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Parents with Small Children
Have Peace of Mind when You Leave your Kids with the Babysitter
Here's something to think about: You spend hours agonizing over who stays with your kids when you run to the store or go to work. But have you given the same attention as to who would be with them if something were to happen to you? Did you know that if something were to happen and your kids were left with a babysitter without legal authority to take care of your kids, the police may have no choice but to call Child Protective Services? Picking a trusted person to take care of your kids if the unthinkable happens is probably not something that you'd like to think about. But being a parent means that sometimes you have to be brave and do the right thing, even when it is difficult.
Ray Bulaon Law Offices, Inc. can prepare a simple legal document called the "Kids Protection Plan" that allows you to name guardians for your kids as well as provide clear instructions to your babysitter in case of an emergency so that your kids don't end up in the arms of strangers. The goal is to help parents with young children, so the plan is very affordable. Call now and get a free special report: "Five Things Every Responsible Parent should Absolutely Plan For" or go to www.mykidsprotection.com. 702-8710
"We have been with Santa Clarita School of Performing Arts for just a few months now and our experience has truly been mind blowing. SCSOPA found us both an agent and a manager within the first month of attending the school. We were literally picking up our headshots on the way down to Paramount Studios for an audition for 'NCIS.' The instructors are knowledgeable and professional and the office staff is top notch. Since everything happened so quickly for us, Lynn, the school director, was my go-to girl with all my questions - and I had many!
I would recommend SCSOPA to anyone interested in pursuing a career in the industry, whether it is acting, modeling, voiceovers, etc. SCSOPA has the contacts to put you in touch with the right people and the facility to help you to fine tune your skills. Thank you SCSOPA for giving us a great start!,"
~Chase and Kami Ramsgate
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All Aboard for SCV Junction
New life is coming to Heritage Junction in the form of a modern arts and crafts show! SCV Junction Outdoor Marketplace is steaming through Santa Clarita on the first weekend of every month starting September 6 and September 7. Visit to experience a slice of Americana at Santa Clarita's newest cultural and social destination set against the natural, historical backdrop of Heritage Junction at William S. Hart Park in Old Town Newhall.
SCV Junction is Santa Clarita's premier independent craft show featuring an ever-changing mix of attractions, local artisans, crafters and small businesses.
You will find handmade arts and crafts, fashion, art, home decor, furniture, soaps, candles, vintage items, jewelry, glass and metal art, pottery and ceramics, plant art and succulents, wood art and carvings, children and baby duds, food, beer, wine-related items, cool and classy things for guys and more. This show is curated for quality and uniqueness.
The outdoor marketplace will also feature food trucks and a beer and wine garden at select special events! Event hours are from 10am to 4pm and admission and parking are free.
SCV Junction is a fundraising event for the Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society, a non-profit organization working to bring culture to the community and awareness to Heritage Junction and the rich history of the Santa Clarita Valley.
Heritage Junction, located on the east end of Hart Park, is the headquarters of the SCV Historical Society and home to several historic structures built in Santa Clarita during the 1800s, including the Saugus Train Station. Inside the train station is a quaint museum with photos and artifacts of the early days of Santa Clarita. www.scvjunction.com
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What You Might not Know about Life Insurance
Life insurance isn't just for married couples with children. The need for life insurance is much broader. "Anybody who would experience a financial loss or an emotional loss after a death will need some type of life insurance," says Marvin Feldman, president and CEO of the Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education.
Who is it For? Unmarried Couples Unmarried individuals may have a significant other who relies on their support. Life insurance can help provide for them.
Stay-at-home Spouses Life insurance isn't just for breadwinners. It can help cover the cost of replacing the services of stay-at-home parents.
Single Parents These individuals are typically the sole source of support for their children. Life insurance can help provide for children financially should their parent die.
Singles Single individuals could be responsible for aging parents or may have significant debt.
Retirees Insurance can help replace income from part-time work, Social Security benefits, pensions or other employer benefits.
