Family Time
September Family Calendar
September, 2009 - Issue #59
Best. Daytrip. Ever.
Let Firehouse Fishing Charters take You on an Eight-hour Tour
Captain Scott Winkler and his gorgeous boat have been just about everywhere - except Gilligan's Island. Winkler and Ms. Christine, his 24-foot Bay Ranger, are the dynamic duo behind Firehouse Fishing Charters, a first-class fishing experience. Novices and experts, seniors, kids and everyone in between will make incredible memories as they tackle the catch of the day out on open water. Eight-hour tours are available for both fresh and salt water and include gear, tackle and ice at better than a great price. It's the perfect idea for a family adventure, bachelor party, birthday outing or weekend excursion (an RV is also available for rent for longer outings); 510-5900

Saturday > August 29
Visit MB2 Raceway at The Great Vehicle Adventure
Held in the Dodger Stadium lot, The Great Vehicle Adventure captures the imaginations of children and adults alike by putting them in the driver's seat of over 200 of the coolest vehicles on earth, plus stage entertainment from top name celebrities, motorcycle demonstrations, show giveaways and more. MB2 staff will be in attendance handing out coupons and holding an hourly drawing for a complimentary race;

Monday > 7
Mountasia Fun Center Hosts Labor Day Deals

From 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. get wet on the bumper boats, practice your swing in the batting cages, putt around on the golf course, try some fancy footwork on Dance Dance Revolution, zap the competition in lazer tag and cool off with a famous Farrell's Ice Cream Sundae. Unlimited Play Packages available; 253-4386

Tuesday > 8
Creative Years Hosts 30-year Anniversary Celebration

Stop by the preschool from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Ask questions, tour the facility, interact with the staff and see why Santa Clarita parents have trusted their children with Creative Years for three decades; 254-0718

SCV Photographers Host Camera Club Meeting
The local Canon representative will be in attendance. Beginning at 6:45 p.m.;

Saturday > 12
City of Santa Clarita Hosts River Rally
Starting at 8 a.m., help clean a portion of the Santa Clara River - the longest free-flowing river and one of the last two natural river systems remaining in Southern California. Be a part of the solution for a better environment by helping to preserve the river's natural beauty and variety of wildlife. To date, thousands of volunteers have collected over 285,000 pounds of trash and debris from the Santa Clara River and its tributaries! Participants will be provided with gloves, collection bags and refreshments; 286-4098

Every Friday and Saturday
Stitch Cafe Hosts Help Clinic
On Fridays from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. and Saturdays from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., drop in for professional guidance from friendly folks with the experience and knowledge to help you out of your stitching bind. $10; 818-980-1234
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