Family Time
January, 2017 - Issue #147
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Spread the Love: Where & What to Donate this Season
Soup for Seniors

There are many seniors in Santa Clarita who are barely able to make ends meet, then something unexpected happens where they need extra money that month. Their utility bills are higher. They may have a new medication that insurance doesn't cover. Now they must choose to heat their home, buy the medication or buy food. The choice usually is... not to buy food. Says Visiting Angels Owner Geneva Gray, "This year, Visiting Angels will again be working hard on our annual soup drive for seniors. This vital event provides easy-to-prepare, nutritious meals to those in our community who need them the most and we're so humbled by the outpouring of support so far. Your kind donation can be dropped off during our office hours Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm or, if you have a larger donation at your place of business or home, we'll arrange pick up." The Visiting Angels office is located at 25115 Avenue Stanford, Suite A101.

Food & Children's Games for a Happier Holiday
RE/MAX of Valencia (702-4500) and Santa Clarita are collecting food for the Santa Clarita Food Pantry and board games for Children's Hospital Los Angeles.

Toys for SCV Children in Need
For the past 12 years, Wendy Collins of State Farm has partnered with American Medical Response to provide toys to needy children in Santa Clarita. AMR parks an ambulance in front of Kmart to collect toys and Collins sorts and notifies local agencies on the availability of the toys. Local agencies that are regularly donated to include Child & Family Guidance, Domestic Violence Agency, Single Mothers Outreach, Bridge to Home, Lutheran Brotherhood, Help the Children, Newhall Community Center plus numerous schools and churches. Donate a new toy at the Kmart collection location or drop a new unwrapped toy off at her office.
Wendy Collins of State Farm 296-2068

Toys for Tots
Be the reason a child smiles this holiday season. Donate a new, unwrapped toy before December 19 to make a real difference in the life of a child. Donations are being accepted at Everbright Family Dentistry.

There's Still Time to Treat your Kids to Winter Camp Wonderment
Keep your kiddo active and engaged over their long winter break with the help of GymJam Winter Camp for boys and girls ages 4 to 13. The best part - it's so flexible! Sign up for one day or every day. Kids will experience gymnastics, trampoline, open-gym time, arts and crafts, obstacle courses and games. Mid-morning snack is also provided. Camp runs December 20 to December 22 and December 27 to December 29. Choose between sessions running from 9am to 12pm or 9am to 2pm.
Wallers' GymJam Academy 251-3390


"Helena Assis was born in Boca Raton, Florida and caught the acting bug at a young age. When she was 6, we brought her to Los Angeles for an acting camp and essentially never left. That was four years ago, and she was signed immediately by Abrams Artist Agency. They believed in her from the start and she has auditioned regularly throughout those four years. She has also been signed by Myrna Lieberman Management. Helena competed in two pageants - Miss West Coast 2015 and Miss North Hollywood 2016 - and came to train at Santa Clarita School of Performing Arts. She won both pageants and is currently Miss North Hollywood 2016 Pre-Teen. She has been training at SCSOPA ever since and loves the friends that she has met and the teachers who work at the school. The classes have proven to be very beneficial to her and her acting career. Her confidence and acting skills have grown and she recently landed a role on 'KC Undercover' and a role on a CBS show that will air this Winter. She has also been put 'on avail' for many commercials. The training that she has received at SCSOPA has proven to be priceless. Helena wishes to thank all of those who have believed in her and helped her to grow as an actress."


Family Mementos Become Priceless Art
Wondering what to get the person who has everything? Resolving to do "something" with the mementos you have stashed away in a box? It's time to consider heirloom-quality framing and shadow boxes. Here are a few collection ideas to get you started.
Game Time Letterman jackets, pom-poms, jerseys, team photos and golf clubs can all be preserved to capture the energy of the big game.
Baby LoveCelebrate your newest addition by framing birth announcements, baby's first onsie, ultrasound photos and a lock of hair from their first cut.
To have & to HoldDocument their undying love with anniversary and wedding mementos.
Memorable Moments Long-ago letters, cards, postcards and pictures should be preserved for generations to come.
Lifetime Achievements Show off those diplomas, military metals and awards.
Life's most Precious Moments Vacation mementos, handmade trinkets, children's drawings, hand prints and more will bring smiles for generations.
Man Cave Displays Frame or box ticket stubs, hobby mementos and more in the man cave.
FASTFRAME 291-1325

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Help your Family Choose Teeth-friendly Holiday Treats
While an occasional indulgence is fine, there are a few things to watch out for when it comes to dental health during the holidays. As you enjoy festive foods, be aware of their downsides so you can minimize the impact on your teeth.
Candy Canes
These and other hard candies are not the healthiest treat for teeth. Because of the high sugar content, sucking or licking a candy cane gives your teeth a sugar bath and promotes tooth decay. And biting into one could potentially chip or break a tooth since they are so hard.
This drink contains sugar, dairy and sometimes bourbon. While it may be tasty, the proteins in dairy can be converted to sulfur compounds by oral bacteria and cause bad breath. Sugar feeds the bacteria and alcohol creates a dry mouth, which allows the bugs to multiply.
Dried Fruit
While dried fruit certainly has nutritional value, it is also full of concentrated natural sugars that can contribute to tooth decay. And since it is sticky, the sugars stay around longer and can even get stuck between teeth.
Citrus Fruits
These can be very dangerous for teeth since they are so acidic and should be consumed wisely. The acid in oranges, limes, lemons and other citrus fruits can erode enamel over time, causing sensitive and weak teeth. And once enamel is gone, it can never grow back.
Sticky candies such as gumdrops do not only have sugars which will stick to the teeth and increase the risk for cavities, they also have the potential to loosen crowns and fillings.
Valencia Children's Dental Group 294-1800

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Must have "Me Time" for Moms
Desperately seeking sanity? This is the time of year where moms, in particular, feel scrambled. There's more social events on the calendar, more to clean, more to cook, more to wrap - and less time for "you." Defrag that "mommy brain" while getting a scalp massage, blow-out sesh and curls at Blo-Out Lounge. A Wash & Blow is only $36 (With curls, $40.) and the Glam & Go makeup application is only $40. It takes something off the to-do list while giving you some much-needed relaxation time. 255-2569
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