Summer Camps
for Every Type of Kid
May, 2010 - Issue #67
"Mom! Olive is on top of the piano again!," yells Kati, our 11-year-old incarnation of Shakespeare, before returning to her playwriting tasks. Like a professional climber driven to plant their flag at the peak, Olive-Anne, 1, can find handgrips where there are none and climb entirely vertical planes relying only on sheer will (and a complete ignorance - or is it defiance? - of the law of gravity). Meanwhile, Will, 3, is pulling at my sleeve. "Mommy, can we go swimming today?"

I snatch Olive before she can rappel down the piano and think back to the last time Will and I went to the pool. "Mommy, I can swim now. Grandpa taught me. Let me go!" I did what I was asked, and he sunk to the bottom faster than a member of the paparazzi at a Miley Cyrus sighting. Evidently my father in law did teach him how to swim - while wearing a life vest. So much for outsourcing the swim lessons to amateurs.

And now that summer's nearly here, I wonder: How am I going to keep them busy - doing something they like? How am I going to get any work done? Is there a summer camp for moms?
Leave it to Santa Clarita businesses to make (most) of my summer dreams come true.

High-energy Kid
Dare devils - here's your chance to learn how to flip and "fly"(without giving Mom a heart attack).

Wallers' GymJam Academy hosts a Summer Camp program from June 14 to July 30 (seven weeks) from 9 a .m. to 12 p.m. (for ages 4 to 6 years old) and 9 a .m. to 3 p.m. (for ages 6 to 12 years old). Weekly and partial weeks are available. This includes professional gymnastics instruction, swimming, field trips, and arts and crafts. GymJam is fully air conditioned, keeping your kids cool during the summer. They also have on-going regular gymnastics and dance instruction available in the summer.
Wallers' GymJam Academy 251-3390

Adventurous Kid
Attention mini "Indiana Jones": Pack your bag and spend a week in Lake Arrowhead, San Diego - or both!

Sunshine (in its 26th year!) once again offers an action-packed itinerary with three different types of camp experiences. On Campus Only Camp (for entering grades K to 6) boasts theme days, summer activities, cooking, science and more! Adventure Camp (for entering grades 1 to 6) includes two trips a week, themed days, beach trips and guest entertainers. Travel Camp (for entering grades 4 to 9) is perfectly suited for older kids, with three trips a week plus a week-long excursion to Lake Arrowhead and San Diego (Can you say Sea World!?).
Sunshine Day Camp 288-7983

Creative Kid
Every kid is a Creative Kid! You'll have fun and learn while partaking in creative, exploratory, adventurous activities!

Creative Years offers flexible opportunities for kids to have fun and develop essential skills. Take advantage of their part-time (9 a.m. to 12 p.m. or 2 p.m.) and full-time (6 a.m. to 6 p.m.) weekly-themed preschool summer camp for children ages 2 to 6. Or try Kinder Camp, created for children who are entering Kindergarten in the fall, to prepare them socially and academically. Small classroom size ensures individual attention, love and care for every child. Log on for a virtual tour!
Creative Years 254-0718

Poolside Kid
Every little tadpole knows: You can't swim if you can't swim!

Summer in Santa Clarita means pool parties, backyard barbeques (by the pool), splashing around at Castaic Lake, and more pool parties. When your child learns to swim, it opens the door to the most popular, fun social activity of the summer. At Academy Swim Club, it's summer all year long, and they offer lessons at their pool or yours. Your kids will learn vital safety lessons from the pros, too.
Academy Swim Club 702-8585

Junior High Kid
How's this for a resume builder? Here's a chance to test drive the careers of the future!
The Junior High Summer Institute (JSI) at COC is offered in a one-week format over four weeks, running from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (early morning drop off available at an additional fee). In the Special Effects track, kids will use break-away glass and gory props. Welding students will make a lamp, gear clock and garden art. Engineering & Fabrication students will build a catapult, while Nursing & Science kids will learn how to start an IV via virtual computer simulation and read vital signs using a human-patient simulator. The Video Gaming learners will create an animated DVD to enter in the SCV Film Festival. Impressive!
College of the Canyons - Community Education 362-3300
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