Can an SCV Girl Bloom in Indiana?
August, 2005 - Issue #10
I grew up in the Santa Clarita Valley. And when I say "grew up" I mean I came half way into my own there. The other half is still progressing.

I went to elementary school at Soledad Canyon, now known as the Edwards Movie Theaters. In sixth grade my family moved to Newhall's Adamsboro Drive. I went to Wiley Canyon Elemetary for a semester, then attended junior high at Placerita Canyon.

William S. Hart High followed. I wasn't popular by any means but I had a lot of friends and was in Sound Vibes. It's a show choir. I'm sorry, it's the show choir.

I know what you're thinking. And I have this to say to you: Don't judge. You know deep down you've always wanted to wear a polyester white dress with a red sequined vest and cuffs. Don't deny it.

After high school I went to College of the Canyons and made an attempt at The Master's College. I wasn't in the mood for college and went to work instead, at Six Flags and then at several local restaurants. I found myself working at Wolf Creek Brewing Company (try the Gaucho Steak!).

And then my world came crashing down around me. I fell in love. So in love that before I could say, "I am not moving to some rural community in Jasper, Indiana," I had moved to some rural community in Jasper, Indiana. You go where the job takes you, and David (that's my hubby) had a job in Jasper. Indiana. Let me repeat that for you. I-N-D-I-A-N-A - 2021.9 miles away from Adamsboro Drive.

So I moved to Jasper and started to watch countless reruns of Beverly Hills 90210. My TV schedule became my life. When I started to tell David how much the Behind the Music Meatloaf story touched my heart, he interrupted me with six words: "You need to get a job."

I tried the restaurants but I missed Wolf Creek and wasn't happy working for someone who wasn't a McFerren.

Eventually, I came to work for a non-profit organization called DONA International. And now, I love my home, I love my job, I love my town and am looking forward to having children soon. I have come to know myself better here in Indiana. It's quiet and there's a slower pace. At first it unnerved me. I was so used to the 405 that I found myself cussing at every farm truck on the road.

A quick tip: Don't ever get behind a turkey truck.

I have found time to chill out, which it seemed I could never do in the SCV. Too many things to do. Too many people to meet. I didn't know anything else.

What I'm getting at is this: Bloom where you're planted.

When I come back to Santa Clarita (which is about two to three times a year) I miss it. I long for it. And not just my family and friends, but literally Santa Clarita itself.

I miss Lyons Avenue. I miss Old Orchard and the trees in the park. I miss Jimmy Dean's garden burgers and In N' Out. I miss driving by the Christmas tree lots and knowing that way-back-when there was a Miller's Outpost in that one building.

And then I come to a new stop light. A new strip mall. New businesses and cute boutiques. You guys have a Pottery Barn now!

I look around at all the growth and am amazed at how much I don't know about Santa Clarita. I almost got lost on McBean once.

When I come home to visit, I set aside time to drive around and check things out. It feels different to me now. It feels faster and more populated. It feels beautifully manicured and larger than life.

I love coming to visit but am happy to return to my rural community in Jasper, Indiana. I have bloomed where I'm planted, and that my friends is a glorious thing.
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