Kid's Review
My Thanksgiving
November, 2005 - Issue #13
For me, Thanksgiving is defined by three words: family, tradition, and of course, thankfulness - thinking about the things for which I am thankful. It is about gratitude and happiness for what I have. Yet, what would this splendid holiday be without having a traditional Thanksgiving feast complete with turkey, mashed potatoes, and warm bread? Every November, we spend the whole day appreciating what we have, such as our family, our home, our pets, and even our loved possessions.

Like most families, my family has several Thanksgiving traditions. To me, the most special is eating at my grandparent's house, although we did have to make an exception the year their house was being remodeled. That year, we celebrated at my house but my Grandpa had to come over very early that morning to teach my parents how to prepare the meal. They worked like a team and the meal was delicious. At Thanksgiving, I am excited to play with my three cousins, Zachary, Cameron, and Griffin. All of my aunts and uncles attend, and of course, my grandparents. We all help get the table ready and cook the meal supervised by the head chef, my Grandpa. However, we kids usually stay outside and play with the dogs J.B., Jonah, and now, Jake. Of course, every family has their traditional Thanksgiving meal - for us, this includes two turkeys and the best mashed potatoes on Earth.

We also have what we call the Thankful Book, which is a tradition my Grandma started many years ago. Each year, my Grandma asks us to write a personal message about the things for which we are most grateful. The little kids usually just draw a picture. I write about how glad I am that I have such a wonderful family and a gorgeous home. Looking back in the book's earlier pages, I can see my drawings of horses and people which I drew before I could write. Like almost everyone else, I have no problem writing a paragraph or two, which usually takes up over half a page. I have to admit that the men in the family do not enjoy this tradition very much! For my dad and some of the other men, it is hard for them to write even one sentence. Yet, it is fun to see everyone's perspective of this family-oriented holiday.

I am grateful for so many things throughout the year, but it is nice to have one special day where everyone acknowledges their blessings.
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