Kid's Review
Private Party at Magic Mountain
February, 2006 - Issue #16
Recently, my grandpa bought a private party roller coaster tour at Magic Mountain. The auction item included unlimited time for 25 lucky people on five of the most popular roller coasters at Six Flags (X, Goliath, Colossus, Scream, and Riddler's Revenge). What fun!

Our first ride of the night was X. I had only been on X once about a year ago but I loved it. One of my friends had been on it once before too, but she had not had as great of an experience. Another friend was determined to go on the imposing ride, but only once, even if she liked it. As it turns out, they both rode X more times than I did (and both paid for it with stomachaches later). Some members of our group rode X as much as 16 times that night, but I settled for six rides.

Next, we headed over to Goliath. As you probably know, many people consider this the scariest ride at the park (but I am not sure why because I love it!). One of my friends was a little nervous to try it; however, once again, we had a blast and rode Goliath seven times.

Our third coaster of the night was Colossus. This rickety ride was included on the roller coaster tour but it gave us such an unpleasant body massage that we only rode this coaster twice.

We excitedly headed off to Scream, which we rode so many times that I lost count. The shoes I wore that night were very loose so I had been taking them off on the wildest rides for fear that they would fly away. Consequently, my feet were freezing and so were my legs because I was wearing shorts in the middle of winter. Brrr! By this point, some of the people in our party were starting to feel the effects of so many G forces.

Last on our tour was my personal favorite: Riddler's Revenge. My goofy friends stated that they were going to sit out the first round so they would not feel as sick, but once we arrived, we all rushed to ride it immediately. Trying to count the loops was tough ... was it four, five or even six? Whatever it was, we all thought this ride was the best!

Sadly, our roller coaster tour ended. By this point, some of the group was feeling extremely nauseous.

I imagine our private roller coaster tour was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and for a few of our friends, that is probably a good thing!


Jolie is still dizzy from her fun-filled night at Magic Mountain.
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