How Family Dollars Can Make More Cents
January, 2013 - Issue #99
Create The Right Mindset
For Success in 2013

One of my favorite motivational speakers, the late Jim Rohn, once said: "If you want to know what your next five years are going to look like, all you need to do is to look at the last five years." What he meant by this statement is that although big changes could happen in life at any time, a lot of things remain pretty much the same - good or bad. He then goes on to say: "Nothing will change until you change!" With the start of a fresh new year just around the corner, perhaps you're already working on your "resolutions" list and thinking of ways to change your life for the better in 2013. As a bankruptcy attorney, I know that the passing year has been difficult for a lot of people with financial problems. Most are discouraged and confused, unable to see beyond their present circumstances. We've all had our share of stressful challenges - and life doesn't always wait for us to catch our breath. But if you want things to get better, you need to create the right mindset that allows for new and fresh possibilities. Resist the temptation to live in the past and leave the disappointments and failures where they belong - behind you. Your future already lies within you; it's just waiting for you to make it a reality.
Ray Bulaon, Esq. of Ray Bulaon Law Offices, Inc.

2013 Financial Planning Calendar
The New Year is all about good intentions, which can be overwhelming. For financial health, we advise approaching the year in "quarter-sized" portions. The following is a partial guide to get you started. As always, consult with your Trusted Advisor.

•Did changes occur in your personal situation during 2012? Review beneficiary designations, property ownership and payroll deductions.
•Did you start a business, change jobs, retire or buy a house that could alter your budget significantly? Make modifications as necessary.
•Give thought to your estate plan; laws change and you may have outdated documents.
•Review the asset allocation on your retirement funds.

•Prepare a comprehensive list of accounts, usernames and passwords. Keep it in a secure location to avoid identity theft.
•Review homeowners, auto, and investment property/casualty insurance. Inventory home, furniture, cars and personal belongings to determine if property insurance coverage is adequate.
•Review life, health and disability insurance policies.

•Order a copy of your credit report and report any discrepancies to the appropriate agencies.
•Request a Personal Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement from the Social Security Administration and verify your earnings credit.

•Estimate taxes due for the year and take steps before year-end to minimize them.
•Evaluate your progress for the year, recalculate your net worth and determine how well you did.
Mission Valley Bank Valencia Office 775-4112
Centre Pointe Business Banking Office 253-9500

Changing Jobs or Retiring?
Each year, over 20 million people in the United States change jobs due to mergers, downsizing and layoffs, as well as voluntary career changes, and millions more enter retirement (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, February 2009). Many of these people wrestle with their options regarding the retirement savings they've accumulated in their employer-sponsored retirement plans. The array of available alternatives can be difficult to sort out, and many individuals are inclined not to make a decision at all and simply leave the money in their former employers' plans. When you change jobs or retire, you generally have four alternatives for dealing with the assets in your former employer's retirement plan:

• Roll them into an IRA
• Take a cash distribution
• Leave the assets in the plan
• Move them to your new employer's plan

The Shipper/Koester Group of Wells Fargo Advisors can help you look at each of these alternatives to develop a strategy for your retirement savings. We take time to listen and understand your needs, help clarify your goals and take seriously the safety of your money and investments.
Janelle M. Koester, Financial Advisor, The Shipper/Koester Group of Wells Fargo Advisors. 818-226-1480
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. Investment and insurance products: not FDIC-Insured/no bank guarantee/may lose value.

Get more Cash for your Valuables
Ridding yourself of jewelry, fine watches, coins or metals you no longer want can be frustrating. While you may not need these items any longer, you don't want to short-change yourself on a sale price. Valencia Loan Company, a private appointment-only buyer and purveyor of collateral loans that has earned the spot as SCV's number-one gold buyer and collateral-loan-specialist year after year, boasts staff with a combined 50 years of experience in appraisals. They don't need to under-appraise to guarantee a profit, which means you leave with more money in your hands.
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