What Stands Out in SCV Education
March, 2015 - Issue #125
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Every educational program has that "one thing" that sets them apart from the rest. Read on to find about A+ programs in the SCV.

New STEM Programming Includes EXPO at Legacy
A Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education infuses 21st-century skills into the classroom with its focus on collaboration, creativity, communication and critical thinking. At Legacy Christian Academy, students work together as a group to identify problems and solutions while developing skills for the careers of the 21st century.

Legacy's revitalized focus on STEM has brought innovative programming to the Valencia campus, none more exciting than the annual STEM EXPO. In Legacy's STEM EXPO's inaugural year in 2014, 34 projects were entered and over 50 students were involved in optional participation. Projects included "Which Metals are Magnetic?," "How does Light Affect Plant Survival?," "What is the Physiology of a Dog?," "The Anatomy of a Dirt Bike," "Male or Female Mice: Which are Smarter?," and many more. Students are already working hard on their 2015 entries.

"We couldn't be more excited about the future of STEM at Legacy," says Principal Dr. Matthew Northrop. "Over the next several years, we will be developing a flagship STEM program that will forge connections with STEM-minded community leaders, business owners and professionals." 257-7377

A Personalized Education is Part of the SCVi Experience
Jean Piaget said, "The principal goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done; men and women who are creative, inventive and discoverers, who can be critical and verify, not accept everything they are offered."

At SCVi Charter School, they understand that creating lifelong learners means personalizing education. Learners have the freedom to enjoy their learning in ways that suit them best. They are constantly asking questions and challenging themselves and their peers in order to gain a deeper understanding of their learning and of themselves. Each learner creates their own individualized learning plan together with their facilitators and parents. This does not mean the school is easy, but rather that their students enjoy learning, they enjoy being challenged, and they develop the key traits needed to be successful in the rapidly-changing world. They are self-motivated critical thinkers, they have practiced the tools they need to be productive citizens of the world with a desire to make their world a better place, and they have grit, a developed skill of perseverance with no fear of hard work.
SCVi Charter School 800-925-1502

Hanuri's Kinder through Eighth Program
Improves your Child's Academic Performance
Subjects at Hanuri include the Reading Smart Book Club, which provides students with an intensive reading experience to broaden their imagination as well as their perspective. Students are also given the opportunity to strengthen their writing skills through different writing activities such as poetry, persuasive essays, creative writing and more. Math lessons are also given to help increase your child's proficiency level, comprehension of word problems and more. Korean as a second language is also taught for those who are looking to learn a second language or to explore a higher degree of Korean language through level-appropriate reading materials and workbooks. 844-READ-SCV (732-3728)
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