Fit Family
September, 2013 - Issue #107
Changing Goals, Staying Happy
by Kyle Robinson

Summer is flying by and many of us have succeeded in some goals and missed some others; we call this life. From a runner's stand point this can, at times, raise some tough questions like, "Why does this hurt? Shouldn't I feel fresher? Is this still fun?" In my case, I burned out on road running. I was running good times, but it was becoming a job and not a joy. Then I started trail running and it became more about distance and vertical gain rather than pacing or splits - and it was fun. I talked to some friends and coworkers and changed up my trail shoes, which made it even more fun. I am having a blast doing all kinds of trails - but that isn't the only answer. Like our feet and shoes, we are all different. Whether you want to train for an Ultra (Anything past 26.2 miles.), do a 5K or just go for evening walks, enjoying it is the way to make the most of it. That is why we at Runners Lane want to help you with comfort and enjoyment, no matter what it is you do. Runners Lane 260-3368

Courtesy of Shutterstock
Courtesy of Shutterstock

It's Paseo Club's
10-year Anniversary and they're Giving
You a Gift!

The Paseo Club, beloved by members for its exceptional fitness, tennis and social options for everyone in the family, is celebrating a decade in SCV. The theme of the club is to "create memories" and is embodied within their friendly staff, relaxing atmosphere and beautiful grounds that make you feel like you are on vacation. Here is your chance to start making memories of your own. Join this month and take advantage of "no initiation" when you sign a one-year commitment. The Paseo Club offers a broad spectrum of opportunities to work out in their three-level fitness center, hit some balls on the court, take a Zumba class or simply enjoy a massage at their spa. Tours are available so call today! 257-0044
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