Family Time
Legacy Academy Becomes "Circus Academy" For a Day
June, 2009 - Issue #56
Clowns, jugglers and tightrope walkers recently mingled with students when Legacy Christian Academy became Circus Academy - this year's theme for Principal for a Day.

Martin Meeks took over as principal and the school went topsy-turvy - much to students' delight. Each class decorated a circus-type animal or theme to start off the day's events. The winner received a pinata full of tasty treats. The carnival included a scavenger hunt and viewing of such Disney classics as Dumbo and The Jungle Book. There were bounce houses, pie-throwing areas featuring some willing staff members and, of course, a dunk tank. Beloved teachers faced the tank (full of cold water) as students threw their best softball pitches. Another favorite venue was the pie-throwing center, where brave staff members faced a lot of gooey mess from students. Stilts anyone? Circus performers showed students proper stilt-walking methods. Students also learned the latest techniques in hula hooping and juggling without losing concentration. Special thanks went out to the Meeks family for hosting a fun kick-off to the week-long spring break; 257-7377

Summer Resolutions
Resolutions: They're not just for New Year's anymore.

Spend more time outside and less time in front of a glowing screen.

Spend more time playing with kids and pets and less time worrying about how messy your house is because of kids and pets.

Spend less energy fretting about money and more energy saving energy (and, thus, money!) by unplugging computers, conserving water, using fans instead of air conditioning, turning off lights and switching to energy-efficient appliances.

Spend more time in (a deliciously air conditioned) library, where books, performances and help are free.

Spend at least one night a week doing something "special" as a family. This is the time to create traditions that will carry you and your kids through life's inevitable rough patches ahead. Make your own "drive-in theater" by moving the DVD player outside; kick around a soccer ball; have a squirt gun or water balloon fight.

This Month, Why Don't You...
trick the kids into enjoying yard work.
June 28 is "Paul Bunyan Day," and that gives you an exceptional opportunity to turn a blind eye to child labor laws and instead dare your kids to perform their own legendary acts for agricultural merit.

turn water preservation into a game.
You probably heard that California's in even more water trouble than usual. Some bills will be going up, which means our consumption needs to go down. Ask your kids to come up with ways to save water. Whoever has the longest list gets to skip their (water consuming!) bath. Practice what you preach. Turn off the water while washing dishes, hands and brushing teeth. Use the broom instead of the hose, stop watering the pavement instead of the grass and - if you are really ready to impress - collect "gray" water and use it to give your plants a heavy drink.

Book your Babysitter Now!
Saturday, July 11
Beyond the Fringe Salon Hosts "Art in Action"

Celebrate an evening of all things creative in support of the SCV Food Pantry. Before July 11, stop by the salon with a bag of groceries and receive a free ticket to this fabulous event that will showcase local Santa Clarita artists' work. The enjoyable event will feature a wide selection of artwork as well as appetizers, wine, soothing background music and an auction. If you are an artist and would like to display your work, please contact the salon; 259-1982

Family Friendly Events...
Friday, May 29 to Friday, June 5
The Drive Safe Program Hosts White Ribbon Week

The Drive Safe Program encourages responsible driving among teens and discourages driving or being a passenger in a car in which the driver is tired, intoxicated, speeding or dangerously distracted. The White Ribbon Week is a pre-graduation program in remembrance of the local teens who have lost their lives in auto collisions. As a part of the program, high school seniors are asked to wear white ribbons during graduation ceremonies in memory of those who have lost their lives in car collisions. The ribbons are free and available to the public; 250-3731

Wednesday, June 3
Valencia Library Hosts "Aesop's Fables"
From 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., experience a musical telling of three popular Aesop's fables: "The Tortoise and the Hare," "The Boy who Cried Wolf" and "The Fox and the Crow." All are performed by Amy Gillette and James Hobert from Enrichment Works; 259-8942

They gave their Lives-Can You give an Hour?
Eternal Valley Hosts 2009 Memorial Day Tribute to Veterans
The distinctive sound and appearance of World War II vintage aircraft flying overhead will mark the commencement of the 21st Annual Tribute to Veterans on Memorial Day, Monday May 25, beginning at 10 a.m.

Over 1,000 Santa Clarita Valley residents, many dressed in red, white and blue, will gather beneath the towering oaks and on the surrounding grassy hills of Eternal Valley Memorial Cemetery for the annual Memorial Day Tribute to Veterans. This year's Tribute will be dedicated to America's Veterans of the Vietnam War.

This year's guest speaker is Santa Clarita City Council Member and former Mayor, Bob Kellar, a veteran of the US Army who served during the Vietnam era.

As the one hour observance progresses there will be participation by members of the community of all ages. Many civic organizations provide wreaths for the ceremonies. Cub Scouts will place small flags on symbolic grave markers near the stage. The JROTC Drill Team will demonstrate their skills and precision timing and the SCV Concert Band will provide music throughout the ceremonies.

Eternal Valley Memorial Park is located at 23287 Sierra Highway. Parking is available in the Park and along Sierra Highway approaching the park entrance. Some seating is provided. Attendees may bring folding chairs or blankets.

For information about inscribing the name of a deceased veteran on the Memorial Wall, please contact Committee Treasurer Kathy Van Duzee at 294-0882; 294-7985
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