Family Time
November, 2010 - Issue #73
photography by Ted Dayton
photography by Ted Dayton
Festival of Trees Gifts the SCV with Four Days of Holiday Cheer

The eighth-annual Festival of Trees, hosted by the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley, is a sight to behold. Each year, a giant warehouse is transformed into a winter wonderland brimming over with holiday cheer, elaborately-decorated trees and plenty of fun for everyone.

For Families
The Children's Corner is filled with fun crafts and activities, but it's the strolling magician who really will dazzle the younger set. Singers, dancers and more performers will take the stage through the festival, adding to the festivities. Your little people can also take a photo with Santa. Bring your own camera and snap a shot for $2, or have a pro do the work for you for $5.

For Grown Ups
Join the club for the "Magic of the Lights" gala on Saturday night. This premier event will feature entertainment by The Young Americans, a live auction of select trees and vignettes, hors d'oeuvres, dessert and a no-host bar. This is your chance to purchase gorgeous holiday trees ranging in height from six to nine feet. Many come with gifts like furniture, event tickets, wine, jewelry and more.

For Holiday Shoppers
The boutique is open throughout Festival, and you can also purchase small tabletop trees, wreaths, centrepieces and charming one-of-a-kind gingerbread houses.

Four Days of Festival Fun
Thursday, November 18
VIP Preview
5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Thursday, November 18 to Sunday, November 21
Thursday, November 18 to Sunday, November 21

Friday, November 19
General Admission
10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Jingle Jam Teen Dance
(for kids ages 14 to 18 with valid school ID; $10 per person)
9:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.

Saturday, November 20
General Admission
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Magic of the Lights Gala
6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Sunday, November 21
General Admission
12 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Ages 4 to 14 $3
Ages 15 and older $6
Ages 65 and older $4
Festival of Trees is located at 21119 Centre Pointe Parkway in Canyon Country. Visit or call 254-3063 for more information.

Learn how to make Beautiful Gifts from the Heart
We can't remember who gave us the DVD in the player, but we'll never forget who made us the scarf around our neck. Learning to knit is surprisingly easy (We promise! One Inside SCV staffer has already become a rockstar knitter in just a few months!) and, if you get the basics down now, you can make beautifully-simple scarves, beanies and
blankets in time for the holidays. Sign up today for Stitch Cafe's "Basic Knitting I" course. The class is only an hour and the materials are included in your $40 fee. You can even pay for your course online; 818-980-1234

Just in Time for the Holidays - Free Photo Session for First Responders
Join the "Ultimate Sacrifice" Photography Project for Men & Women in Uniform

Santa Clarita heirloom photographer Yoti Telio is dedicating his time and talents to create a coffee-table-style photobook featuring the brave men and women in active military duty, peace officers and other first responders. The book will be sold to benefit charities that provide much-needed emotional and financial assistance to families that have lost a loved one in the line of duty. Men and women in uniform are invited to participate in this project and will be offered a complimentary photo session, along with generously-discounted portraits; 775-0898

Mint Condition Painting & Moulding Donates $2,500 to Henry Mayo's NICU Fund
Last season, Jon Green - owner of Mint Condition Painting & Moulding (251-5521) and dad to twins who were born premature - decided to put his paint brush where his mouth is.

"When the twins were born two and a half months early, they were taken by ambulance from Henry Mayo to Northridge, because we didn't have a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Santa Clarita. Being so far away from the babies was emotionally and physically devastating to my wife Jaime and I. When we found out that Henry Mayo was actively seeking funds to make a local NICU a reality, we knew we had to help."

To raise awareness and capital, Green chose to run a campaign promoting both NICU donations and an especially easy way to "give while getting." For several months, Mint Condition Painting & Moulding donated a percentage of every paint job to the NICU fund. Clients were able to revitalize their homes, and help SCV's future newest residents, at the same time.

"You don't realize how many babies, even full-term babies, need a NICU. I'm so glad that Henry Mayo is getting one. The stress and worry about your babies is enough; you shouldn't worry about getting on the freeway to be with them," says Jaime.

Now, thanks to her husband's hard work and big heart, Henry Mayo is $2,500 closer to their goal.

Henry Mayo Hospital Plans for the Tiniest Patients
Physicians and staff are enthusiastic about Henry Mayo's upcoming addition of a 4,369-square-foot, 12-bed neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Slated to open in late 2011, the project to build and equip the Level II NICU will upgrade Henry Mayo's maternity services to a comprehensive continuum of care for all mothers and babies who need extra care.

With philanthropic giving, Henry Mayo can bring the most updated, technologically-efficient services and equipment to provide exceptional life-saving care to newborns needing immediate intervention.

Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Health Foundation continues to gratefully accept all gifts, large or small, for their tiniest patients; 200-1200

Can You Help Women & Children Escape Violence?
For nearly three decades, our community has supported a 24-hour domestic violence center right here in Santa Clarita. A 24-hour crisis hotline (259-HELP) offers callers a trained responder who can provide immediate assistance and services. A private home located in our community offers screening and shelter to women and families escaping dangerous situations. Support groups offered in English and Spanish provide counseling and needed support to women learning how to move past abuse.

Unfortunately, over the last two years, the Domestic Violence Center of the Santa Clarita Valley, as well as all other domestic violence agencies in California, lost 100 percent of their state funding.

The dedicated board of directors, volunteers, and staff of the Domestic Violence Center of the Santa Clarita Valley work hard to bring in grant funding, donations and host fundraisers to fill the necessary funding gaps. Like nearly every other non-profit agency, the center's funding levels fall short of our community's needs.

Right now, Santa Clarita women and children need their community's help. It is important that our community be aware that domestic violence is an issue in Santa Clarita and the services provided are vital for our community's well-being and safety. Your tax-deductible donation of any size is greatly needed. If you have a heart for volunteering, they welcome your time and talents, as well; 259-8175
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