily arts and crafts projects and regular trips to the pool. Your child will develop strength, coordination, flexibility, reading-readiness skills, social skills, determination, self-confidence, discipline and fitness while learning about a healthy lifestyle. Every camper also learns how to overcome fears, perform in front of people and work with others.
Wallers' GymJam Academy 251-3390

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Camp with an Equestrian Kick
At Don-e-brook Farms, your child will learn to ride English or Western style during formal lessons and trail rides. The convenient location - just a minute from the city limit - offers daily sessions from 9am to 12pm with professional trainers and fun counselors. Snacks and crafts are included in each session, which cost only $250 ($150 with your own horse.). The first of eight sessions begins June 13.

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ESCAPE this Summer
ESCAPE Theatre is gearing up for a fun summer! Be sure to attend their performance at the Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center June 17, 18 and 19 to see their production of Disney's "Beauty & the Beast." Tickets go on sale May 10 and the numerous youth and teens starring in the show hope you will "Be Our Guest" for this wonderful "tale as old as time."

If your child is entering first through seventh grade, you can sign them up for ESCAPE's two-week Camp running July 18 to 29, from 9am to 12pm. They will learn musical theatre songs, singing techniques, dancing, hip hop, and acting skills. If your seventh-through-12th-grade student is interested in learning more about acting and improvisation, they are sure to enjoy a three-day workshop in the evening, where they will learn improvisation, physical skills and much more. Evening classes will be July 25, 27 and 28 for the first session and August 29, 31 and September 1 for the second session from 6:30pm to 9pm.

ESCAPE's next season includes "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat" and "Shrek!" ESCAPE Theatre does two or three large musicals a year. When you sign your 5 to 18 year old up, it is a four-month commitment on Monday evenings, with lead roles also rehearsing on Wednesday evenings. If your child has an interest in singing, dancing or acting, ESCAPE will improve these skills, as well as teach them about teamwork, friendship, public speaking, self discipline and more in a fun, supportive environment. Join the excitement with ESCAPE Theatre and call or log onto for tickets.

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Summer To-dos when there's
"Nothing to Do"

• Run a lemonade stand
• Pick your own fruits and veggies at a DIY spot like Underwood Farms
• Teach the kids how to play a card game from your childhood, like Uno
• Listen to an audiobook together when it's time to rest out of the sun
• Help your child find a skill they want to learn - hula-hooping, playing the harmonica - and use the summer as the time to master it
• Keep writing skills sharp when they're out of school by pen-palling with cousins or grandparents
• Make crafts with natural items gathered from yourmorning at the park or a beach stroll
• Play charades
• Get your hands on old family movies and show your kids what you looked and sounded like when you were their age
• On the day you plan to launder bedding, give the kids permission to make forts with their sheets - then have them toss the bedding in the wash when they're done

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Build Confidence & Academic Skills at Legacy Christian Academy
At Legacy Christian Academy, the joy of learning doesn't take a summer break! Optional enrichment and prep opportunities abound at the state-of-the-art Academy, which boasts record enrollment for academic year 2015-16. Summer camp options at Legacy include Camp Discovery 2016, with three sessions beginning June 20, July 11 and July 25. A sample of other selections include:

Kindergarten-, First- & Second-grade Readiness Sessions
The always-popular Kindergarten Readiness session includes vital learning opportunities like literature-themed units and enhanced development of phonological skills, reading comprehension skills, oral language development, math and much more. This vibrant developmental and academic kinder-ready program is sure to help your child experience success in kindergarten and beyond! First-grade Readiness focuses on Language Arts and Math prep; this session will refine your child's reading and math skills in a fun, enriching environment via hands-on activities, games and more. The goal is to prepare your student to excel in the classroom with a preview of the skills taught in first grade. Your little learner will receive intense instruction in a small, personalized and engaging education setting. Second-grade Readiness will review core concepts from first grade and preview foundational concepts needed for second-grade success and confidence.

Anatomy & Physiology
Children entering sixth through ninth grade now have the opportunity to take a two-week advanced Anatomy and Physiology summer program at Legacy. Your student will gain experience in laboratory situations while sparking their curiosity in the medical field. Through interactive labs, students will come to understand the skeletal system, the cardio-vascular system, the nervous system, the eye and the integumentary system.

Algebra 2 Prep
Algebra 2 Prep, available to any student who has completed Algebra 1, is the ideal chance to prepare for high-school math. Your child will enhance and strengthen their mathematics, algebra and reasoning skills before entering Geometry, Algebra 2 or high school.

Strategies for Success - Study Skills
The Strategies for Success - Study Skills session, open to kids entering sixth through ninth grade, teaches the "3 Ts" to academic success. Students will learn enhanced time management, organization, note taking, test taking, test prep and work habit skills while building confidence.

Vacation Bible School at United Methodist Church takes Kids to the "Cave"
This year's theme, "Cave Quest: Following Jesus, the Light of the World," runs from June 27 to July 1 from 9am to 12:15pm each day. This vacation Bible school experience is ideal for children ages 3 years to sixth grade and is affordable for families, too. The cost is $40 per child and $35 for each additional sibling. At Cave Quest, kids explore what it means to follow Jesus through dark times. Kids participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, make and dig into yummy treats, experience one-of-a-kind Bible adventures, collect Bible Memory Buddies to remind them of Jesus' love and test out Sciency-Fun Gizmos they'll take home and play with all summer long. Plus, kids will learn to look for evidence of God all around them through something called God Sightings. Each day concludes with a Cave Quest Closing that gets everyone involved in living what they've learned. For more information, contact Karyn Malchus. 255-1301
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