Kid's Review
"Stargirl" is Perfect Summer Reading for Pre-teen to Young Adult
August, 2006 - Issue #22
Mica Area High School was just like any other. Everything about MAHS could be described as average, until Stargirl showed up. There was nothing ordinary about her, from her personality, looks, and even her pet was unusual. Students didn't know what to do with her; she couldn't be compared with anyone they had ever seen before.

The award-winning novel, "Stargirl," by Jerry Spinelli is a must-read for all young adults. The enchanting tale is one of "nonconformity... perils of popularity...and the thrill and inspiration of first love." I loved the story of Stargirl and Leo, her individuality and Leo's desperation to have everyone see how wonderful she really is.

When school got back in session after summer break, something at Mica High was amiss. As Leo Borlock walked down the halls, he heard hushed whispers of, "Did you see her?" Finally, he saw her, Stargirl, at lunch strumming her ukulele as she twirled out of the cafeteria. For the first few weeks, students gave her space, not sure what to do with the creature that has been thrown amongst them.

All of a sudden, Stargirl became popular. Everyone wanted to sit by her and be her friend. They embraced her individuality and found their own ways to be different. When she became a cheerleader, the basketball team had a winning season! The golden age of Stargirl ends with a tomato thrust in her face, just as Leo is beginning to fall in love with her.

It is right after a disastrous school talk show when the shunning begins. It was as if Stargirl never existed, and when Leo started hanging out with her, he also became a victim of the students' ignorance. He realized that he must choose between Stargirl and the students of Mica High. Unable to decide, he convinces Stargirl to become normal and shed everything that has ever made her different.

To find out what else happens in Stargirl, you will have to read the book. Seemingly a favorite of English teachers, Stargirl is available in most bookstores in Santa Clarita. So pull up a chair and be prepared to be enchanted as you are engulfed by the story of Stargirl and her year at Mica High.


Jolie thinks that everyone should embrace the "Stargirl" within them.
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