Carousel Ranch's Heart of the West
September, 2014 - Issue #119
"See that little girl on the big horse? That's my daughter. Before she came to Carousel Ranch, she couldn't even sit up. She never smiled. Now look at her!," said the mom I met a decade ago.

I was 25 when I watched that 5 year old grinning, improving, thriving on a Carousel Ranch therapy horse. Ten years later, it would be my 5 year old on the back of a Ranch steed. The diagnoses that brought us there were different, but the success was the same - and so were the smiles.

Before I was a Carousel Ranch mom, I was a Carousel Ranch board member. Truth be told, every publisher of Inside SCV Magazine served - and still serves - the organization generously with resources and talents. We are continuously moved by the families, their stories and what we like to call "Ranch Miracles."

We know you will be, too. From the bottom of our hearts, we hope that you join us at this year's Heart of the West annual fundraiser not just because it's a good time, but because it's time that matters. You'll witness things during the Children's Demonstration that will change the way you see the world.

And you'll have fun doing it. An exciting silent and live auction; music and dancing; plus alcohol and bartending courtesy of Vincent Hill Station and a delicious Western meal by Salt Creek Grille Catering make the night a memorable one.

There's still time to get your tickets for the August 23 event!
Buy them online at or give them a call. 268-8010

Thank you to our table Sponsors!
Hero's Heart Sponsor
Paul A. Hughes Family Foundation
Silver Saddle Sponsors
The Gomez Family
Don and Debra Hausknecht
Mission Valley Bank

Marshall's Table Sponsors
Key Information Systems
The Loughnane Family
The Welcher Family

Head Table Sponsors
Santa Clarita Concrete &
Andy's Precision Seal & Stripe

Live Auction Preview
Heart of the West's live auction is thrilling to watch - and even more fun when you're bidding! This is the auction to attend if you're searching for unique experiences to share with the ones you love.

Princess Cruise to the Hawaiian Islands for Two (Up to 15 Days) in a Balcony Stateroomdonated by Princess Cruises Community Foundation

Seven Days in a French Chateau
for Up to 10 Guestsdonated by The Jones Family

12 Days in Paradise at Cebu, Philippines
Beach Housedonated by Susan Handley/Beijo Bags

Laker's "Best Suite" at Staples for 12
donated by Keyes Automotive Group

EA Games/San Francisco
Customized Behind the Scenes Tour & Gaming Experience Including Airfare & Hotel Stay donated by EA Games and Deborah & Stuart McIntosh

Cesar Milan "The Dog Whisperer"
Five-day Fundamentals Course Taught by Cesar Milandonated by Cesar's Way

Community Focus is proudly presented by Mission Valley Bank
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