Last Glance
Moving Forward
July, 2015 - Issue #129
They say, "You are only as good as the people you surround yourself with." I believe this to be true with my whole heart. Our editor-in-chief and my best friend used the word "best" to describe me on page 16. I didn't like it. I wanted a new word (I'm allowed to demand such things!). Being the debater that she is, she explained why that's my given word since she was only allowed to use one. She said, "Best friend, best at EVERYTHING... Whenever I talk to anyone about you, they always say, 'Isn't she the BEST? Like, really. THE BEST.' And I'm always saying, "Oh, Jeanna's the best at that.' Or, 'Jeanna has the best...' It is probably the word I use most often in conjunction with your name. You are the BEST!"

I'm keeping this word. It says a lot about me but it says even more about who I surround myself with: the best. 13 years ago I married the best man; he's maintained that status and far surpassed it as the father to our two charming, smart and handsome sons (Who are just like their father!).

Ten years ago I met Therese Edwards. She's brilliantly the best. I describe her to everyone as the smarter version of me. We are also total opposites. That's what makes us the best team. She is everything I am not and vice versa. If you ever catch me looking brilliant, she can take the credit for it. If you talk to her on the phone you would swear it was me - we even sound the same (Even her mom and my husband would testify that to be truth!).

In the last 10 years I have worked with and maintained the best staff and contributors. They made the learning curve of being a business owner more like a "let's do it again" roller coaster ride. Each of them brought new meaning to the term "having your back" and while some have moved on, the best still remain the best in my heart. Just because they aren't here now for the "day to day" doesn't mean they are not still very busy being the best.

As I approach the very wise age of 40 (kicking and screaming), I see that what's changed the most in the last 10 years is me. I know now what I thought I knew then and I know I still have a lot more to learn (Ahh...wisdom!) and my heart and mind are open (God, let's do this!). The Inside SCV circle is smaller now but it's stronger (This makes it harder for the best to escape it!). I work alongside the best of the best (Top Gun style!). My patient husband, my brilliant best friend, my creative director and partner in daily ass-kicking Amandalynn Sawyer. She reads my mind, sees me at my best and worst, handles all advertiser's requests with ease, grace and urgency and still comes to work everyday with a smile. LOVE her! The same can be said for my senior account executive Ethel Nakutin, a past publisher of The Signal who called, interviewed me in 2010 and came out of retirement to work with me (I know, that one still gets me!). She is a true inspiration and working with her the past five years has upped my best status in every aspect of my job. Every month we embark on adventures with our celebrated and very best contributors. I could blush about them for pages! Oh wait, I did! (Check them out on pages 19, 20, 28, 32 and 78.).

"It's impossible," said pride. "It's risky," said experience. "It's pointless," said reason. "Give it a try," whispered the heart. Our advertisers are the heart of this magazine. There is nothing we won't do for them - nothing. They make us bolder, braver and better. They make us the best because they are the best and they expect that from us. They bring more to our table than we deserve and we feel blessed beyond measure for each and every relationship we have built since Day One. As we celebrate our decade we celebrate with them. As always, they humble us! Some are celebrating their 50th, 40th, 35th years in business. Some their first, some a decade just like us - to all of them we say, "To many, many more!"

I posted something on Instagram last week that said, "Whatever's good for your that." You are good for our soul, Santa Clarita. If you are reading this then you are the soul of our business. We do it for you! We are celebrating 10 years because of you! We thank you for your love and for choosing Inside SCV and we hope to remind you monthly why you choose us.
My cup runneth over,

President, SC Publishing, Inc.
Proud Publisher of Inside SCV Magazine
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