Empty-nesters Older adults may have custody of a grandchild or provide support for other family members. Life insurance may help this care to continue.
Business Owners Life insurance has many benefits for business owners, such as helping protect family members from taking on a person's professional debt, or providing funds for survivors to buy out the deceased's interest.
Are there Additional Benefits?
Some policies also offer living benefits. Whole policies and universal-life policies accumulate value that can be tapped as retirement income or used to help cover unexpected expenses. Universal-life policies also may have riders allowing chronically-ill policyholders to withdraw the face amount during their lifetimes to help cover long-term care costs or to prepare loved ones financially before passing.
Here's an Event for You!
Your carriage awaits you! Attend Paint A Dream's royal Cinderella Princess Party and enjoy pottery painting, story time, gifts and royal cupcakes. You'll paint magic wands while hanging out with Cinderella and her special guest. Don your favorite princess attire, grab your sparkling tiara and call early to reserve your spot. This event sells out fast!
Sunday, September 21 from 9am to 11am and 11:30am to 1:30pm
Cost is $35 per child and a $15 non-refundable deposit is required. 255-1177
Every Friday is a GymJam Friday!
From 7:30pm to 9:30pm
every Friday night, kids 7 and up
are invited to attend open gym at Wallers' GymJam Academy. Log onto
www.gymjamacademy.com to get a waiver form - and let the fun begin! Only $10 for the first child and $5 for each additional sibling. 251-3390
 Courtesy of Shutterstock |
Help Achieve a World without Alzheimer's
The two-mile Walk to End Alzheimer's on Saturday, September 20 at Bridgeport Park needs your help! Organizers are looking for people to start or join a walk team to raise money and awareness for the Alzheimer's Association. This is a very important cause as Alzheimer's is the sixth-leading cause of death in the US and providing care for a person with Alzheimer's is very expensive.
The Alzheimer's Association's Walk to End Alzheimer's is the world's largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer's care, support and research. Walk to End Alzheimer's unites the entire community - family, friends, co-workers, social and religious groups and more - in a display of combined strength and dedication in the fight against this devastating disease.
When you participate in the walk, your fundraising dollars fuel the Alzheimer's Association's programs of care, support and research. In addition, your actions help to change the level of Alzheimer's awareness in your community. At the event, you have the option to support or honor someone you know personally who has struggled with Alzheimer's.
They need your help to reach the vision of a world without Alzheimer's disease. Won't you register today at www.alz.org?
If you have questions, the Teams Recruitment committee is ready to help! Contact Geneva or Kathy
via e-mail at santaclarita@visitingangels.com or give them a call. 263-2273
Help your Pets Beat the Late-summer Heat
Made in the Shade Make sure your animals have plenty of cool, shady places to rest when they're outside. And, it bears repeating: keep your pets out of cars!
People Food No-no's It's tempting to slip end-of-summer treats to your furry friends, but hold off on barbecue scraps, chocolate, grapes, caffeine, onions, garlic and alcoholic beverages, as they can cause serious digestive stress, coma and even death. Go ahead and give them a nibble of cooked eggs, cottage cheese and veggies, as long as you keep table scraps to under 10 percent of your pet's daily intake.
Greener Pesticides Commonly-used flea and tick products, rodent bait and garden insecticides can be harmful to your pets, especially if ingested. Keep them out of reach and choose organic products whenever you can. Recommended brands include Dr. Earth by Vitacost and EcoSmart.
Swim Smart Not all dogs are good swimmers! And no matter how sufficient their "doggy paddle," strong rip tides can be dangerous. Never leave your pets unsupervised around a pool or in the ocean.
No Hot Paws Always remember to feel the pavement before you and Fido get your walk on. Remember, if it is hot for you, it is hot for them.
Be Aware Always look for heat stroke signs presented by your pet, including excessive panting, only a small amount of urine (Or none!), rapid heart rate, bloodshot eyes, reddened gums and lethargy. Always be prepared with a pet emergency kit and plenty of water.
Go Hollywood Mobile Pet Grooming 310-476-3353