Family Time
August, 2008 - Issue #46
Play "Name that Cupcake" and Win!

One of Babe's Dessert Bar's most popular offerings is the Specialty Stuffed Cupcake. If you haven't tried a "Smore's a Lot" (chocolate cake stuffed with melted chocolate bars and graham crackers topped with marshmallow frosting) or Strawberry Shortcake (white cake stuffed with fresh berries and whipped cream, topped with more whipped cream!) - you haven't lived!

Now it's your turn to create the most delicious (and clever) stuffed cupcake. Families, kids and singles are encouraged to channel their inner sweet tooth and devise a new, exceptional cupcake combination - and then name it!

Cupcakes will be taste tested by a panel of prestigious cupcake connoisseurs and the winning entry will be permanently placed on the Stuffed Cupcake menu. Plus, the winner will be rewarded with a dozen cupcakes of their design and will be featured in the store, as well as an issue of Inside SCV Magazine.

E-mail your suggestions to and include your first and last name(s), as well as your hometown. Winners will be contacted via e-mail. Entries become the property of Babe's Dessert Bar.

Disciplining Toddlers
Q: I hear so many things about discipline and punishment. Do you have any tips for us as parents of a toddler?

Parents try to help their children develop a strong sense of self-confidence and self-esteem, but need to remember that discipline and rules are important, too. You need to pick your battles with children of all ages, followed by clear messages and limits.

Picking your battles is the first and most important step. If you decide that you really don't want Julia to write on the wall with that marker in her hand, you need to tell her so. It is best to do this in a clear tone and without asking her "OK?" at the end.

We suggest counting to three to give your child a chance to do what you're asking. You might say: "put down the marker" (clear instruction) ... "by the time I count to three" (chance to think about it) ... "or you're going to get a time-out" (consequence). Then count to three with no fractions, and with a set rhythm, and always get all the way to "three" (even if she complies after a count of two). Counting allows her to consider following your instruction and over time, she will use that time to make decisions and she will feel more in control.
Drs. Paul and Daphne Horowitz have opened
Discovery Pediatrics, Inc, a unique pediatrics
practice in Valencia 259-8999.

Friday, August 15 to Sunday, August 17
"Thirty One" Women's Getaway/Retreat

Sponsored by Frontline Community Church, women will experience a relaxing two days of fun in the sun in Ventura;

Tuesday evenings from August 26 through September 16
Moonlight Kayaking Class

Families and singles are welcome to join a basic instructional kayaking class for only $79 (with your own kayak) or $89 (with kayak supplied). Course emphasis will be on basic instruction and paddling techniques. You'll become more confident using your kayak while taking in the lovely evening lake scenery. A special bonus: the very skilled instructor is highly familiar with the birds and wildlife of the region, making for an even more enjoyable, leisurely experience. Register online at
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