Family Time
July, 2014 - Issue #117
SCVi Charter School becomes a New Tech School
Exciting news: The SCVi upper school, grades ninth through 12th, has joined the New Tech Network. Being a part of the New Tech Network will provide SCVi with added structures and systems to achieve even greater success within their project-based learning model. It also gives the school a mature design to implement that will ensure maximum outcome, providing learners with the knowledge, skills and attributes they will need to thrive in post-secondary education, work and civic life. A student-outcomes report for 2014 finds that New Tech Network students:
• Graduate from high school at a rate 14 percent higher than the national average
• Enroll in college at a rate 9 percent higher than the national average
• Persist in college at a rate of 83 percent
• Grow 77 percent more in higher-order thinking skills between freshman and senior years of high school than the comparison group
SCVi Charter School 705-4820

"My name is Kayla Prieto and I am Little Miss SCV 2013. When I was 5, I noticed how actors on TV made people laugh; it made me want to be an actress! When I first asked my mom if I could pursue acting as a career, she said I had to go to the right school - but we had trouble finding the 'right' one. All of the schools that I went to were the same: one-day-a-week class, no agents and the same thing over and over. Finally, we found Santa Clarita School of Performing Arts (SCSOPA). At first my mom was worried that SCSOPA would be like all the other schools, but I quickly knew this wasn't your 'regular' school. Mr. Mike was always there for me, giving me high fives and telling how great of a job I was doing! At SCSOPA I thought it would be all acting, but boy was I wrong. There is modeling, singing, voice-over and - to top things off - weekly agents! Lynn was the one who ran all the awesome shows that we students participate in! Boy, does she run those shows like a pro. When I met with my very first agent, I wasn't scared because SCSOPA taught me everything I needed to know. Speaking of agents, you should see how many of them visit SCSOPA. There were so many agents for me to choose from. Those agents sent me to auditions for commercials, TV shows and more. SCSOPA was the school that led me to my very first job and opened so many doors for me. It was a school that actually made me feels good about my acting dream. It is worth paying for - because it's where success is found. Keep on the lookout for my Target commercial. I'm so excited!," ~ Kayla Prieto, 12 years old

Congratulations Legacy Champions!
The 2013-14 school year saw the Legacy Lions earn a total of eight championships in the Santa Clarita Athletic Independent League (SCAIL) playoffs. Legacy league players typically practice one day per week after school and attend a weekly game, too. A variety of local private and charter schools compete in SCAIL; Legacy is a founding member.

The teams that took home League trophies include:
Middle School Boys Flag Football
Middle School Boys Basketball
Middle School Soccer
Middle School Softball
Elementary (A) Flag Football
Elementary (B) Flag Football
Elementary Girls Soccer
Elementary Girls Basketball
Legacy Christian Academy 257-7377

The 10 Deadliest College Planning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
There are several big mistakes that prevent most families from receiving the free money that's available to them when applying for financial aid. Here are just a few:

Not applying - assuming they won't be eligible for financial aid

Assuming only minority students, athletes and academically-gifted students receive financial aid

Choosing institutions without understanding how their student performs relative to others

Assuming all colleges allocate money equally

Completing financial aid forms incorrectly

Believing that all saving vehicles are equal

Waiting until your child's senior year in high school to start

Be the first of seven families to call and you will receive a special report titled, "The 10 Deadliest Mistakes Parents Make when Applying for Financial Aid and How to Avoid Them." College Planning Experts has been helping parents since 2004 by making college affordable, one family at a time. To learn more, attend a free local workshop. 295-9946

Secret Benefits of Out-of-hospital Births
Queen Elizabeth had four homebirths. Midwife Sister Helen Rowe attended all her births! You have read about how out-of-hospital births with a midwife have been found to be safer than hospital births. But unless you've been there, you probably don't know why homebirths and birth-center births have been referred to as "the most luxurious birthing experience of all" - even befitting a queen! Here are a few reasons why.
• Everyone comes to you. When you labor and birth at home or in a birth center, you're the center of attention. Your midwife - and family and friends, if you want them there - assists on your "home turf," or in a center that feels just like home. You'll never compete for their attention, like you would at a hospital filled with people who might need care more than you do.
• Just like an A Lister, you can pretty much do whatever you want. Feel like having a favorite snack between contractions? Go for it. Want to invite your masseuse? Of course! Think that this will go a whole lot better if you crank your "go song" on repeat? Have at it. Want to light candles and insist upon temporary vows of silence? Not a problem. Want to drift off to sleep after labor with your newborn sleeping securely on your chest? Your midwife wouldn't have it any other way.
• You and your team are 100 percent in control of your environment. There are no beeping machines or hospital intercom calls; no restrictive policies about who can visit, for how long and at what age; no constant interruptions about things to sign and tests to take. You'll feel safe, secure, spoiled and loved - and so will your new baby!
SCV Birth Center - Renee the Midwife 254-3000
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