Family Time
August, 2009 - Issue #58
Family Calendar
Tuesday, July 21 through Thursday, July 23 and
Tuesday, August 4 through Thursday, August 6
Stitch Cafe Hosts Kids' Knit Camp

All sessions are three days long and run from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Supplies and snacks are included. Register online or by phone;

Friday, July 31 through Sunday, August 2
ESCAPE Presents "Grease!"
Adults and kids alike will be thrilled by this exceptionally-produced musical performance at Hart High School auditorium; 299-5264

Saturday, August 8
Sweet Charity Cake Auction and Competition

Local companies, schools and charities are invited to design a specialty cake and put it on the auction block to raise money for the Youth Project;

Hart Hall Presents "Silents Under the Stars"
Starting at 6 p.m., experience the "reel West" with an evening at the William S. Hart Park and Museum. Enjoy a Western-style dinner, tour and Bill Hart silent film with a backdrop of the scenic hills. Reservations required; 254-4584

Best. Sales. Ever.
(for Mommy and Kids)

We are unabashed fans of consignment sales (The ridiculously-good deals! The selection! The chance to make extra money!), and the stars have really aligned in our favor over the next two months. For consignment novices, here's the lowdown: You'll see lots of must-have goodies that are in super-excellent condition, and lots more with the tags still attached. The only difference? The price. And if your closet is full of not-the-right-size stuff for you or your kids, here's your chance to easily unload it for cash.

For Kids
Friday, August 14 through Sunday, August 16
California Kids Consignment

Back to school and fall/winter attire is the reason, but books, furniture, strollers, play equipment, infant, nursery, maternity items and more are always in season. Last day to register as a consignor is July 30. Visit for updates on upcoming sales; 309-9439

For Women
Friday, September 11 through Sunday, September 13
Dress on a Dime Women's Resale Boutique

On a budget but still want to look great? Whether you want to sell or shop, Dress on a Dime is the answer! The seasonal boutique features new and gently-used name-brand clothing, shoes and accessories. Registration is now open; The Residence Inn, The Old Road, Santa Clarita

Family Gatherings:
Sunday Brunch

If you're hungry for delicious food and family time, plan on heading to El Chaparral in Canyon Country (252-5599) or Presidente Mexican Grill in Santa Clarita (297-7244) this Sunday. Their all-you-can-eat Champagne brunch is an affordable luxury at only $13.95 for adults and $6.95 for kids. Dine on eight hot entrees plus omelets, salads, fresh waffles and more.

Summer Fun for Less
Here's the perfect excuse to play hookie from work and hang out with the kids. Mountasia Family Fun Center boasts a slew of weekday-only specials (excluding holidays, Monday through Thursday). Take advantage of the deals - and air conditioning! - before school's back in session. See store for restrictions and details; 253-4FUN

Kids Eat Free
One free junior meal with purchase of one adult meal.

$10 Unlimited Video Games
Unlimited regular video games of your choice of any two hours.

Raceday Fun $12.99
Two go kart rides plus a hot luncheon sundae.

Family Golf & Pizza Deal $24.99
Four rounds of miniature golf, one pitcher of soft drinks and one large pizza with up to two toppings. Plus... Daily Specials available Monday through Sunday all summer.

Unlimited Outdoor Fun
$19.99 per person for three hours of unlimited golf, go karts and bumper boats; add one Lazer Tag Game or one Rock Wall Climb for $5.

Unlimited Indoor Fun
$19.99 per person for three hours of unlimited Lazer Tag, regular video games and the Rock Wall.

photography by Ted Dayton
photography by Ted Dayton
ABC Baby Furniture Holds Cutest Nursery Contest

We know you have the cutest baby, but we want to know who has the cutest nursery! If it's you, send pictures to or bring them to 25030 W. Avenue Stanford, Valencia 91355. Entry deadline is August 15, 2009. Vote for your favorites between August 15 and August 26 online at or in store. Grand prize winners will recieve $100 credit to ABC Baby Furniture and have their nursery featured in Inside SCV Magazine.

Creative Years Celebrates 30 Years in the SCV
Creative Years (254-0718) is celebrating 30 years (1979-2009) of serving SCV families with young children ages 2 to 5. The preschool program is creative, social and developmental in which children grow physically, emotionally and academically. The school is unique in many ways to ensure that after completing preschool your child is ready for the challenges in elementary school.

