Family Time
October, 2016 - Issue #144
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New Basketball Training for Kids is Nothing but Net
With two nightly workouts per week, along with one team practice, your future All Star will develop their skills under the tutelage of the Lakers Mike Penberthy, founder of Starting5. His program, open to boys and girls up to age 18, provides the education necessary to improve your child's court skills, grow their basketball IQ and benefit from skilled workouts and team instruction. They'll also have the option to play in travel ball tournaments, too. It all goes down in the newest basketball training facility, NetSports, inside the Henry Mayo Health & Fitness Center at 24525 Town Center Drive. Bonus: Students can reserve a 30-minute session with the Dr. Dish shooting machine at the facility!


"Dyami Atzin Fermin is only 5 years old and enrolling him at Santa Clarita School of Performing Arts (SCSOPA) has been one of the best things that we could have of done for him. The changes in him have been overwhelming. Although this is just the beginning of our journey, he signed with an agent just six short weeks after his enrollment. In his first month, Dyami was demonstrating more confidence in his classes and in his personal life. At school he is flourishing with memorization skills and he is a top reader because of SCSOPA. His family has noticed the wonderful changes in him, too. Who knew that his speech would improve and his self-esteem has gone through the roof! He was shy and only his immediate family knew his personality; now he walks with his head up high and strangers see his personality. Dyami booked several commercials including University of Phoenix and Meijer Supermarkets. He has walked in several modeling shows for Macy's and he has participated in a dance showcase where he was featured singing John Legend's 'All of Me.' All of this happened because Mr. Mike believed in him and saw his star potential. SCSOPA is truly the best! His transformation has been amazing. Dyami has not missed a class and looks forward to classes every week. Who knew that doing something he loves and enjoys would help him with his college fund for his future?" Vanessa


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Preparing your Child for a Worry-free Dental Visit
Many people, both adults and children, suffer from anxiety when it's time to go to the dentist. Want to help your sweetheart cope with the process - or even downright enjoy it? Here are six ways to make their dental experiences positive, ensuring that they'll continue to care for their oral health once they're old enough to make their own appointments!

Begin oral care early so that your kiddo is comfortable with someone helping them with their teeth. Start brushing as soon as the first tooth appears.

Pick a dental office that will be sensitive to your child's needs and personality; most parents prefer a pediatric specialist for this purpose. These pros are essentially the pediatricians of dentistry, spending an additional two to three years in training after dental school to learn how to best treat the unique oral-care needs of children. Their offices are typically designed with children in mind and their staff will be experienced in caring for even the wariest of children. Find one you love; pediatric dentists see children from birth through adolescence, so ideally this will be the beginning of a long-term relationship.

Don't pass down your own dental anxieties to your children. Kids pick up on a parent's tension and fear; it can have a negative impact on their own emotions during their appointment. Use positive language when discussing their trip to the dentist.
Give your child's dentist and their staff an opportunity to connect with your child. These extra moments together will build essential bonds of trust between them, substantially reducing your child's anxiety.

Read a book (Or three!) in preparation for your child's appointment. From "Curious George" to "Dora" and the "Berenstain Bears," these kid-friendly reads will help your child know what to expect during their visit.

Don't be hard on yourself! Know that cavities can grow even when good oral hygiene habits are present. A cavity is not a sign that you are a bad parent.
Valencia Children's Dental Group 294-1800
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Pet Tip of the Month
Hide the Halloween Candy

Calls to the Pet Poison Helpline go up by a whopping 12 percent during the week of Halloween, usually involving incidences of eating decor or candy. As most know, chocolate is one of the most toxic foods to pets and dogs are of the biggest concern, since many are inherently attracted to the taste and smell. But they can also get sick just from overindulging on candy, even without the risk of chocolate being in the mix. Sugary, high-fat candy can easily cause pancreatitis. Note that it might not show up for two to four days after ingesting sweets. Even the non-candy earned by trick-or-treaters is dangerous to dogs and cats; raisins can cause kidney failure. Finally, make sure to wrangle up every last trashed candy wrapper after the kids (Or you!) decimate what was inside. Pets can easily choke on candy wrappers, as the light film is difficult to dislodge from the airway.
Hollywood Dog Grooming 526-4125

2016's Top Costumes
You probably presumed that "Suicide Squad" costumes would be a hit, but did you know that political and war costumes are making a comeback - or that many of 2016's fave dress-up picks hail from renaissance faire-themed designs? Here are the predicted best sellers for Halloween '16.
Pokemon GO
Super Heroes &Super Villians
Day of the Dead
Renaissance Faire
Swashbucklers & Wenches
Trump & Hillary Masks
Steam Punk
Disney Characters
Alice in Wonderland & Friends
Retro- Nifty '50s, Hippie '60s, Disco '70s, Neon '80s
Gangsters & Flappers
A Chorus Line 253-0300

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Saturday | September 17
Green Thumb Fall Opening
From 9am to 5pm, join your friends at Green Thumb for their unveiling of the 2016 Department 56 Halloween Village Display. Enjoy refreshments,
hourly drawings, mini classes and special one-day pricing. Supplies are limited. Shop early for the best selection.

Help Choose a Winner for the 11th-annual Paint-It-Forward Event
ALLBRiGHT 1-800-PAINTING is now accepting nominations for their 11th-annual Paint-It-Forward charity event. Each year, they invite the local community to nominate a family or nonprofit organization whose home or office is in need of a fresh coat of paint. Once they've made their selection, they donate their time and painting services to help beautify and restore a building or home.
The Paint-It-Forward movement was started by ALLBRiGHT 1-800- PAINTING's Chief Solutionist Josh Abramson in 2005 as a way to give back to his community. Since completing the first Paint-It-Forward 11 years ago, and now with other painting contractors joining the movement, their combined efforts have reached a goal of over $1,000,000 worth of free painting services and materials delivered to deserving community members across the United States.
You can nominate a family or nonprofit organization located in Los Angeles, Santa Clarita, San Fernando or Ventura County by completing the nomination form found online.
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