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Enrollment for Mommy & Me Classes Now Open
Is your little one between the ages of 18 months and 3 years? Then put on your comfiest clothes and head to L.Y.T.E Dance Academy to bond with your child while fostering creativity, early socialization skills, muscle development and more.
L.Y.T.E Dance Academy 476-5715
"Mike, Cindy, Miriam and the staff at Santa Clarita School of Performing Arts have created a close-knit culture and environment where growth and camaraderie among the kids and parents flourish. Not only do the students learn, they make each class a fun engaging experience. Each week, different LA agencies come out to the school where the kids can audition for representation. To my surprise, my son Caleb was given the opportunity to audition for not one, but two agents on our very first visit. Mike's eye for talent, encouraging words and expertise gave my son the confidence he needed. One week later, Caleb was signed! SCSOPA's class schedules offer a range of courses from modeling to voiceovers to character building and scene studies. This allowed my son to develop the skills needed to audition for real casting calls. After attending the school for three months, Caleb landed a role on an upcoming TV series! Additional services are available to assist for auditions like coaching, self-tapes and voice recording. If you are looking to build confidence, grow your budding star and get your feet into the entertainment industry look no further!"
the Magpali family
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Save your Furniture & Please your Pets
Chewing and scratching got you down? Pick up pet supplies that encourage healthy chewing and scratching.
Give your dog a better choice than chewing on your furniture with Kongs. The popular pet toy is available in many varieties to meet your dog's age and chewing needs. You can even put treats like peanut butter - or their dinner! - inside of them. It'll slow them down so they don't eat so fast, helping with digestion. Bully sticks are a great choice, too, but - as a digestible treat - they should only be given when supervised.
For the cats, catnip toys and interactive playthings will please your finicky whiskered family member, keeping them busy and happy. And if you don't yet have a kitty condo, it's time! Cats naturally like to find a high spot to survey the land. Kitty condos also provide a place to scratch appropriately and hide when they want to feel safe.
Pet Supplies Plus is locally owned and operated - and thanks Santa Clarita for its support! 670-0071
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Wholesome! New Fall & Winter Courses at Gilchrist Farm
Want to learn how to throw an ax or shoot an arrow? How about spinning wool, crocheting or foraging? Learn how to use a sewing machine? Ride a horse? Care for farm animals? There's options for every age and ability at Gilchrist Farm, where dedicated craftspeople and animal experts help you and your crew connect to screen-free experiences that promote confidence, compassion, patience and fun!
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It's The Little Things
by Jay Siegel
Every little decision we make can have a huge impact. A person was hired to paint a boat. While painting, he noticed there was a leak in the bottom and he decided to mend it. He collected his money for the paint job and went away. The next day, the owner of the boat came to the painter with a large check. The painter was surprised. "You have already paid me," he said. "But this is not for the paint. It is for mending the leak in the boat." "That was so small a thing that I did not even charge you for it. Surely you are not paying me this huge amount for so small a thing?"
"Let me tell you what happened. When I asked you to paint the boat, I had forgotten to mention the leak. When the boat was dry, my children took the boat and went fishing. When I found that they had gone out in the boat, I was frantic. Imagine my relief and happiness when I saw them coming back safe. I examined the boat and saw that you had repaired the leak. Now you see what you have done? You have saved the lives of my children! I haven't enough money to repay you for your 'little' good deed."
This story highlights that every action we take, whether little or big, has an effect. Often, we will never know the impact of our behavior, yet if we choose the next right indicated action, we can influence the world to be a little more pleasant.
Jay Siegel is the rabbi of Congregation Beth Shalom. 254-2411
Chelsea and Piotr Orzechowski welcomed sweet Charlotte Wynn into the world on July 7, 2021.