Family Time
July, 2010 - Issue #69
One Summer, Plus Math Support Systems, Equals...

Success! Summer is the best time to build confidence and strengthen basic math skills. Providing a head start for the upcoming school year will benefit every student, whether they are preparing for an Honors course or just stopping the summer brain drain. Math Support Services offers several programs for math tutoring, transferable math classes, transferable science classes and SAT preparation. Math Support Services is also an alternative for summer school math and science classes for students in the William S. Hart district and other districts in the Santa Clarita Valley; 255-1730

How to take your Best Shot
We're always happy to hear from readers, and a recent letter from Judy Reinsma of Saugus really caught our attention. She writes: "To anyone who has a new DSLR camera, or those who have one but have no idea how to use all the functions available, I can only say, 'If you want to get comfortable with everything your camera can do, and take those great pictures it is capable of, go see Mel Carll at the Santa Clarita Valley Center for Photography (904-2092) for instruction. You will be glad you did.' With so many wonderful businesses deserving our support in our Santa Clarita area, once again I have found reading Inside SCV Magazine before I buy or choose where to spend my money is one of the best investments you can make." Judy, you made us (and Mel!) blush! Thanks for the tip.

The "Good Neighbor" Corner
Are You getting the Most from your Medicare Benefits?
Did you know that approximately 995,000 people in the United States are unable to sit comfortably due to aging and other medical conditions? Those suffering from fat loss in their rear ends (something some of us wish we had!) are unable to participate in daily activities such as work, dining out, traveling or just visiting with loved ones. Good Neighbor Pharmacy has provided a grant to expand the selection of Sit Relief shorts. Men's and Women's shorts are now available at GNP stores of Santa Clarita Valley. Are you someone who needs extra pillows in order to sit comfortably? Clinically-tested Sit Relief shorts might be right for you!; Valencia Pharmacy 255-7910, Valencia Town Center Pharmacy 291-1800, Saugus Drugs 296-3980

When You're Away... Let your Pets Play!
Your four-legged friends may not be able to join you on your summer vacation, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve to have a fun break of their own.

Keep them at Home
Dogone- It offers doggy day care (including walks and trips to the park!), mobile dog training and lots more, but owner Marlee Andrews may be best known for her tender-loving vacation care. Marlee will provide at-home care for your pets (older pets especially prefer staying in their own environment), plus will water your plants, pick up the mail, take out the garbage and clean the yard and litter box. Bonus: Your home looks "lived in," making it a less-tempting choice for would-be burglars; 251-3873

Or Send them on a Vacation of their Own
We wish we could stay at Castaic Canine Camp! Poised on 17 pristine acres next to Castaic Lake, Castaic Canine Camp boasts brand-new structures with heating and cooling systems - plus the choice to stay with other dogs, or "chill out" in separate accommodations. CCC offers boarding, daycare (check out the online video at and training for all ages, breeds and sizes. The owner, Linda Chisholm, lives on the property, so there's always someone there to provide extra-special care; 257-0957

Summer sweetness on a stick comes in the portable form of Lady Di
Summer sweetness on a stick comes in the portable form of Lady Di's Cookies' freshly-dipped caramel apples; 222-9102
Have Faith
A Summer Attitude

"Having spent most of my life in northern sections of the country, I learned to pack 12 months of outdoor activities in between Memorial and Labor Days. I love the long summers of Southern California. Hopefully, you take advantage of summer by planting a garden, enjoying picnics, making homemade ice cream, taking walks, spending time with family and friends or watching sunsets.

At North Oaks, we have a summer attitude. Why not come and join us? Every Sunday morning. Doughnuts and coffee are served at 9:30 a.m. Our classes and worship will encourage you to notice and enjoy God's blessings," ~ Pastor Ray Davis of North Oaks Church of Christ 252-2298
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