Family Time
June, 2020 - Issue #189

Rent the Most Popular Gaming Titles & Consoles
Can't get your hands on the games and consoles you're dying to play right now? GlowHouse Gaming now rents game consoles - including the ever-popular OCULUS VR - so you can bring the fun home! And if you ask a GlowHouse fan, there ain't nothing like a GlowHouse party. With the latest and most popular game titles, a variety of gaming themes and knowledgeable hosts, GlowHouse delivers a one-of-a-kind gaming experience! Their unique, 1,900-square-foot facility is perfect for parties of all kinds, once businesses safely reopen. Leave your guests talking and your kids begging for more time at GlowHouse.

"My son Jacob has been attending Santa Clarita School of Performing Arts (SCSOPA) since fall of 2018. The school has so much to offer, with a huge variety of classes for each age group. But what I love most is how dedicated SCSOPA is to the success of their students. On Saturdays, they set up auditions with real agents in the industry. Within the first week, Jake auditioned for three different agents and got offers from all of them. After choosing our agent, they immediately got Jacob out there doing auditions for pilots, commercials and current running shows on Hulu, Netflix, Disney and Nickelodeon. Jacob has been in two commercials since attending SCSOPA. He likes how nice all the teachers are, he has learned so much in all of his classes, and he says everyone is very supportive and encouraging. He has also made some great new friends. If you're looking for a place your child can feel welcomed and encouraged, while learning from true professionals, SCSOPA is the place to start." THE JANUARY FAMILY

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courtesy of Shutterstock

What I Want for Quarantine
by Philippe the French Bulldog
On behalf of all pups, cool cats and furry friends in the neighborhood, I have a message for my human and all humans. Lately, you've been spending a lot of time at home, which I love. But you've also needed more hugs, extra kisses and a lot of cuddle time on the couch. Which is why I think I've earned a little Quarantine Gift. Woof! Please say yes! This dog's been working overtime, and I love something squeaky! I'll even give you some reasons why.
That time you were stuck in a long, boring video meeting, I sat on your keyboard so you could finally stop working and play with me in the backyard! And remember when you tried to workout in the living room? I cheered you on with so many barks every time you moved! I really gave it my all - I don't know why you never did it again. And when you needed to get work done, I pulled out each page of your book and presented it to you. I know, I'm such a gentleman. I'm always here for you, human - through the good and the bad. So please get me a Quarantine Present! You can even shop online and get curbside pick up with Pets Supplies Plus.
courtesy of Shutterstock
courtesy of Shutterstock

Protect your Kids Against the Leading Cause of Accidental Death
With summer heating up and most of us staying home, our backyard pools are going to be seeing more action than ever before. That means we'll need to be more vigilant than ever before - when it comes to water safety.
Drowning is the leading cause of accidental death for children under the age of 5 in the state of California, and the second leading cause of accidental death for children under the age of 14. Education cannot be stressed enough. The Stop Drowning Now Foundation has developed a "Safer 3" message, which includes:
Safer Water Install fencing around pools, water surface break alarms in pools, and alarms on doors leading outside.
Safer Kids Educate children to never go in or near water without an adult supervisor. Teach them how to call 9-1-1. Enroll you children in formal swim lessons. Always supervise swimmers, no matter how excellent you think they are.
Safer Response Learn CPR, so that if you ever do have to rescue your child from the bottom of the pool, precious minutes are not lost while waiting for an emergency responder.
courtesy of Shutterstock
courtesy of Shutterstock

Explore & Connect While Staying Socially Distant
Social distancing may make life feel limiting at times, but there are still ways to connect, have fun and feel the sun on your skin. You just have to get a little creative. Imagine hearing nothing but the steady clapping of horse hooves and the sound of your family's laughter. You're on local terrain surrounded by fresh air, and you're telling your favorite family stories while riding safely on horseback - away and together at the same time. The Santa Clarita Valley Equestrian Center hosts private trail rides with professional guides all year long, and right now, the weather is perfect. They also offer summer camp sessions on weekdays, and there's so much to explore for kids of all ages. There's no reason to feel limited during this time - especially when the SCV Equestrian Center is right in our backyard.

