photography by Desiree Keoshian |
A Professional Organizer's Take on Back to School
by Chantell Dennis
The school year has begun! We are trading in summer sleep-ins and relaxed schedules to early-morning wake ups and routines.
One of my favorite quotes is, "begin as you mean to go." Envision how you would like the school year to look; what you want your family meals and routines be; how homework should be handled; etc. - then make plans to put these into practice at the beginning. Here's a few tips to keep you and your family organized this school year.
Create a Shared Virtual or Written Family Calendar
Put down any school events, sports schedules and extracurriculars your children will be participating in this year. Make sure everyone is on the same page by going over it at the beginning of every month and touching base at the beginning of the week.
Keep Kids' Clothing Organized
Children grow quickly and sizes can change even during the school year. To help keep their clothing organized, place bins in each closet that are labeled "too big," "too small" and "donate." When the bins become full, it's time to relocate by donating or saving for the next child.
Meal Plan for the Win
Something that has helped keep me from last-minute fast-food or restaurant runs is creating a meal plan for the week. Consider having weekly themed meals like Taco Tuesday and Pasta Thursday for an easy routine or create crockpot meals that can slow cook during the day. Planning ahead of time can save time and money in the long run.
Be a Homework Helper
If you haven't already, find a designated space for your child to sit down and do their homework. Set the expectation that school work is to be started or finished at a certain time. This is just as important for you as it is for your child. If you start off together this way, they will get used to the routine. Add a caddie of their favorite school supplies in an easy-to-reach spot to make starting and finishing homework as efficient as possible.
When you have routines and organizational systems in place, it can help keep your home running smoothly. Gift yourself the time and energy to make room for the people and things that matter the most. Begin as you mean to go and you will be ready for whatever this school year may bring.
Chantell Dennis is owner of Simply Organized Company. 293-7611
 courtesy of Shutterstock |
Gilchrist Farm Strikes Gold Again
with New Gold Rush & Gemstone Mining Experience
"There's gold in them thar hills!" You and your child can now dig for real gemstones and learn how real-life gold miners discovered their fortunes at Gilchrist Farm in Santa Clarita. Perfect for weekend family adventures and school field trips alike, this authentic, educational opportunity is a screen-free way to teach kids about California's golden history. Your little miner will leave with a smile - and pockets full of gemstones like amethyst, citrine, quartz, ruby, emerald, calcite, topaz, opal and more!
Gilchrist Farm 733-5938
"My name is Rachel DeAngelis, reigning Miss Teen West Coast 2022 and Miss Teen Washington United States. Six years ago, I was introduced to the Santa Clarita School of Performing Arts through the Miss West Coast Pageant. When I walked into my first modeling class, Mike welcomed me with open arms and made me feel like family. I fell in love with it! The teachers are very knowledgeable about the industry and the instructors make it super fun. Saturdays are my favorite because talent agencies are having meet and greets and many times there are casting directors there, too. I have taken different kinds of classes including voiceover, improvisation, scene study, monologue, audition technique and my favorite class: runway modeling. SCSOPA has taught me so much about how to act in front of the camera and how to prepare for auditions. Through this school and its connections, I have been blessed to appear in 900 publications, including Harper's Baazar, Glamour, LA Fashion Week, CVS, Hilton Hotel, Macy's and Best Buy."
Rachel DeAngelis
 courtesy of Shutterstock |
"Fall school schedules are the perfect excuse to get your family back on their oral hygiene game! Summer's late nights and trips can get in the way of consistent flossing, brushing and dental appointments. Now's the time to refocus on our family's ORAL HEALTH."
Dr. Marvin Tong, DDS 268-6284
A very Important Halloween Heads Up
Hoping for a very specific Halloween costume? Have kids who simply must be festooned in the garb of their favorite superhero/animal/cartoon character on October 31? Then the time to shop is... now. Scary (Pun intended!) supply-chain issues could throw a jack-o-lantern or two into your fall-fun plans, so head to SCV's longtime fave costume shop - A Chorus Line in Valencia - or shop their collection online with in-store pick up at achorusline.net. Have a special request? Give them a call.
A Chorus Line Dancewear & Costumes 253-0300
That's GOOD NEWS Santa Clarita!
Violet Garner, an SCV native and COC alum, has been selected for the prestigious Television Academy Foundation Internship program. She is one of just 40 students chosen by Television Academy members from across the country for the 2022 Program. The Foundation's annual Internship Program provides eight-week paid internships at top Hollywood studios and production companies to college students nationwide.