The most Important Decision
Where will your Child Go to School?
July, 2019 - Issue #178

For an increasing number of parents, the "public school down the street" isn't the top choice for where their children get their educational start. "As options expand and parents find that there are campuses that better match their educational and/or faith preferences, moms and dads are doing more research before enrolling their child based on their address instead of their desired learning outcomes," says local education expert and Legacy Christian Academy Head of School Matt Millett.

"It's a process that has gained momentum over the years," shares Tim Borruel, Legacy's superintendent and co-founder, who has 30 years of experience leading educational movements in Santa Clarita. "Parents realize that the earlier they invest in their child's education, the bigger the payoff in the future in the form of more college acceptance letters and more scholarships."
Is your Child Entering Kindergarten or Transitioning Schools? Ask About...

"Legacy is a closed campus with safety upgrades like bullet-resistent surfaces, cameras in every room and public space, coded doors, a full-time armed guard and more in place," says Head of School Matt Millett. "In an uncertain world, most parents want to know that every precaution has been taken for their child's safety at school."

"We use a leveled reading and math method that meets each learner where they're at," explains Director of Curriculum Tiffany Seston. "Our teachers receive specialized training to incorporate our accelerated curriculum into their classrooms and our small-group rotation.

"Legacy ensures that every child has the opportunity to excel, no matter where they 'start. With Legacy's differentiated education, even our youngest students have the opportunity to dive deep into subjects with experts in their field," says Stacie Zorichak, associate head of school - academics. "Science, Computers, Art, Music, PE and Spanish are all experienced with loving specialized teachers who have full access to the best educational resources available."

Character Building/Spiritual Life
"We build Christian character with intention through campus-wide initiatives, during one-on-one interactions, at weekly Chapel and through family-based 'heartwork homework.' Legacy students are polite, know how to manage conflict respectfully and love the Lord," shares Associate Head of School - Activities & Spiritual Life Garrick Moss.

Campus Resources
"At Legacy, each classroom is equipped with a SMART Board to make lessons more interactive and engaging; our new Innovation and Science Labs are filled with state-of-the-art hands-on tech to fully immerse learners in project-based learning modules; we have a pro-grade athletic field; and much more," says Millett. "We deeply invest in elements that have been proven to improve learning outcomes while simultaneously developing a lifelong love of learning."

Educational Philosophy
"We're growing the leaders and innovators of the future at Legacy," says Millett, "and that requires us to place great emphasis on critical-thinking skills, entrepreneurship, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) and communication development. At the same time, our Christian faith dictates that we develop hearts for others. Classes work on charitable causes together and the entire Academy supports our sister school, Legacy Uganda."

Class Size
"Legacy's teaching methods are based on small-group rotations, so that each student is learning with peers at their level in groups of seven or eight. Because of our already-small class sizes - a 1:13 ratio on average - this individualized method means that the education process is very customized to each child. The results speak for themselves; Legacy regularly scores in the top 8 percent nationally on standardized tests," says Millett.
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