Family Time
May, 2020 - Issue #188
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Santa Clarita Library Launches Virtual Storytime
Some of the most magical moments of childhood don't come from the ones you've lived but from the ones you read. Great stories can be like great adventures, and good characters can quickly become good friends. You can travel the world without leaving the page, and learn about yourself while reading someone else's story. But from our experience, the most magic happens when a good book is shared.

Thanks to the City of Santa Clarita Public Library system, your family can continue to share a love of reading with others through a new service. Virtual Storytime is now being hosted on the library's Facebook page every Monday through Thursday at 9:30am. Kids are invited to tune in and tune out as they get lost in a good book. After all, when it comes to inspiring a passion for reading, no child should miss out - even amid crisis.


"Ever since my daughter Ireland (11) starred in her kindergarten play, she dreamt of becoming an actress. Then about 4 years ago, our neighbor told us about the Santa Clarita School of Performing Arts and suggested we attend their Open House. We signed her up the next day, and soon after attending the Saturday auditions and classes, she was signed up with an agency. Her passion for acting and the great teachers here at SCSOPA have helped her star in films such as 'Summon a Fiend' and 'Landing' as well as TV shows like 'Reverie' and 'Zoe Valentine.' Currently she is on set for the 'Grey's Anatomy' spin-off 'Station 19.' She is working hard on her career, and besides filming, she is taking classes with SCSOPA that helps her grow as an actress. Thank you, Mike and the team, for all the support and help in making her dreams come true. I am excited to see my child happy and to watch her grow into a great actress." DON RICHARDS


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Stay Safer at Home with the Safer 3
As we're all spending more time in our houses, many of our daily routines have been completely upended. Amid so much change, it's important to make sure you and your family are practicing water safety at home - especially if your kids have access to a pool or small body of water.

Drowning is the leading cause of accidental death for children under the age of 5 in the state of California, and the second leading cause of accidental death for children under the age of 14. Education and vigilance with your children around water cannot be stressed enough. The Swim for Life Foundation has developed a Safer 3 message, which has been adopted by the National Drowning Prevention Alliance. "Stay Safer" at Home with the Safer 3:

Safer Water - Put upper locks on doors leading to pools or other bodies of water in your yard. Put fences around pools. Put covers on spas. Put pool alarms that sound when the surface water tension has been broken.

Safer Kids - Educate children to never go in or around water without an adult supervisor. Teach them how to help or rescue another who may be struggling in the water without entering the water or putting themselves in danger. Teach them how to call 9-1-1. Teach your children how to swim, and how to float on their backs with their clothes on. Always have a designated water watcher while around any body of water with children. Even excellent young swimmers require supervision.

Safer Response - Learn CPR, so that if you ever do have to rescue your child from the bottom of the pool, precious minutes are not lost while waiting for an ambulance or other emergency responder.
For more information about swimming lessons or water safety,
PLUS a free 25-minute private swim lesson with no obligation,
contact Academy Swim Club at 702-8585, or visit

Home Is Where your Heart Lives
Need a little inspiration? Cuddle up with some of our favorite activities to create everyday magic right at home.
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"Being part of a culture that has been a mainstay of California for over 100 years gives you a unique perspective. We as a people and a community have weathered wild storms before - and thrived once we arrived together safely on shore. What we build together tomorrow will be better than we could have ever imagined because of what we choose to do, think and say today. My husband, a first responder, and all of his peers have asked us to stay home, to stay safe. We'll do that, we will pray, we will plan and we will celebrate our new beginning - together."
Missy Carter, Membership Director of The Saticoy Club
Field Notes from an Indoor Campsite
When you step into a kid's fort, the entire world fades away. All of a sudden, you've entered a dreamland built by imagination and childlike ingenuity. Fluffy pillows and oversized blankets are a must. There are structural challenges to overcome, but its collapsable nature is part of the charm, right? Add twinkly lights to achieve that just-a-spec-in-the-universe kind of feeling. Then let the fun begin.

Here are a few things we love to do in an indoor campsite: look at old pictures or watch home videos; read our favorite adventure-themed books (goofy character voices included); tell the "how we met" and "day you were born" stories that never get old; beg the musical parent to play a song; draw, journal and get creative side-by-side; and most of all, grab every blanket you can find and snuggle the hours away.