Arranging Summer Vacation for Newly-separated Families
It's summer and time for travel. For newly-separated families, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, if you do not have a judgment or a written parenting plan that allows for out-of-state travel, beware that Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders prohibit removing the minor children from the state without written consent of the other parent or a court order.

If you do have custody orders, the vacation schedule supercedes the regular visitation schedule. Once the vacation time is over, the parents return to their regular schedule.

Sharing detailed itineraries well in advance helps make for an easier vacation. Calls to the parent staying behind, ideally within 30 minutes of landing at the airport and throughout the trip, also help the child enjoy the experience and make co-parenting easier on your return. Tip courtesy of The Reape-Rickett Law Firm 288-1000.

Connecting with Kids with Autism
People often ask, "What can family members and friends do to connect and/or assist loved ones with autism?" Noah's Friends (888-620-NOAH) was founded to provide individuals and their families with developmental services of the highest quality. Their therapists are not only well-trained, they consider working with autistic individuals their vocation - literally, their "calling."

Here are their suggestions:
• Most individuals with autism shy away from crowds and loud
noises. Be calm and speak clearly when interacting with them.
Give them time to process and respond.
• Respect them. Never talk as if they're not present. Don't
assume they don't understand what you're saying.
• Learn to differentiate between autistic behaviors and
unacceptable behaviors. What may appear to be defiance and
anger may be fear and inability to process a situation.
• Patiently encourage them to grow and interact with others.
Typical peers have an amazing way of modeling good behavior
to autistic individuals and improving their social skills.

Family-Friendly Barbecue Heaven Now Open
Getting a great dinner on the table - one that pleases everyone's palate - can be an exercise in frustration. The next time you're ready to throw in the (dish) towel, suggest (or, ahem, insist) on a more relaxed evening at T-Bo's House of BBQ. Waistline watchers will eagerly nosh on the local family-owned restaurant's Infused Strawberry Salad and fat-free, freshly-made Granita while your clan's carnivores enter barbeque heaven. Five barbecue traditions from around the country - including Kansas City Style Ribs, Texas Brisket, Alabama White Sauce Chicken, North Carolina Pulled Pork, and Santa Maria Style Tri-Tip - are on gastronomical display, flavored by the SCV's only "Fast Eddie" slow-smoker; 19403 Soledad Canyon Road, in Canyon Country, near TJ Maxx 250-2100

For Teens & Young Adults
Is your Young Adult "Money Wise?"

If your child is 16 to 22, you're going to want to keep reading. On two consecutive Sundays in August, teens and young adults have the opportunity to (finally) develop a healthy relationship with money. Taught by an experienced California-credentialed teacher, the I Am Moneywise program titled "Promoting Financial Literacy in America's Youth" will cover topics like saving, debt, budgeting, credit and credit cards, loans and banking. Practical knowledge will be conveyed through hands-on activities and a 125-page curriculum. Students will write checks, create budgets, figure out compound interest and more. Multiple registration bonuses and referral incentives are available;

"Made in the SCV" Official Santa Clarita Merchandise
This contemporary black "Santa Clarita Baby" diaper bag is built for today's busy parent. It features an insulated bottle holder in lime green with a black and white polka dot trim and coordinating baby-safe changing pad that tucks neatly inside the roomy, pocketed bag. The kit is complete with custom "Made in Santa Clarita" American Apparel baby gear, including a rib hat, 3 to 18 month one-piece, reversible bib and burp cloth. It's the perfect gift for new parents. Log on for this and other official City merchandise;

Miss SCV International - Passport Required
The Santa Clarita Valley International Program (SCVIP) has launched the Santa Clarita Valley International Pageant.

The focus behind Miss Santa Clarita Valley International is to recognize and assist in the development of young women, showcase them as positive role models, and give them the extraordinary opportunity to help strengthen and foster SCVIP's goals in the global community.

"Pageant winners will serve as ambassadors to Santa Clarita's two Sister Cities - Sariaya, Philippines and Tena, Ecuador. As delegates to our international partners, these young women will gain a perspective on the importance of international affairs and diplomacy, and foster global awareness and responsibility," said Carl Boyer, former mayor of Santa Clarita and founder of SCVIP. "We are looking for bright young women to vie for either the Miss Santa Clarita Valley International or Miss Teen Santa Clarita Valley International title."

