Family TIME
February, 2013 - Issue #100
Make 2013 Better for You & your Family
Clear Out the Clutter
& Increase the Energy

Clutter is anything unfinished, unused, unresolved, tolerated or disorganized. Clutter can accumulate in our physical spaces and it can also pile up in not-so-obvious places like our e-mail boxes, daily habits and thoughts. Clutter will bog you down, drain your energy, keep money and clients away, prevent opportunities from being apparent and help keep you or any situation stuck. Whether you have physical, mental or spiritual clutter, it pays to take care of it.

Clutter in your Physical Space
When your environment is organized and less cluttered, you have more energy and become more efficient, motivated and clear with the direction of your life. Use these questions when considering items you might clear from your environment: Do I use it? Do I need it? Does it bring joy into my life? Is it broken, damaged, or unsightly? If I lost it in a fire would I replace it exactly as is? Is it associated with something in the past that evokes energy that has negative thoughts, memories, or emotions? If I were to move twice in the next year would I want to pack it or pay to have it moved?

If you have trouble parting with something because it is valuable, still useful, or you just like it, think about finding it a good home with someone who will use it or appreciate it. Sell it, give it as a gift or donate it to charity.

Start small by trying this feng shui tip: Clean out, organize, or put away (in the proper place!) 27 things each day for the next nine days. If you miss a day, start over. That is a total of 243 items you will move to clear space and allow energy to flow. If you like the results, do it more, or make it a regular daily habit. You don't have to clean everything all at once to feel better and get more space and energy flowing.

Other Kinds of Clutter
Clear out cyber-clutter. Your computer can not only accumulate clutter that affects its performance and your time and stress level, it can be a source of clutter in your day - eating up your valuable time and causing stress later when you haven't gotten things done. Set up a regular routine to clean out your e-mail; spend an evening cleaning out old programs and files you don't need; unsubscribe to regular e-mails you get but do not read; try setting boundaries for when you will read and deal with e-mail, check Facebook or play solitaire.

Open up and air out your mind. Just like in your physical space, clearing clutter in your mental and spiritual spaces relaxes you, reduces stress and creates more space for the new things you would rather manifest in your life. Use hypnotherapy or other methods to release old habits, fears or behaviors you would rather live without. Dump at least one negative thing you say to yourself. Pick one, and whenever you hear it inside your head, tell yourself "That it isn't true anymore," or counteract it with a new positive statement. Your goal is to give yourself more positive input than negative, and tip the scales your way.

Clearing your clutter, no matter what sort, will boost your energy for the new year - and serve as a healthy example for your family.
Karen Maleck-Whiteley is a certified hypnotherapist, coach, speaker and author. Karen is also the co-owner of Balance Point Spa. 252-0650

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Foster Families Needed for Infants & Toddlers
Adoptive Families Needed for Older Children & Siblings

Every child deserves to have a safe, loving and permanent home. Children's Bureau, a nonprofit leader in the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect, needs foster families who will care specifically for infants and toddlers during the reunification process with their parents.

There are also 114,000 children currently in foster care who are unable to return to their families of origin. Children's Bureau is seeking caring families to consider adopting these older children and large sibling sets.

The agency is holding a monthly information meeting for those interested in learning more on Saturday, February 23 (See below for details.).

Children's Bureau encourages individuals (single or married), teachers, retired persons and anyone interested in helping children find the love, stability and support a family can provide to contact Children's Bureau.

Qualifying families receive training, certification, financial reimbursement and medical benefits for the children. Further, 24-hour support is also provided to aid in the care of their foster and adoptive children. An information packet or application may be requested by filling out a request form on the website, if desired. An application may also be printed directly from the website.

For over 100 years, Children's Bureau has served communities like ours. More than 21,000 children and families are helped each year throughout Southern California with services that include school readiness, parenting classes, family resource centers, support groups, mental health counseling, foster care, adoption and more. 272-9996

Saturday February 23
Children's Bureau Hosts Monthly
Information Meeting on Foster Care & Adoption

Held in the Community Room at the Westfield Valencia Town Center from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 272-9996
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