Family Time
March, 2019 - Issue #174
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Take to the Trails this Spring

There are few things more fun to do as a family than take a trail ride - especially in spring, when Santa Clarita's weather is crisp and sunny. Invest in quality family time while making a lasting memory. Explore new terrain, connecting your children to their natural surroundings. Your trail ride will build confidence in your kids, too. Horseback riding is fun - and a relaxing, calm trail ride is the perfect introduction to the equestrian lifestyle.
Don-E-Brook Farms 296-9995


"I have been attending Santa Clarita School of Performing Arts since 2014. Santa Clarita School of Performing Arts offers acting, dancing, voiceover, modeling and more! I couldn't believe there was one amazing place that taught so much. The minute I stepped in the door, everyone was so kind. Mike talked to us about all the school had to offer and how the classes also help with developing life skills. You also learn wonderful techniques to advance your artistic and creative skills to achieve what you want to with an acting, modeling or voiceover career. The skills taught in these classes have made me equipped for any and every audition. I am confident in my skills since I have been learning from the best in the business. The awesome part is they are all still currently working, so they bring in the latest information and always know new things about the business. I have gotten an agent and have been on three television shows. I have modeled for Macy's and done background vocals for various television shows. I recommend this school to anyone who is looking to pursue a career in entertainment." Adrianna Eldridge


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That's Not Fair!
by Mary Tan

"But Kylie gets to eat chocolate and candy anytime she wants to. She doesn't even have to ask her parents first."

This was the whiny complaint I received from my young child after a fun playdate. Essentially, she was asking why the rules of the world were not consistent across the board. Why was it that one child had free reign with soda and sweets while she had so many restrictions on what she could have?

I don't blame her for asking. It clearly is confusing to a young child; learning about how the world works is tough business.
This is what I said: "Darling, I know that seems unfair. Remember what our family has learned about sugar? Too much of it can make our bodies sick and unable to heal quickly. That is why, in our house, we don't eat too much of it."

She didn't simply take my word for it, just like most children. Whenever she caught a cold and had ice cream, it took much longer to heal. I played the role of research director, pointing out how to collect her own data. When she didn't have sweets or ice cream the times she was sick, she noticed the rapid pace at which she healed - and again I pointed out the pattern.

After several rounds of that, she learned from her own experience that excess sugar does impact her little body's ability to heal. "Ohhhh!" she said with the sweet revelation of expansive understanding. Now she feels grateful for the knowledge instead of feeling cheated out of deliciousness by her own mother.

Life is all about choices. Teaching our young children information that will help them make empowering decisions for themselves is the main goal. Eventually, they will understand it's not a matter of fairness - it is a matter of making better choices.
Mary Tan is a speaker, coach and author of "The Empowered Child," published by Morgan James NY, now available on Amazon. She lives with her two little girls, husband and dwarf bunnies in Valencia.
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Self-help Skills & Independence for Preschool Age Children
by Taylor Hernandez

Young children love to show off their independence. Those skills are not always the most efficient or time effective, but they are an opportunity for them to do it themselves! Creating opportunities for children to be successful in their independence is a great way to avoid frustration and meltdowns in young children.

Providing Options: When getting dressed in the morning, set out two outfits and let your child know that they get to pick which outfit. Your child will feel like a big kid because they get to pick what they are going to wear; they will also feel less frustration because they are in control of the decision. In many situations, conflict can be avoided by offering two choices and letting the child decide between the two. Parents still have a say in the two options but the child will ultimately feel validated in the decision-making process.

Reachable Snacks: Children love snacks - and love to bother parents for them, too, it seems. Creating a bin in the pantry and in the fridge with appropriate snacks is a great way to teach children self-help skills. Having pre-packaged apple slices or string cheese at a child's reach allows for the child to independently get a snack after asking an adult if they can have one.

Being a Helper: Young children love to be big helpers! Finding small tasks for children to do so they feel valued in the family is a great way to include even the youngest family member. Preschool-age children can be in charge of putting the forks and napkins on the table before dinner, they can help to water the plants outside, put shoes away in the correct place, or help to put their toys away.

As adults, we can send children powerful messages about their value and work ethic when we include them in our daily activities. Young children - especially preschool age children - are excited when they get to accomplish something on their own; it gives them ownership and a sense of pride to feel that their opinion matters. If you introduce small ways for them to work on their self-help skills and encourage them to be independent,they will be excited to work hard and show you that they can do it.
Taylor Hernandez, MA, Ed, has 14 years experience in the Early Childhood Education field. She lives in Santa Clarita with her husband and three young children and is currently working on a child-development website.

National Dentist Day is March 6
Celebrate with a Smile & these Tips

Teach the kiddos a new teeth-brushing song or routine.
Show off your healthy smile.

Schedule your (Probably overdue?) dental check up and cleaning.

Take a selfie with your favorite dentist and post it on your social media, using the #nationaldentistday hashtag.
Dr. Marvin Tong, DDS 268-6284

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Kids Play at Paseo while Parents get Fit
Wonder how you'll focus on fitness with little family members in tow? The Paseo Club has it all figured out, thanks to their Kids Club and Kids Corner. This supervised play area is run by experienced staff who know how to keep your children safe and entertained while you take much-needed "me" time to focus on your health and wellbeing.

Supervised indoor and outdoor play and childcare for kids 3 months and older

Only $4 per child per hour; if you have more than two children, additional siblings are free

Regular "parent night out" special events that allow for "drop and go" date nights, kid-free errand running or... a long nap!
Staff undergo an extensive background check and are first aid and CPR certified

Children are entertained with fun activities and games, opportunities to make new friends and myriad indoor/outdoor experiences that help them safely get their "wiggles" out
Want to check it out? Tours are available. The Paseo Club 257-0044
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