The pageant and dinner will be held on Sunday, September 13. Contestants will participate in interviews, and compete in the following categories: evening gown, lifestyle and fitness wear, talent, and on-stage question;

photography by Ted Dayton
photography by Ted Dayton
Calling All Characters
Does your Face Tell a Story?

The richness of life's experiences make an imprint on our souls - and our faces. Decades filled with merriment lead to laugh lines. Lazy summer days at the lake can be counted on a calendar - or on a soft, freckled cheek. Lessons of years past reflect brightly in wise eyes.

Every face tells a story, and now some will have the opportunity to share theirs.

Ted Dayton, Inside SCV Magazine's primary photographer, is on the look out for unique faces of every age. "I'm hoping to photograph dynamic people with big smiles and a great outlook on life," says Dayton.

Selected models will be treated to a professional portrait photography session by Dayton at no charge. Each will receive one print and a disc with images taken during the shoot.
Models will be asked to sign a release granting permission to use the images as "stock" photos, which are often used in editorial print formats, among others.

Details and additional information can be found at Dayton's website,

Adults or parents interested in the exchange will be asked to submit a facial close-up of themselves or their children via e-mail, available on the site. Selections are exclusively based on professional judgment.

"This is a great opportunity," says Inside SCV Magazine Publisher Jeanna Crawford. "Ted is truly one of the finest photographers you'll find anywhere. His portraits are works of art."

Santa Clarita Valley Center for Photography Hosts Photo Workshops for EveryoneThe SCV's newest, most complete photographers' rental studio will host valuable workshops for both professional and amateur photographers. The Center offers studio, office, meeting and gallery space for rent, as well as lighting equipment and more.

Saturday, July 25
Grand Opening Meet & Greet Party & Tours

Thursday, July 30
Saving your Memories:
Digitize, Restore and Share

Saturday, August 8
Copyright for Photographers

Sunday, August 9
Developing your Eye: Finding Art All Around You

Thursday, August 13
50 Quick Tips for Better Photos

Saturday, August 15
What the Heck is Raw Processing Anyway?

Sunday, August 16
Using Adobe Products to Design & Create a Book

Wednesday, August 26
Basic Composition and
Camera Settings

Thursday, August 27
Taking your Photoshop
to the Next Level

Saturday, August 29
Photography for Smarties: One Day of Fundamentals

All events held at the Center, located at 28368 Constellation Road, Suite 340. Visit the website for class times, requirements and cost; 904-2092

FamilyTime in the Garden
Plant Salvia, a Humming Bird Favorite
by Sandy Cudmore, Advanced CCNP
The Salvia family includes many attractive choices for Santa Clarita gardeners. A favorite, Salvia greggii or Autumn Sage, beckons humming birds to your garden or balcony.

Equally happy in a large container or in the ground, this hardy salvia provides near year-round blooms in milder winters and survives our coldest ones. While heavier blooming occurs spring through fall, sporadic blooms provide food during mild winters for our "hummers" who stick around.

This salvia grows about 3.5 feet high and wide, but with regular pruning, can be kept as a compact 2-foot by 2-foot shrub. Bright red seems to be the humming bird's favorite bloom color, although they frequent Hot Lips, which is red and white, Pink Dancer, and a host of others.

The plant is reasonably drought tolerant, making it a wise choice for Southern California. It prefers sun to light shade, and well draining soil.
Sandy Cudmore is an advanced CCNP and garden pro at Green Thumb Garden Center, located at 23734 Newhall Avenue (formerly San Fernando Road) in Old Town Newhall; 259-1072

Make Homemade Hummingbird Nectar
Kids are fascinated by hummingbirds. Give them an up-close view of the tiny birds' rapidly-beating wings by hanging a hummingbird feeder near a backyard-facing window.

Homemade Hummingbird Nectar
1 part sugar to 4 parts water

Begin by bringing the water to a boil. Then add the sugar, stir and allow to cool. Your Nectar doesn't require any additional ingredients, so don't add food coloring or honey, which could ferment.

Pour your nectar in a clean hummingbird feeder and replace approximately once a week. Excess nectar can be stored in the refrigerator.
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