Family Time
September, 2012 - Issue #95
Become an "adduck" for Samuel Dixon Family Health Centers
Become an "adduck" for Samuel Dixon Family Health Centers' annual Rubber Ducky Festival.
Start a Team, Adopt a Duck

Become an "adduck" for Samuel Dixon Family Health Centers' annual Rubber Ducky Festival. Start a team with family, friends, neighbors or coworkers, and then join the SCV for a day at the races on Saturday, October 27 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Bridgeport Park to watch your ducks compete. Every duck adopted helps support health care within our community.

Individual rubber ducks are available for adoption at $5 per duck, making the event affordable for everyone. Other adoption opportunities include: Quack Family (five ducks plus one free duck for $25); Quacker's Dozen (10 ducks plus two free ducks for $50) and Duck Flock (20 ducks plus four free ducks for $100).

All proceeds from this event go toward patient care at SDFHC, which offers affordable, quality primary health care for residents of the Santa Clarita Valley. SDFHC makes a special effort to serve the uninsured and underinsured. Adopt a duck at to help your community and for a chance to win cool prizes.

Mykayla and Hannah Sohn
Mykayla and Hannah Sohn
Meet the Sohns!
"Mykayla and Hannah Sohn have been students at Santa Clarita School of Performing Arts for two years. What we liked about the school is that SCSOPA offered us a great sibling discount since we had more than one child attending. In addition, the variety of teachers and classes offered at SCSOPA has proven to be very valuable and have given the girls much opportunity to work on their craft and continue to develop their skills. Since attending the school, both girls have obtained an agent, gone on countless auditions and have booked many projects including several films, pilots and commercials (Both regional and national, including International Delights, Penbo Toys and McDonalds!), as well as an episode on the popular Disney show "Jessie." Among the several films in which they've landed parts, one is a lead role in a project that has a big goal: making it into a TV series for the Sci-fi Channel! The feedback we have consistently gotten about the girls, from the directors, cast and crew, is that they are very natural, talented and professional. The girls' experience at SCSOPA has been very positive and we look forward to their continued growth in the industry as professional actresses." ~ Mr. & Mrs. Sohn
Santa Clarita School of Performing Arts 222-7910
Andrea Gold Photography, now through September, is offering a $99 Kids Portrait Package, including a free child ID kit. See ad on page 67 for details. 297-GOLD (4653)
Andrea Gold Photography, now through September, is offering a $99 Kids Portrait Package, including a free child ID kit. See ad on page 67 for details. 297-GOLD (4653)
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