"TO ALL THE PARENTS and family members who suddenly have children at home, we recognize your strength; we're in awe of your resilience. You're making it up as you go, and every day your family is healthy is a victory. In the tough moments, remember that we're all learning how to handle this right now, so forgive yourself for missing the mark on perfection this one time. And in the beautiful moments, remember to cherish the magic you're witnessing within your own home. One day, the kids will look back fondly on the time you all embarked on an adventure without ever leaving home. Let these days be special and different and messy and inspired - because that's where the magic happens. And most of all, keep going...
because you're doing just fine."
Your Inside SCV Magazine Family


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Bake Them Happy Banana Bread

• 1 cup sugar
• 4 tablespoons butter
• 1 egg
• 1 cup bananas, mashed
• 1½ cup flour
• ½ teaspoon baking soda
• ½ cup chopped nuts

Preheat oven to 350ºF.
Cream sugar and butter, add egg and beat until smooth.
Add all other ingredients, mixing well.
Bake in greased and floured loaf pan for 50-60 minutes.

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courtesy of shutterstock

A few weeks ago, something AMAZING happened. All the humans came home... and stayed home! Since then, we've had more cuddles than ever, lots of running in the backyard and even an adventure in the car that ended in treats! Yesterday, they tied clothes to their faces and told me we were going for a ride. BEST DAY EVER! I hopped in the car - front seat of course - and stuck my head out the window. When I looked over at Human, she looked as happy as I was with her head out the window, too! Soon, I could see where all this was heading... Pet Supplies Plus! When we pulled up, we didn't even have to get out of the car. They brought the treats to me. But Human had me get out anyway because - BONUS - it was spa day! Full grooming services for yours truly. On the trip home, I tried every treat, and Human seemed particularly happy to have a fresh bag of my food. It's so cute how she worries. When we got home, I wanted to show my appreciation by keeping myself entertained for a few minutes... but she was really weird when I ate the toilet paper. Who knew?
Pet Supplies Plus offers full grooming services, free curbside pickup in 2 hours or less, as well as free delivery within 7 miles and a $35 purchase. Call 670-0071 for details.

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courtesy of shutterstock

"USUALLY OUR LIVES are so packed with games, performances and appointments - we're simply using this time to rediscover and enjoy things we don't normally have time to do."
- Danielle Ewing, Santa Clarita supermom
Boredom Busters:
Tips to Keep Teens Focused & Engaged

Every age group presents its own set of challenges under quarantine, but our teens actually have a special advantage: They're old enough to understand what's going on and process some of the complexities of our current situation. By using this downtime to talk to teens, parents can guide them to make the most of this crazy experience.

One Santa Clarita parent is well on her way to figuring it out. "We've not yet felt bored because it's been so nice to have this space to do things we can't normally fit in our schedules," says local supermom Danielle Ewing. "Usually our lives are so packed with games, performances and appointments, so we're simply using this time to rediscover and enjoy things we don't normally have time to do." Check out some of the tricks and tips that have worked for her three kids - ages 10, 13 and 15 - during the first few weeks of homeschooling.

"Most know me as a BOARD-CERTIFIED SURGEON, but - more than anything else - I am a father and a husband. That's why I have never been so grateful to be a resident of Santa Clarita. As a doctor, I am astounded by the professionalism, compassion and commitment from our medical community and first responders. As a dad, knowing my wife and children are safe at home in Santa Clarita let's me focus on helping our neighbors stay well."
Dr. Justin Heller of Heller Plastic Surgery
Don't Micromanage
Danielle's older two don't need her to create a super-regimented schedule because they're working closely with their teachers to stay on track. But she still provides a quick-and-easy daily checklist for her older kids, so they know what's expected.

Move Your Body "It's so good for their physical, mental and emotional health to keep them moving their bodies," Danielle says, "even though their devices can be so tempting."

Plan for the Future
Since Danielle's son is in 10th grade, he's using this time to really dive deep into college research, and it's been really positive for him to have something to look forward to.

Get Creative
Her son also loves to make music, and has been working on a creative project with friends. By each creating different parts of a song track, they can collaborate virtually and still make music together.

Stay Social
Even When Distanced "My daughter is 13, an age when friendship is super important and it's easy for them to feel that isolation," explains Danielle, "so she's been talking to her friends a lot. I think they process by communicating with each other."

Keep the Faith
Faith has also been important to Danielle and her family, especially during Holy Week. "We don't usually have the time to sit down and go through the Bible readings together, so it's been nice to talk through the stories and hear their questions."
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