Trust your Financial Future to A Philosophy of Care
September, 2012 - Issue #95
Words to Live By
At the most basic level, the Golden Rule still holds the key to a good, happy and valuable life - and the same rules apply in business:
• Treat others as you wish to be treated.
• Be honest.
• Stand by your word; do what you say you are going to do.

At Mission Valley Bank, we took the time to build upon the Golden Rule and developed our Core Purpose as well as our Core Values. We have invested a great deal of time and energy to insure that these are not just words on the wall for our team members to see (though you will find a copy on the wall of each of our offices). They are our "Words to Live (and Work) By." Our Core Purpose is simple: "Making Financial Dreams Come True." Our Core Values of Accountability, Character, Culture, Excellence, People and Teamwork are essential to the fulfillment of this purpose.

As a company, we believe that if we sincerely dedicate ourselves to practicing our Core Values, we can and will succeed in our Core Purpose and make the financial dreams of our clients, our shareholders and our team members come true - thus finally achieving "Our Vision": That every client considers us their trusted advisor and financial partner.
Mission Valley Bank's Santa Clarita office is located at
26415 Carl Boyer Drive (253-9500); their Valencia office is located at 25060 W. Avenue Stanford (775-4112).

Someone Who's "been There"
When I was a young law school student, I experienced firsthand what it was like to be in debt and not have the means to pay. At that time, I went through a period of unemployment and I was behind on my bills. Creditors were calling; it was a very stressful time. I felt like the walls were caving in on me; I was trapped with no way out. After that, I found my first job as a paralegal and slowly regained control over my finances. The experience taught me a lot about myself, finances and life in general. I learned that no matter how bad things get, most problems are just temporary. Sooner or later, it stops raining and the sun shines once again. Little did I realize that, many years later, I would become a bankruptcy attorney helping people with financial problems. Today, when a client consults with me about their debt problems and tells me how they feel about their situation, I can honestly say: "I know. I've been there. I know how it is. You're going to be OK."
Ray Bulaon, Esq. of Ray Bulaon Law Offices, Inc. 866-477-7772

Goals-based Investment Planning
Many types of Investment Planning can often boil down to cookie-cutter investment mixes and generalized guesswork regarding your future financial circumstances or needs. It's better than nothing, but it's impersonal and vague. That's why Wells Fargo Advisors' Envision process, by planning your investments around benchmarks and life events that hold real meaning for you, can connect you to your investment strategy in a refreshing, revealing and personal way. Even better, it can keep you apprised of that most critical of financial questions: "How am I doing?" The Envision process offers you and your financial advisor the tools and technology you need to discuss your life expectations, decide on an appropriate investment strategy, track your progress and re-sync - or rethink - your approach whenever necessary. Envision© is a registered service mark of WElls Fargo & Company and used under license.
Janelle M. Koester is a financial advisor with The Shipper / Koester Group of Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC 818-226-1480
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