Kid's Review
Bumper Cars on Ice are the Perfect Summer Treat
June, 2006 - Issue #20
Now that the weather has finally warmed up, people are looking for a fun activity they can do without having to worry about getting sunburn. Ice skating is one of the few summer outings that meets this requirement. However, if ice skating is not your "thing," why not try bumper cars on ice?

That's right, Ice Station Valencia is now home to bumper cars on ice. The next time you want to do something cool with friends or family, head over to the Ice Station for a slippery bumper car ride.

The bumper cars are only open on Friday and Saturday night and on Sunday afternoons. Be sure to check their website at so that you do not show up on a day when they are not available. That happened to me the first time we went. The next time was great because there were no lines. Don't worry about finding large weekend crowds; it was easy to get right on although it could become busier as the temperature climbs.

Before arriving, you have to remember a couple of things. First of all, it's called the "Ice" Station for a reason: it will be cold. Dress warmly with at least one heavy jacket, gloves and a scarf. Sandals or flip-flops are not the best choice of footwear, so be sure to wear tennis shoes because you will not be wearing ice skates while driving. In addition, you have to be taller than the walls surrounding the bumper car area to drive alone, so younger kids will need a bumper-car buddy.

To get the hardest hit, I suggest moving to one end of the rink, turning around, and going head-on into the other car after reaching full speed. If you steer in a certain direction, your car will spin in circles, allowing you a 360 view of who is coming after you. When in a jam, putting your bumper car in reverse will quickly lead you out of a slippery situation. You will quickly get used to the bumpers cars sliding across the ice and learn to use it to your advantage. On those over-100 degree days soon to come, remember the coolest place in town in still the Ice Station Valencia.


Jolie is one mean, lean, ice-bumper-car drivin' machine. She was also selected to be on the Rio Norte Yearbook Team for 2006-2007.
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