New Routines for Regular Oral Care
Home-based digital education has many households out of whack when it comes to a daily schedule. While it might now be standard practice to have kids show up to "school" in pajamas, it's still a good idea to keep some former plans in place. "Lots of families are becoming more lax on the schedule, and that's generally a good thing," says Dr. Marvin Tong, DDS. "But proper oral hygiene should still be a priority."
In the end, it's not so important when the kids go to bed as it is what they do right before and, ideally, after each meal. "Brushing at least twice a day, for a full 2 minutes, is the first defense against cavities," says the family-practice dentist. "When we're back to normal, parents will be grateful that those first dental checkups are problem-free."
And, if you do find yourself with more time on your hands? "This is a fantastic opportunity to step up your family's oral care. So many of us don't floss daily or correctly. Watch a YouTube video tutorial as a family, and make it a fun addition to your home education! Learning the hows and whys of flossing at a young age will keep kids healthier for a lifetime," says Dr. Tong.
Dr. Marvin Tong, DDS 268-6284
courtesy of Shutterstock
courtesy of Shutterstock

Six Life Lessons from a 2020 Graduate
The 2019-2020 academic school year taught us all many lessons about what's truly important. It shaped the next generation of leaders with an irreversible sense of community, strength and compassion. Here are a few of the most important lessons learned, from SCV resident and recent graduate, Timmy Angelo:
1. Tell your loved ones how much they mean to you as often as possible because life is short, and tragedy is always one second away.
2. This past year has taught me that life does not always go the way you want or expect it to. You have to be able to move forward with a positive mindset and make the best of every situation.
3. Personally, I would like to change the way teenagers interact on a daily basis. I think social media has consumed most of our lives, and I find it more beneficial to communicate in person.
4. I am most proud of receiving an academic scholarship to attend a four-year university.
5. I would like to thank my parents, my sisters and the rest of my family members for helping me along the way. Everything I have accomplished would not be possible without them.
6. To my graduating class of 2020, we have been through a lot this year, but it only makes us stronger. Thank you all for being a part of my life. I wish the best for all of you!
Timmy Angelo is a graduating senior at Saugus High School.

The Next Great Adventure
When SCVi opened its doors in 2008 the words "Inspiring a life-long love of learning, with the skills to lead in the 21st century." greeted all who entered, and 12 years later that commitment couldn't be better proved in how well SCVi has prepared this class of 2020.
As changes in the education landscape have unfolded for families across the state over the past two months the only thing that has become more clear is that the future of education is uncertain. We're all sailing in uncharted waters. But one thing we know is this: SCVi's education philosophy is dedicated to guiding young people to see themselves as life-long learners.
To our amazing graduating class of 2020, we are proud of each and every one of you. And while we can't tell you what the future has in store for you, we know that the world is a better place because you will be venturing out to make a difference. Be it on a college campus, learning a trade, or traveling around the world...
"Wherever the winds may take you, let them lift you sails towards your dreams as you continue learning on this great adventure called life."
Cheryl Sena, iLEAD SCVi Senior

How to Support the Class of 2020
We're in this together. If you're in a position to help a recent college grad, don't hesitate.
Reach out, make a connection and have an impact!
Help with resumes and job searches
Offer to be a mentor
Invite them to your next tele-conference on Zoom so they can get a taste of your industry
Develop tele-internship opportunities
Buy them a curbside-delivered meal
Hire them to tutor your homeschooled kid while they're waiting for that job offer
Pay them to teach you Powerpoint, social media and Canva
Encourage them to keep up with their field by gifting subscriptions to their industry's professional journals
Weigh the pros and cons of continued education, certifications and graduate school with them
Hire them!
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