What's New in Education
August, 2013 - Issue #106
Summer Unplugged
by Steve Meyers

Do you remember the feeling you had when that final bell would ring and you knew school was out and summer break was official? There's that sense of freedom. Summer: a time to relax by the pool, play some beach volleyball, do some camping, take a cruise down PCH, go on vacation to grandma's house, watch a summer blockbuster, sit in the spa and look at the stars, read a good book, and - sleep in! Summertime can also bring opportunities and experiences that are unexpected and life changing. This year, as summer began, 150 high school students from Real Life Church joined 1,000 other teens across California for an experience of a lifetime.

Students loaded their luggage on charter buses and headed out for Hume Lake Christian Camp. This camp is nestled in the beautiful, scenic mountains of the Sequoia National Park and offers our students a great time to be a kid and have fun away from the stresses of life. You know something else? There's no WiFi! No Internet, no Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Instant Messages, no distractions - just time to relax and enjoy life. Our students were able to get real with each other, develop lasting friendships and discover the wonderful truths of a God who loves them and made them special, with value and purpose.

This year the theme was all about Jesus. You may say, "Duh - what else would they talk about at a Christian camp?!" But however you slice it, this year helped our students see and understand just who Jesus really is and how much He has made available for all of us. Students opened up about their lives and the struggles, pain and disappointments they face. Stress at school, peer pressure, figuring out how to deal with being abandoned by their moms or dads, fighting through the pain of divorce, substance abuse, addictions, relationships gone bad, regrets and hard decisions that need to be made. Dealing with these issues and discovering a God who loves them and provides for them the means to "live life to the full" is truly what this camp experience was all about.
Steve Meyers is the student ministry pastor for Real Life Church. 775-2041

Courtesy of Shutterstock
Courtesy of Shutterstock
Monticello Announces Grand Opening
of Tennis Academy

Monticello Preparatory School has excitedly announced the grand opening of the Monticello Preparatory School Tennis Academy, which will run in tandem with Monticello Preparatory School. Students who are dedicated tennis players and who are looking to take their game to the level of performance that results in college scholarships need look no further. Former NCAA Division I tennis athlete, former Men's A tournament champion and USPTA Certified Head Tennis Coach Jocel Alcedo will provide several hours of high-performance tennis training each day. Tennis Academy students will receive their academic classes through Monticello's academic program. Watch for The Monticello Prep School Fall Classic: a USTA Junior Tennis Tournament that will take place on October 5 and 6.

Monticello provides a Christian learning environment that keeps kids learning and active all day long, from 8 am until 5:30 pm. The trademarked, award-winning Core Knowledge Sequence Curriculum, coupled with a phenomenal faculty, ensure the best academics available in the country. Monticello students thrive with activities that are so exciting they can't wait to get to school, including pro-led sports and arts like horseback riding, soccer, tennis, drama, arts and crafts and music.
Monticello Prep School 993-0296

Homeschool Help
It's estimated that over 2,000 SCV families choose to homeschool their children. Whether you're considering homeschooling or have been doing it for years, it's nice to know that well-respected schools are ready to partner with homeschool parents who are searching for local resources. Here are two:

Beacon is a comprehensive enrichment program for homeschoolers held at Legacy Christian Academy (257-7377). Held on the beautiful Valencia campus on Fridays, Beacon students benefit from courses in science, Spanish, music, art, computers, drama, Mind Math and library time, all taught by Legacy's own enrichment teachers. They also attend Chapel with traditional Legacy kids and enjoy recess and lunchtime as an opportunity to socialize with their peers. Last year, 60 students were enrolled in Beacon in grades K through sixth.

Santa Clarita Valley International Charter School (SCVi; 705-4820) has responded to the needs of the homeschooling community by establishing a unique "hybrid" home study program for students in grades TK through 12. Students in the SCVi Home Study Program are truly members of the SCVi family. They are invited and welcomed to whole-school activities, including field trips, community service projects, special events, holiday programs, special speakers' engagements, and after-school enrichment activities. In addition, regular on-site enrichment classes in language arts, math, science and other subject areas are provided to home study students.
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