Kid's Review
For a Fun Hobby, Think about Collecting
May, 2006 - Issue #19
Collecting is a fun hobby for kids of all ages. You can collect almost anything you love or feel proud of, like soccer medals, model horses, stuffed animals, jewelry, books, whatever is your passion.

I love horses and have a huge collection of Breyer models. My bedroom is decorated entirely around a horse theme. I even have one wall that looks like a barn complete with wood siding, a barn door and horse mural. My sister recently began collecting Madame Alexander dolls so she has them lined up on shelves in her bedroom. Being a collector makes it easy for friends and family to choose gifts you will love for Christmas, Hanukah and birthdays.

It is easy to become a collector once you have decided on which special item will be the focus of your collection. It is a good idea to create a special place to keep your collection and best if you make room for new additions as your collection grows. In my case, I have an entire China cabinet overflowing with all types of horses. I place my most special collectibles on the shelves where the cabinet lights can light them up.

In my opinion, a good collectible is one that has been around a while yet has new versions being produced all the time. It is exciting to wait for the latest edition of your collectible. I do not advise you to choose something that will quickly bore you, unless of course you simply love the concept of collecting.

You may be wondering, what are some advantages of collecting? I like showing my collection off to my friends, even if it is a little goofy. When I am bored or inside on a rainy day, I can entertain myself by rearranging my mini-horses. Collections last longer than clothes and are a better investment. When you finally tire of them, older and well-cared-for collections might become valuable if they can be sold or passed down to the next generation. It is fun to see your collection grow larger and larger, even if you only get a couple additions every year.

There is really only one thing I do not like about my personal collection. My Breyer horses are very fragile. I am sure my dad has repaired more horse legs than he cares to. Regardless of their fragility, I am very proud of my entire horse collection.
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