What a great time to get creative with the family! Whether you're making valentines or creating a new doormat for the house, spending quality time with the kids will bring you closer together.
Victorian Valentines
 Victorian Valentines |
Perfect for giving to grandparents or teachers, handmade valentines can become treasured possessions. They're also a great way to get rid of scrap paper, extra wrapping paper, and magazine cut-outs.
You'll Need:
• Assorted paper doilies
• Assorted wrapping papers
• Colored paper
• Scissors
• Markers
• Glue or glue stick
• Wooden skewers
• Clear contact paper (optional)
Directions for Cards:
Fold colored paper in half. Arrange doilies on card, building one on top of the other until you reach your desired effect. Cut pictures from wrapping paper and glue to the middle of the card. Write a valentine message on the front of the card.
Directions for Plant Pokes:
Layer doilies, working from largest to smallest, on top of each other. Finish with a picture, then glue or tape design to skewer. Cover with clear contact paper on both sides to make the creation waterproof.
Directions for Placemats:
Glue doilies and pictures to large colored paper of choice. Cover the design with contact paper, or cover both sides for a sturdier mat.
Floor Mat
 Floor Mat |
After all the rain we've had, a new doormat is probably in order. These are so inexpensive to make (the mats can be found for around $2 at most home supply stores), you may want to create a couple to give as gifts to friends and neighbors.
You'll Need:
• Plain floor mat
• Acrylic paints of choice
• Stencils
• Stencil brushes or any stiff brush
• Sponge brush
• Masking tape
Directions for Floor Mat:
If you want to make a border or other straight lines on your mat, use masking tape to mark off the area.
Place your stencil where you want your design. Tape down the corners. Use a stencil brush in an up-and-down movement to fill in the design with paint.
If you are using chunky stamps, use the sponge brush to apply the paint generously to the different areas of the stamp. Cover stamp areas simultaneously, then place stamp on mat and press down firmly; don't rock the stamp. Remove the stamp by pulling straight up.
If you'd like to make a mat for inside the house, you can use carpet samples, following the same directions as above.
Georgia Logan owns Creativity Plus. She can be reached for comments or questions at 251-7437.