Family Time
December, 2012 - Issue #98
A Solution for Teeth Grinders
It's not uncommon for people to grind and clench their teeth from time to time, explains Dr. Oh of Valencia Dental Arts. When it becomes a regular habit, "bruxism" can cause significant harm to teeth and facial muscles/joints. Although bruxism can be caused by stress and anxiety, it often occurs during sleep and is most often caused by an abnormal bite or missing/misaligned teeth. Signs of teeth grinding include: loose/sore teeth, worn/flat teeth, earache, headaches, gum recession and sore/painful jaw. Untreated bruxism can lead to fracturing, loosening or loss of teeth. Teeth grinding is also a large contributing factor to migraine headaches and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ/TMD). If you suspect you have a bruxism habit, contact your dental professional. They may be able to fit you for a mouth guard to protect your teeth and recommend some options to reduce your stress levels.

Where are they Now?
Samantha Figueroa started with SCSOPA in March 2010 and recently appeared in a commercial film for the Orbeez Color Splasherz Toy. Her picture is on the Orbeez Foot Spa toy box. In May, she won the Miss California USA Pageant Junior Teen division.

Mikayla Figueroa started with her sister in March 2010. Mikayla will appear in a feature film "The Ganzfeld Experiment," a psycho thriller to be released in February 2013. She plays the part of "Malloy," who is the daughter of Billy Zane's character.

Parker Bolek started at SCSOPA in October 2007 and currently has a part on "The Middle" as "Wade Glossner," son of "Rita Glossner," played by Brooke Shields. Check him out on the IMDb website to see all his accomplishments.

Mykayla Sohn started at SCSOPA in May 2012 and currently has a recurring role on NBC's "Guys with Kids" as "Violet." Jamie-Lynn Sigler is her "TV Mom" and Zack Cregger is her "TV Dad." She moved here from Virginia to attend SCSOPA.
Santa Clarita School of Performing Arts 222-7910

On Broken Hearts
and Broken Bank Accounts

Divorce, no matter how "long time coming," can prove to be an incredible emotional strain. I've counseled husbands and wives who were so stricken by the discovery that their spouse filed for divorce that they struggled daily to just get out of bed. I've worked with others who were so relieved to leave a troubled marriage that they were willing to "give away the farm" just to be free. The important point to remember, though, is that while most divorces don't take "forever" to resolve, with respect to division of community property, and sometimes spousal support (depending upon how the stipulation for judgment or marital settlement agreement is drafted), the resulting judgment is usually not modifiable. When you choose to be represented by an aggressive firm that also is known for its "sympathetic ear," you can allow yourself the freedom to take care of your emotions, knowing full well that we'll take care of just about everything else. Richard Marcus, Esq. of The Marcus Law Firm

Is Feeding Human Food
to your Dog or Cat Safe?

Obesity is always a concern for any dog or cat that receives human food as part or all of its diet. Obesity has been shown to be associated with higher risk for osteoarthritis, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, respiratory disease, skin infections, fatty liver disease, feline lower urinary tract disease, constipation and even increased anesthetic and surgical complications. If your pet is obese and you do not feed human food, you may be feeding too much pet food.

In addition to the aforementioned diseases, feeding human food to your dog can potentially lead to a life-threatening condition known as pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas which often times is incited by a high-fat diet. The pancreas is the organ in the body that is responsible for producing digestive enzymes used in the breakdown of ingested food. When the pancreas becomes inflamed, it begins to auto digest itself. This is extremely painful and can lead to serious life-threatening consequences such as multiple organ failure, abnormal heart rhythms and various forms of shock. There is no specific cure for pancreatitis, so therapy is mainly aimed at supporting the function of all the organ systems and monitoring those systems for malfunction or failure. The main signs of pancreatitis are: anorexia, vomiting, weakness, abdominal pain, diarrhea and dehydration. These patients often require intensive hospitalization for several days to a week or more and, as you might imagine, this can be relatively expensive and may not be successful.

If you must feed people food to your pet, please consult with your veterinarian first and determine what amounts and types of food would be relatively safe to give. If you think your pet may need emergency care, contact All Creatures Emergency Center.

SCV Birth Center Offers
Free "New Moms" Class

Every Wednesday, join other new parents for support and more. Guest speakers, tips and troubleshooting are all offered free of charge. Call the SCV Birth Center directly for information on times and upcoming topics. 254-3000

Capture the Moment
If "holiday photo cards" are still on your to-do list, take heed. Laurie Sachs Photography is offering a "mini-session" photography special that will bring you comfort and joy! On Saturday, December 1, your mini-session will include your sitting, your choice of five full-resolution digital files and 25 double-sided 5" x 7" holiday cards with the option to add on additional cards, digital files and products at a discount. Sessions will be 20 to 30 minutes and held at her studio. All sessions will be shot on gray, tan and white backgrounds. Wardrobe should be kept very simple to ensure that the focus is on your family connection. The price is $499. 305-5493

Getting to Know Real Life Church
by Rusty George, lead pastor

Real Life Church is a non-denominational,
Bible-based Christian Church.

Our mission is simple: We want to help people find and follow God.

Our core values help us to reveal what we
believe God has called us, as a church, to do.
First we are Biblical. Learning God's Word and putting it into practice is what following Jesus is all about. {Matthew 7:24-29, 1 Corinthians 8:1-3} Next we must be Missional. We feel the best way to change the world is to change our neighborhoods, one cul-de-sac at a time. We believe our church should make a positive impact in the neighborhood it is in and our Life Groups should make a positive impact in the neighborhoods they are in. Church operates best in the context of local community.
{Acts 2, 4}

As our name states, we are Real.
We want to remove the obstacles that keep people far from God and help bring people back to Him. We believe church should meet people where they are in life and use contemporary language and popular culture as a means to share the timeless truth of God's Word. {Matthew 9:9-13, Acts 17:19-23, 1 Corinthians 9:19-23}

We want to be known as a people who are generous, giving of our money, our talents, our time - whatever God would ask of us. {2 Corinthians 9:11}

We want everyone to come to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ, so we set out to multiply our own faith in others by being relational, transparent and knowledgeable of the Bible and being the example of Christ to others.
You can expect a casual atmosphere and friendly faces at Real Life Church.

Our services always feature energetic worship music and a relevant message. Plus, there are always special surprises with a lot of humor. We hope this is a time where you feel comfortable and can easily connect with God.

The best way to get a feel for Real Life Church is to join us for one of our services.

We meet Saturday nights at 5 p.m., Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. and again on Sunday evening at 5 p.m. All of our services are streamed live on the web. We also offer a service in Spanish. Vida Real meets Saturday evenings at 5 p.m. in room 105.

Real Life Church 775-7401
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